Traditional Chinese Update

This commit is contained in:
Gurasshrimp 2022-08-24 11:56:42 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4b3da1b077
commit e35ffb392a
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -10,82 +10,82 @@ openProjectRepo = 開啟專案資料夾
starOrForkProject = 標註星號/分支這個專案
help = 幫助
translate = 翻譯
helpTranslateDescription = 幫助我們將這個應用程式翻譯成的語言
supportDeveloper = Support developer
donateDescription = If you think I deserve to get paid for my work, you can support me here.
share = Share
shareDescription = Share this app with your friends and family.
whatWentWrong = What went wrong...
copyToClipboard = Copy to clipboard
copyCodeInGithubIssue = Copy and paste the code below when creating a GitHub issue / Reporting this issue for better help.
status = Status
analytics = Analytics
analyticsDescription = Your data is anonymized and never shared with 3rd party services.
noHistoryAvailable = No history available
cleaningAndExiting = Cleaning and exiting
total = Total
completed = Completed
failed = Failed
exit = Exit
downloading = Downloading
processing = Processing
queued = Queued
setDownloadDirectory = Set download directory
downloadDirectorySetTo = Download directory set to: {0}
noWriteAccess = NO WRITE ACCESS on: {0} , Reverting back to previous
shareMessage = Hey, checkout this excellent music downloader
grantAnalytics = Allow analytics
noInternetConnection = No internet connection!
checkInternetConnection = Please check your network connection.
grantPermissions = Grant permissions
requiredPermissions = Required permissions:
storagePermission = Storage permissions.
storagePermissionReason = To download your favourite songs to this device.
backgroundRunning = Background running.
backgroundRunningReason = To download all songs in background without any system interruptions.
no = Nope
yes = Sure
helpTranslateDescription = 幫助我們將這個應用程式翻譯成的語言
supportDeveloper = 支持作者
donateDescription = 如果您認為我的作品可以得到金錢上的支助,請在這裡支持我
share = 分享
shareDescription = 與你的家人和朋友分享這個應用程式
whatWentWrong = 有地方不太對勁
copyToClipboard = 複製到剪貼簿
copyCodeInGithubIssue = 複製以下代碼在GitHub回報問題時將能夠獲得更好的幫助
status = 狀態
analytics = 分析
analyticsDescription = 您的數據為匿名化,且不會與第三方服務共享
noHistoryAvailable = 沒有歷史紀錄
cleaningAndExiting = 清除並離開
total = 總計
completed = 完成
failed = 失敗
exit = 離開
downloading = 下載中
processing = 正在處理
queued = 已加入列隊
setDownloadDirectory = 設定下載位置
downloadDirectorySetTo = 下載位置設定為: {0}
noWriteAccess = 沒有寫入權限: {0} , 恢復變更
shareMessage = 嘿!來看看這個超好用的音樂下載器
grantAnalytics = 允許分析
noInternetConnection = 沒有網路連線!
checkInternetConnection = 請確認網路狀態
grantPermissions = 授予權限
requiredPermissions = 需要的權限:
storagePermission = 儲存權限
storagePermissionReason = 將喜歡的歌曲下載到這個裝置上
backgroundRunning = 正在背景運作
backgroundRunningReason = 在沒有系統中斷時於背景下載所有歌曲
no = 不了
yes = 好的
acraNotificationTitle = OOPS, SpotiFlyer crashed
acraNotificationText = Please send crash report to app developers, So this unfortunate event may not happen again.
acraNotificationTitle = 哦喔SpotiFlyer崩潰了
acraNotificationText = 請將崩潰報告寄給開發者,以避免未來同樣的情形再度發生
albumArt = Album art
tracks = Tracks
coverImage = Cover image
reSearch = Search again
loading = Loading
downloadAll = Download all
button = Button
errorOccurred = An error Occurred, Check your Link / Connection
downloadDone = Download done
downloadError = Error! Cant download this track
downloadStart = Start download
supportUs = We need your support!
donation = Donation
worldWideDonations = World-wide donations
indianDonations = Indian donations only
dismiss = Dismiss
remindLater = Remind me later
albumArt = 專輯封面
tracks = 曲目
coverImage = 封面圖片
reSearch = 再次搜尋
loading = 載入中
downloadAll = 下載全部
button = 按鈕
errorOccurred = 發生錯誤,請檢查您的連結、網路連接
downloadDone = 完成下載
downloadError = 錯誤!無法下載此曲目
downloadStart = 開始下載
supportUs = 我們需要您的支持!
donation = 贊助
worldWideDonations = 全球性贊助
indianDonations = 僅限印度捐款
dismiss = 算了
remindLater = 等等提醒我
mp3ConverterBusy = MP3 Converter unreachable, probably BUSY !
unknownError = Unknown error
noMatchFound = No match found!
noLinkFound = No downloadable link found
linkNotValid = Entered link is not valid!
featureUnImplemented = Feature not yet implemented.
mp3ConverterBusy = MP3傳換器無法存取,可能忙線中
unknownError = 未知的錯誤
noMatchFound = 沒有結果!
noLinkFound = 沒有可下載的連結
linkNotValid = 連結不可用!
featureUnImplemented = 尚未實現此功能
minute = min
second = sec
minute =
second =
spotiflyerLogo = SpotiFlyer Logo
backButton = Back button
infoTab = Info tab
historyTab = History tab
linkTextBox = Link text box
pasteLinkHere = Paste link here...
enterALink = Enter a link!
madeWith = Made with
love = Love
inIndia = in India
open = Open
byDeveloperName = by: Shabinder Singh
backButton = 返回按鈕
infoTab = 資訊
historyTab = 歷史紀錄
linkTextBox = 輸入連結框
pasteLinkHere = 在此貼上連結
enterALink = 輸入一個連結!
madeWith =
love = 愛製作
inIndia = 在印度
open = 開放
byDeveloperName = Shabinder Singh 呈現