1.9.0 - fixes for manager. (import/export for groups and sessions)

This commit is contained in:
karol@jagiello.it 2018-12-25 23:10:32 +01:00
parent 9db4d8c1cc
commit 8ee996217a
7 changed files with 457 additions and 390 deletions

View File

@ -330,6 +330,9 @@ function StartBackgroundListeners() {
// WebChromeClient.onConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage consoleMessage)

View File

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ function QuantumStart() {
if (opt.debug == true) {
if (storage.debug_log != undefined) b.debug = storage.debug_log;
// if (retry == 0) pushlog("TreeTabs background start");
for (let win of w) {
@ -53,12 +52,6 @@ function QuantumStart() {
if (opt.skip_load == false && tabs_data[tab.id] != undefined) {
b.tabs[tab.id] = Object.assign({}, tabs_data[tab.id]);
if (tabs_data[tab.id].parent_ttid != undefined && tabs_data[tab.id].parent_ttid != "") { // legacy
b.tabs[tab.id].parent = tabs_data[tab.id].parent_ttid; // legacy
delete b.tabs[tab.id].parent_ttid; // legacy
} // legacy
} else {

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ function VivaldiStart() {
chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(storage) {
if ((storage.data_version == undefined && storage.tabs != undefined && storage.tabs.length) || (storage.data_version != undefined && storage.data_version < 2)) {
b.safe_mode = true;
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ function VivaldiStart() {
if (opt.debug) pushlog("VivaldiStart, Current windows count is: " + w.length + "Saved windows count is: " + LoadedWindows.length + "Loaded tabs count is: " + LoadedTabs.length + "Matching tabs: " + tabs_matched);
if (opt.debug) pushlog("VivaldiStart, Current windows count is: " + w.length + ", Saved windows count is: " + Object.keys(LoadedWindows).length + ", Loaded tabs count is: " + Object.keys(LoadedTabs).length + ", Matching tabs: " + tabs_matched);

View File

@ -48,5 +48,5 @@
"page": "options/options.html",
"open_in_tab": true
"version": "1.8.9"
"version": "1.9.0"

