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synced 2024-12-26 06:17:54 +01:00
Crear gl e primeiras cadeas
galician translation - create and first text chains
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
title = SpotiFlyer
about = Acerca de
history = Historial
donate = Doar
preferences = Preferencias
search = Buscar
supportedPlatforms = Plataformas soportadas
supportDevelopment = Desenvolvemento
openProjectRepo = Open Project Repo
starOrForkProject = Comezar / Clonar o proxecto en Github.
help = Axuda
translate = Traducir
helpTranslateDescription = Axúdanos a traducir esta app ao teu idioma.
supportDeveloper = Axuda ao desenvolvedor
donateDescription = Se cres que merezo cobrar polo meu traballo, podes axudarme aquí.
share = Compartir
shareDescription = Comparte esta app coas túas amizades e familia.
whatWentWrong = Que fallou...
copyToClipboard = Copiar ao portapapeis.
copyCodeInGithubIssue = Copia e pega o código de aquí embaixo cando informes en GitHub / Informa deste fallo para axudarme.
status = Estado
analytics = Analytics
analyticsDescription = Os teus datos están anonimizados e nun se comparten con terceiras partes.
noHistoryAvailable = Sen historial dispoñible
cleaningAndExiting = Limpando e saíndo.
total = Total
completed = Completado
failed = Fallou
exit = Saír
downloading = Descargando
processing = Procesando
queued = Na cola
setDownloadDirectory = Directorio de descarga
downloadDirectorySetTo = As descargas gárdanse en: {0}
noWriteAccess = SEN PERMISO DE ESCRITURA en: {0} , volvendo á configuración anterior
shareMessage = Ola, mira esta app para descargar música http://github.com/Shabinder/SpotiFlyer
grantAnalytics = Permitir Analytics
noInternetConnection = Sen conexión a internet!
checkInternetConnection = Comproba a túa conexión á rede.
grantPermissions = Conceder permisos
requiredPermissions = Permisos requeridos:
storagePermission = Permisos de almacenaxe.
storagePermissionReason = Para descargar as cancións favoritas a este dispositivo.
backgroundRunning = Execución en segundo plano.
backgroundRunningReason = Para descargar as cancións en segundo plano se interrupcións por parte do sistema.
no = Rexeitar
yes = Conceder
acraNotificationTitle = OOPS, SpotiFlyer cascou
acraNotificationText = Envía un informe co fallo para axudar ao desenvolvemento, así poderemos intentar arranxalo.
albumArt = Arte do álbum
tracks = Cancións
coverImage = Imaxe da portada
reSearch = Buscar outra vez
loading = Cargando
downloadAll = Download all
button = Button
errorOccurred = An error Occurred, Check your Link / Connection
downloadDone = Download done
downloadError = Error! Cant download this track
downloadStart = Start download
supportUs = We need your support!
donation = Donation
worldWideDonations = World-wide donations
indianDonations = Indian donations only
dismiss = Dismiss
remindLater = Remind me later
mp3ConverterBusy = MP3 Converter unreachable, probably BUSY !
unknownError = Unknown error
noMatchFound = No match found!
noLinkFound = No downloadable link found
linkNotValid = Entered link is not valid!
featureUnImplemented = Feature not yet implemented.
minute = min
second = sec
spotiflyerLogo = SpotiFlyer Logo
backButton = Back button
infoTab = Info tab
historyTab = History tab
linkTextBox = Link text box
pasteLinkHere = Paste link here...
enterALink = Enter a link!
madeWith = Made with
love = Love
inIndia = in India
open = Open
byDeveloperName = by: Shabinder Singh
Reference in New Issue
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