title = SpotiFlyer about = About history = History donate = Donate preferences = Preferences search = Search supportedPlatforms = Supported platforms supportDevelopment = Support development openProjectRepo = Open Project Repo starOrForkProject = Star / Fork the project on Github. help = Help translate = Translate helpTranslateDescription = Help us translate this app in your local language. supportDeveloper = Support developer donateDescription = If you think I deserve to get paid for my work, you can support me here. share = Share shareDescription = Share this app with your friends and family. whatWentWrong = What went wrong... copyToClipboard = Copy to clipboard copyCodeInGithubIssue = Copy and paste the code below when creating a GitHub issue / Reporting this issue for better help. status = Status analytics = Analytics analyticsDescription = Your data is anonymized and never shared with 3rd party services. noHistoryAvailable = No history available cleaningAndExiting = Cleaning and exiting total = Total completed = Completed failed = Failed exit = Exit downloading = Downloading processing = Processing queued = Queued setDownloadDirectory = Set download directory downloadDirectorySetTo = Download directory set to: {0} noWriteAccess = NO WRITE ACCESS on: {0} , Reverting back to previous shareMessage = Hey, checkout this excellent music downloader http://github.com/Shabinder/SpotiFlyer grantAnalytics = Allow analytics noInternetConnection = No internet connection! checkInternetConnection = Please check your network connection. grantPermissions = Grant permissions requiredPermissions = Required permissions: storagePermission = Storage permissions. spotifyCreds = Spotify credentials. clientID = Client ID clientSecret = Client Secret defaultString = Default userSet = UserSet save = Save reset = Reset requestAppRestart = You need to restart the app for changes to take effect storagePermissionReason = To download your favourite songs to this device. backgroundRunning = Background running. backgroundRunningReason = To download all songs in background without any system interruptions. no = Nope yes = Sure acraNotificationTitle = OOPS, SpotiFlyer crashed acraNotificationText = Please send crash report to app developers, So this unfortunate event may not happen again. albumArt = Album art tracks = Tracks coverImage = Cover image reSearch = Search again loading = Loading downloadAll = Download all button = Button errorOccurred = An error Occurred, Check your Link / Connection downloadDone = Download done downloadError = Error! Cant download this track downloadStart = Start download supportUs = We need your support! donation = Donation worldWideDonations = World-wide donations indianDonations = Indian donations only dismiss = Dismiss remindLater = Remind me later mp3ConverterBusy = MP3 Converter unreachable, probably BUSY ! unknownError = Unknown error noMatchFound = No match found! noLinkFound = No downloadable link found linkNotValid = Entered link is not valid! featureUnImplemented = Feature not yet implemented. minute = min second = sec spotiflyerLogo = SpotiFlyer Logo backButton = Back button infoTab = Info tab historyTab = History tab linkTextBox = Link text box pasteLinkHere = Paste link here... enterALink = Enter a link! madeWith = Made with love = Love inIndia = in India open = Open byDeveloperName = by: Shabinder Singh