View File

@ -252,40 +252,6 @@ function Manager_SetManagerEvents() {
function Manager_ExportGroup(groupId, filename, save_to_manager) {
let GroupToSave = {group: tt.groups[groupId], folders: {}, tabs: [], favicons: []};
let query = document.querySelectorAll("#" + groupId + " .folder");
for (let s of query) {
if (tt.folders[s.id]) GroupToSave.folders[s.id] = tt.folders[s.id];
let Tabs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + groupId + " .tab");
if (Tabs.length > 0) {
let lastId = parseInt(Tabs[Tabs.length - 1].id);
for (let s of Tabs) {
chrome.tabs.get(parseInt(s.id), async function(tab) {
if ((tab.url).startsWith("www") || (tab.url).startsWith("http") || (tab.url).startsWith("ftp") || (tab.url).startsWith("file")) {
let favicon = (browserId == "F" ? await browser.sessions.getTabValue(tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl") : tab.favIconUrl);
let favicon_index = GroupToSave.favicons.indexOf(favicon);
if (favicon_index == -1) {
favicon_index = GroupToSave.favicons.length;
(GroupToSave.tabs).push({id: tab.id, parent: s.parentNode.parentNode.id, index: Array.from(s.parentNode.children).indexOf(s), expand: (s.classList.contains("c") ? "c" : (s.classList.contains("o") ? "o" : "")), url: tab.url, title: tab.title, favicon: favicon_index});
if (tab.id == lastId) {
if (filename) File_SaveFile(filename, "tt_group", GroupToSave);
if (save_to_manager) Manager_AddGroupToStorage(GroupToSave, true);
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ExportGroup, filename: " + filename + ", groupId: " + groupId + ", save_to_manager: " + save_to_manager);
} else {
if (filename) File_SaveFile(filename, "tt_group", GroupToSave);
if (save_to_manager) Manager_AddGroupToStorage(GroupToSave, true);
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ExportGroup, filename: " + filename + ", groupId: " + groupId + ", save_to_manager: " + save_to_manager);
function Manager_ImportGroup(recreate_group, save_to_manager) {
let file = document.getElementById("file_import");
let fr = new FileReader();
@ -301,59 +267,6 @@ function Manager_ImportGroup(recreate_group, save_to_manager) {
function Manager_RecreateGroup(LoadedGroup) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: RecreateGroup");
let RefFolders = {};
let NewFolders = {};
let RefTabs = {};
let NewTabs = [];
let NewGroupId = Groups_AddNewGroup(LoadedGroup.group.name, LoadedGroup.group.font);
let FailedTabs = 0;
for (var folder in LoadedGroup.folders) {
let newId = Folders_AddNewFolder({ParentId: NewGroupId, Name: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].name, ExpandState: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].expand});
RefFolders[folder] = newId;
NewFolders[newId] = {id: newId, parent: (((LoadedGroup.folders[folder].parent).startsWith("g_") || (LoadedGroup.folders[folder].parent == "tab_list")) ? NewGroupId : LoadedGroup.folders[folder].parent), index: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].index, name: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].name, expand: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].expand};
for (var new_folder in NewFolders) {
if ((NewFolders[new_folder].parent).startsWith("f_") && RefFolders[NewFolders[new_folder].parent]) NewFolders[new_folder].parent = RefFolders[NewFolders[new_folder].parent];
for (let Tab of LoadedGroup.tabs) {
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId, url: Tab.url, discarded: ((Tab.url).startsWith("about") ? false : true), title: Tab.title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId, url: Tab.url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
if (new_tab) {
if (browserId == "F") browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", LoadedGroup.favicons[Tab.favicon]);
RefTabs[Tab.id] = new_tab.id;
Tab.id = new_tab.id;
if ((Tab.parent).startsWith("g_") || Tab.parent == "tab_list") Tab.parent = NewGroupId;
if ((Tab.parent).startsWith("f_") && RefFolders[Tab.parent]) Tab.parent = RefFolders[Tab.parent];
if (browserId != "O" && browserId != "F") chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "discard_tab", tabId: new_tab.id});
} else {
let GiveUp = 3000; // gives up after: 300*3000/1000/60 = 15 minutes
let RecreateTreeS = setInterval(function() {
if (NewTabs.length == (LoadedGroup.tabs.length-FailedTabs) || GiveUp < 0) {
let LastTab = document.getElementById(NewTabs[NewTabs.length-1].id);
if (LastTab) {
Manager_RecreateTreeStructure({}, NewFolders, NewTabs);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 100);
function Manager_AddGroupToStorage(group, add_to_manager) {
chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(storage) {
if (storage["hibernated_groups"] == undefined) {
@ -371,40 +284,6 @@ function Manager_AddGroupToStorage(group, add_to_manager) {
function Manager_ExportSession(name, save_to_file, save_to_manager, save_to_autosave_manager) {
chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(win) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_browser_tabs"}, function(t) {
let tabs = Object.assign({}, t);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_windows"}, function(w) {
let windows = Object.assign({}, w);
let ExportWindows = [];
win.forEach(function(CWin) {
if (CWin.tabs.length > 0) {
windows[CWin.id]["id"] = CWin.id;
windows[CWin.id]["tabs"] = [];
windows[CWin.id]["favicons"] = [];
CWin.tabs.forEach(async function(CTab) {
if ((CTab.url).startsWith("www") || (CTab.url).startsWith("http") || (CTab.url).startsWith("ftp")) {
let favicon = (browserId == "F" ? await browser.sessions.getTabValue(CTab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl") : CTab.favIconUrl);
