"SpotiFlyer" is an App(Written in Kotlin), which aims to work as:
 - Download: Albums, Tracks and Playlists,etc.
 - Save your Data, by not Streaming your Fav. Songs Online again & again(Just Download Them!).
 - No ADS!, 100% Open Source.
 - Works straight out of the box and does not require you to generate or mess with your API keys (already included).
 - Even a Web-App and Desktop Apps are available, Check Out: https://github.com/Shabinder/SpotiFlyer (Encourage Us by giving us a star here)

Supported Platforms:
 - Spotify
 - Gaana
 - Youtube
 - Youtube Music
 - Jio-Saavn
 - (more coming soon)

 - The availability of YouTube Music in your country is IMPORTANT, if it isn't available consider using a VPN.