# Browser ID3 Writer [![npm package][npm-badge]][npm] [![Travis][build-badge]][build] [build-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/egoroof/browser-id3-writer/master.svg?style=flat-square [build]: https://travis-ci.org/egoroof/browser-id3-writer [npm-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/browser-id3-writer.svg?style=flat-square [npm]: https://www.npmjs.org/package/browser-id3-writer Pure JS library for writing [ID3 (v2.3)](http://id3.org/id3v2.3.0) tag to MP3 files in browsers and Node.js. It can't read the tag so use another lib to do it. **Note**: the library removes existing ID3 tag (v2.2, v2.3 and v2.4). Works in Node.js 4+, IE10+ and all modern browsers. Here is an online demonstration: [egoroof.ru/browser-id3-writer/](https://egoroof.ru/browser-id3-writer/) ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Browser](#browser) 1. [Get ArrayBuffer of song](#get-arraybuffer-of-song) 2. [Add a tag](#add-a-tag) 3. [Save file](#save-file) 4. [Memory control](#memory-control) - [Node.js](#nodejs) - [Supported frames](#supported-frames) - [APIC picture types](#apic-picture-types) ## Installation Take latest version [here](https://unpkg.com/browser-id3-writer) or with npm: ``` npm install browser-id3-writer --save ``` ## Usage ### Browser #### Get ArrayBuffer of song In browsers you should first get [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer) of the song you would like to add ID3 tag. ##### FileReader For example you can create file input and use [FileReader](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/FileReader): ```html ``` ##### XMLHttpRequest To get arrayBuffer from remote server you can use [XMLHttpRequest](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest): ```js const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', urlToSongFile, true); xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status === 200) { const arrayBuffer = xhr.response; // go next } else { // handle error console.error(xhr.statusText + ' (' + xhr.status + ')'); } }; xhr.onerror = function() { // handle error console.error('Network error'); }; xhr.send(); ``` #### Add a tag Create new `ID3Writer` instance with arrayBuffer of your song, set frames and add a tag: ```js // arrayBuffer of song or empty arrayBuffer if you just want only id3 tag without song const writer = new ID3Writer(arrayBuffer); writer.setFrame('TIT2', 'Home') .setFrame('TPE1', ['Eminem', '50 Cent']) .setFrame('TALB', 'Friday Night Lights') .setFrame('TYER', 2004) .setFrame('TRCK', '6/8') .setFrame('TCON', ['Soundtrack']) .setFrame('TBPM', 128) .setFrame('WPAY', 'https://google.com') .setFrame('TKEY', 'Fbm') .setFrame('APIC', { type: 3, data: coverArrayBuffer, description: 'Super picture' }); writer.addTag(); ``` #### Save file Now you can save it to file as you want: ```js const taggedSongBuffer = writer.arrayBuffer; const blob = writer.getBlob(); const url = writer.getURL(); ``` For example you can save file using [FileSaver.js](https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/): ```js saveAs(blob, 'song with tags.mp3'); ``` If you are writing chromium extension you can save file using [Downloads API](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/downloads): ```js chrome.downloads.download({ url: url, filename: 'song with tags.mp3' }); ``` #### Memory control When you generate URLs via `writer.getURL()` you should know that whole file is kept in memory until you close the page or move to another one. So if you generate lots of URLs in a single page you should manually free memory after you finish downloading file: ```js URL.revokeObjectURL(url); // if you know url or writer.revokeURL(); // if you have access to writer ``` ### Node.js Simple example with blocking IO: ```js const ID3Writer = require('browser-id3-writer'); const fs = require('fs'); const songBuffer = fs.readFileSync('path_to_song.mp3'); const coverBuffer = fs.readFileSync('path_to_cover.jpg'); const writer = new ID3Writer(songBuffer); writer.setFrame('TIT2', 'Home') .setFrame('TPE1', ['Eminem', '50 Cent']) .setFrame('TALB', 'Friday Night Lights') .setFrame('TYER', 2004) .setFrame('APIC', { type: 3, data: coverBuffer, description: 'Super picture' }); writer.addTag(); const taggedSongBuffer = Buffer.from(writer.arrayBuffer); fs.writeFileSync('song_with_tags.mp3', taggedSongBuffer); ``` You can also create only ID3 tag without song and use it as you want: ```js const writer = new ID3Writer(Buffer.alloc(0)); writer.padding = 0; // default 4096 writer.setFrame('TIT2', 'Home'); writer.addTag(); const id3Buffer = Buffer.from(writer.arrayBuffer); ``` ## Supported frames Have not found needed frame? Open a new issue and we'll discuss it. **array of strings:** - TPE1 (song artists) - TCOM (song composers) - TCON (song genres) **string** - TIT2 (song title) - TALB (album title) - TPE2 (album artist) - TPE3 (conductor/performer refinement) - TPE4 (interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by) - TRCK (song number in album): '5' or '5/10' - TPOS (album disc number): '1' or '1/3' - TPUB (label name) - TKEY (initial key) - TMED (media type) - WCOM (commercial information) - WCOP (copyright/Legal information) - WOAF (official audio file webpage) - WOAR (official artist/performer webpage) - WOAS (official audio source webpage) - WORS (official internet radio station homepage) - WPAY (payment) - WPUB (publishers official webpage) **integer** - TLEN (song duration in milliseconds) - TYER (album release year) - TBPM (beats per minute) **object** - COMM (comments): ```js writer.setFrame('COMM', { description: 'description here', text: 'text here' }); ``` - USLT (unsychronised lyrics): ```js writer.setFrame('USLT', { description: 'description here', lyrics: 'lyrics here' }); ``` - TXXX (user defined text): ```js writer.setFrame('TXXX', { description: 'description here', value: 'value here' }); ``` - APIC (attached picture): ```js writer.setFrame('APIC', { type: 3, data: coverArrayBuffer, description: 'description here', useUnicodeEncoding: false }); ``` `useUnicodeEncoding` should only be `true` when description contains non-Western characters. When it's set to `true` some program might not be able to read the picture correctly. See [#42](https://github.com/egoroof/browser-id3-writer/issues/42). ## APIC picture types | Type | Name | |------|-------------------------------------| | 0 | Other | | 1 | 32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only) | | 2 | Other file icon | | 3 | Cover (front) | | 4 | Cover (back) | | 5 | Leaflet page | | 6 | Media (e.g. lable side of CD) | | 7 | Lead artist/lead performer/soloist | | 8 | Artist/performer | | 9 | Conductor | | 10 | Band/Orchestra | | 11 | Composer | | 12 | Lyricist/text writer | | 13 | Recording Location | | 14 | During recording | | 15 | During performance | | 16 | Movie/video screen capture | | 17 | A bright coloured fish | | 18 | Illustration | | 19 | Band/artist logotype | | 20 | Publisher/Studio logotype |