let favicon_index = windows[CWin.id].favicons.indexOf(favicon);
if (favicon_index == -1) {
favicon_index = windows[CWin.id].favicons.length;
windows[CWin.id]["tabs"].push({id: CTab.id, url: CTab.url, parent: tabs[CTab.id].parent, index: tabs[CTab.id].index, expand: tabs[CTab.id].expand, title: CTab.title, favicon: favicon_index});
if (save_to_file) File_SaveFile(name, "tt_session", ExportWindows);
if (save_to_manager) Manager_AddSessionToStorage(ExportWindows, name, true);
if (save_to_autosave_manager) Manager_AddAutosaveSessionToStorage(ExportWindows, name);
function Manager_ImportSession(recreate_session, save_to_manager, merge_session) {
let file = document.getElementById("file_import");
let fr = new FileReader();
@ -453,213 +332,6 @@ function Manager_AddAutosaveSessionToStorage(session, name) {
function Manager_RecreateSession(LoadedWindows) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: RecreateSession");
let RefTabs = {};
LoadedWindows.forEach(function(LWin) {
let NewTabs = [];
let urls = [];
for (let Tab of LWin.tabs) {
chrome.windows.create({url: urls[0]}, function(new_window) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_groups", windowId: new_window.id, groups: LWin.groups});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_folders", windowId: new_window.id, folders: LWin.folders});
(LWin.tabs).forEach(function(Tab) {
if (Tab.id != LWin.tabs[0].id) { // skip first tab
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: Tab.url, discarded: true, title: Tab.title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: Tab.url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
if (browserId == "F") browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", LWin.favicons[Tab.favicon]);
if (Tab.id == LWin.tabs[LWin.tabs.length - 1].id) { // last tab
chrome.windows.get(new_window.id, {populate: true}, function(new_window_with_new_tabs) {
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs.length; tInd++) {
RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].id] = new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id;
NewTabs[tInd].id = new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id;
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs.length; tInd++) {
if (RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent] != undefined) NewTabs[tInd].parent = RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent];
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs.length; tInd++) {
if (NewTabs[tInd].parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id, {pinned: true});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "update_tab", tabId: new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id, tab: {index: NewTabs[tInd].index, expand: NewTabs[tInd].expand, parent: NewTabs[tInd].parent}});
if (browserId != "O" && browserId != "F") chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "discard_tab", tabId: new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id});
function Manager_ImportMergeTabs(LoadedWindows) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ImportMergeTabs");
let RefTabs = {};
for (let LWI = 0; LWI < LoadedWindows.length; LWI++) { // clear previous window ids
LoadedWindows[LWI].id = "";
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_loaded_tree_structure")});
chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(cw) {
for (let CWI = 0; CWI < cw.length; CWI++) { // Current Windows
for (let LWI = 0; LWI < LoadedWindows.length; LWI++) { // Loaded Windows
if (LoadedWindows[LWI].id == "") {
let tabsMatch = 0;
for (let CTI = 0; CTI < cw[CWI].tabs.length; CTI++) { // loop Tabs of CWI Window
for (let LTI = 0; LTI < LoadedWindows[LWI].tabs.length; LTI++) { // loop Tabs of Loaded Window
if (cw[CWI].tabs[CTI].url == LoadedWindows[LWI].tabs[LTI].url) {
RefTabs[LoadedWindows[LWI].tabs[LTI].id] = cw[CWI].tabs[CTI].id;
LoadedWindows[LWI].tabs[LTI].id = cw[CWI].tabs[CTI].id;
LoadedWindows[LWI].tabs[LTI].url = "";
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ImportMergeTabs, tabsMatch: " + tabsMatch);
if (tabsMatch > LoadedWindows[LWI].tabs.length * 0.6) {
LoadedWindows[LWI].id = cw[CWI].id;
LoadedWindows.forEach(function(w) {
if (w.id == "") { // missing window, lets make one
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ImportMergeTabs, missing window");
let NewTabs = [];
let urls = [];
(w.tabs).forEach(function(Tab) {
chrome.windows.create({url: urls[0]}, function(new_window) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_groups", windowId: new_window.id, groups: LWin.groups});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_folders", windowId: new_window.id, folders: LWin.folders});
(w.tabs).forEach(function(Tab) {
if (Tab.id != LWin.tabs[0].id) { // skip first tab
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: Tab.url, discarded: true, title: Tab.title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: Tab.url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
if (browserId == "F") browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", w.favicons[Tab.favicon]);
if (Tab.id == LWin.tabs[LWin.tabs.length - 1].id) { // last tab
chrome.windows.get(new_window.id, {populate: true}, function(new_window_with_new_tabs) {
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs.length; tInd++) {
RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].id] = new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id;
NewTabs[tInd].id = new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id;
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs.length; tInd++) {
