$poll->id, "title" => $poll->title, "creation_date" => $poll->creation_date, "options" => $poll->options, ]; if ($with_delete_token === true) $array['delete_token'] = $poll->delete_token; return $array; } Flight::route("POST /polls", function () { $request = Flight::request(); if ($request->type === "application/json") { $request_json = $request->data; $poll = Poll::create_poll($request_json); if ($poll) Flight::json(format_poll($poll, true), 201); else Flight::halt(403, "

403 Forbidden

Invalid data.

"); } else Flight::halt(403, "

403 Forbidden

Invalid Content-Type.

"); }); Flight::route("GET /polls/@id:[a-fA-F0-9]+", function ($id) { $poll = Poll::load_poll($id); if ($poll) { if (Flight::request()->type === "application/json") Flight::json(format_poll($poll)); else { Flight::render("poll", ["poll" => $poll], "body_content"); Flight::render("layout"); } } else Flight::notFound(); }); // POST /polls/:id/vote // Take an array of options and add a vote for each given option. Flight::route("POST /polls/@id:[a-fA-F0-9]+/vote", function ($id) { $poll = Poll::load_poll($id); if ($poll) { if (Flight::request()->type === "application/json") { if (isset(Flight::request()->data["options"]) && is_array(Flight::request()->data["options"])) { // Check that an options id array exists. //TODO Check that only the authorized number of options are selected. $poll->vote(Flight::request()->data["options"]); // Vote for the given options. // Then save and show poll data. $poll->save(); Flight::json(format_poll($poll)); } else Flight::halt(403, "

403 Forbidden

Invalid data.

"); } else { if (isset(Flight::request()->data["options"])) { // Check that any data has been sent. $selected_options = Flight::request()->data["options"]; if (is_string($selected_options)) { // If it is a string, input[type="radio"] were used so only one option is selected. $poll->vote([intval($selected_options)]); // Vote for the selected option. $poll->save(); Flight::redirect("/polls/$id/results"); // Redirect to the results. } //TODO: Multiple options case. else Flight::redirect("/polls/$id"); // Error: Redirect to the vote page. } else Flight::redirect("/polls/$id"); // Error: Redirect to the vote page. //TODO Error code in query parameters? } } else Flight::notFound(); }); Flight::route("GET|DELETE /polls/@id:[a-fA-F0-9]+/@token:[a-fA-F0-9]+", function ($id, $token) { $poll = Poll::load_poll($id); if ($poll) { if ($poll->delete_token !== $token) Flight::halt(401, "

401 Unauthorized

Invalid token.

"); $poll->delete(); if (Flight::request()->type === "application/json") Flight::json(format_poll($poll), 204); else { Flight::redirect('/'); } } else Flight::notFound(); }); Flight::route("/", function () { global $VERLAINE; Flight::render("home", ["app_url" => $VERLAINE["app_url"]], "body_content"); Flight::render("layout"); }); Flight::start();