if (RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent] != undefined) NewTabs[tInd].parent = RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent];
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs.length; tInd++) {
if (NewTabs[tInd].parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id, {pinned: true});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "update_tab", tabId: new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id, tab: {index: NewTabs[tInd].index, expand: NewTabs[tInd].expand, parent: NewTabs[tInd].parent}});
if (browserId != "O" && browserId != "F") chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "discard_tab", tabId: new_window_with_new_tabs.tabs[tInd].id});
} else { // window exists, lets add missing tabs
let NewTabs = [];
let RefTabs = {};
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_folders", windowId: w.id}, function(f) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_groups", windowId: w.id}, function(g) {
if (Object.keys(w.groups).length > 0) {
for (var group in w.groups) {
if (group != "" && group != "undefined" && w.groups[group] != undefined) g[w.groups[group].id] = Object.assign({}, w.groups[group]);
if (Object.keys(w.folders).length > 0) {
for (var folder in w.folders) {
if (folder != "" && folder != "undefined" && w.folders[folder] != undefined) w.folders[w.folders[folder].id] = Object.assign({}, w.folders[folder]);
if (Object.keys(g).length > 0) {
for (var groupId in g) {
w.groups[groupId] = Object.assign({}, g[groupId]);
if (Object.keys(f).length > 0) {
for (var folderId in f) {
w.folders[folderId] = Object.assign({}, f[folderId]);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_groups", windowId: w.id, groups: g});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_folders", windowId: w.id, folders: f});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "remote_update", groups: w.groups, folders: w.folders, tabs: [], windowId: w.id});
if (w.id == tt.CurrentWindowId) Manager_RecreateTreeStructure(w.groups, w.folders, []);
(w.tabs).forEach(function(Tab) {
// let LastTabId = w.tabs[w.tabs.length - 1].id;
// let OriginalTabId = Tab.id;
if (Tab.url != "") { // missing tab, lets make one
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
params = {active: false, windowId: w.id, url: Tab.url, discarded: true, title: Tab.title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: w.id, url: Tab.url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(tab) {
if (browserId == "F") browser.sessions.setTabValue(tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", w.favicons[Tab.favicon]);
if (Tab.parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {pinned: true});
RefTabs[Tab.id] = tab.id;
Tab.id = tab.id;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "update_tab", tabId: tab.id, tab: {index: Tab.index, expand: Tab.expand, parent: Tab.parent}});
} else {
// if (OriginalTabId == LastTabId) { // loop is on last tab
// setTimeout(function() {
// Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_finding_ref_tabs")});
// for (let tInd = 0; tInd < NewTabs.length; tInd++) {
// if (RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent] != undefined) {
// NewTabs[tInd].parent = RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent];
// }
// }
// }, 1000);
// }
setTimeout(function() {
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_finding_ref_tabs")});
for (let tInd = 0; tInd < NewTabs.length; tInd++) {
if (RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent] != undefined) NewTabs[tInd].parent = RefTabs[NewTabs[tInd].parent];
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() {
for (let NewTab of NewTabs) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "update_tab", tabId: NewTab.id, tab: {index: NewTab.index, expand: NewTab.expand, parent: NewTab.parent}});
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_finding_other_windows")});
if (w.id == tt.CurrentWindowId) {
Manager_RecreateTreeStructure(w.groups, w.folders, NewTabs);
} else {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "remote_update", groups: w.groups, folders: w.folders, tabs: NewTabs, windowId: w.id});
setTimeout(function() {
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: false, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_all_done"), hideTimeout: 2000});
}, 3000);
}, 6000);
function Manager_StartAutoSaveSession() {
if (opt.autosave_interval > 0 && opt.autosave_max_to_keep > 0) {
tt.AutoSaveSession = setInterval(function() {
@ -673,57 +345,6 @@ function Manager_StartAutoSaveSession() {
function Manager_RecreateTreeStructure(groups, folders, tabs) { // groups and folders are in object, just like tt.groups and tt.folders, but tabs are in array of treetabs objects
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: RecreateTreeStructure");
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_quick_check_recreate_structure"), hideTimeout: 3000});
if (groups && Object.keys(groups).length > 0) {
for (var group in groups) {
tt.groups[groups[group].id] = Object.assign({}, groups[group]);
if (folders && Object.keys(folders).length > 0) {
for (var folder in folders) {
tt.folders[folders[folder].id] = Object.assign({}, folders[folder]);
let ttTabs = {};
tabs.forEach(function(Tab) {
if (Tab.parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(Tab.id, {pinned: true});
if (Tab.parent != "") {
let AttemptNr = 20;
var Attempt = setInterval(function() {
let tb = document.getElementById(Tab.id);
let tbp = document.getElementById("°" + Tab.parent);
if (tb != null && tbp != null) {
if (Tab.expand != "") tb.classList.add(Tab.expand);
ttTabs[Tab.id] = {index: Tab.index, parent: Tab.parent, expand: Tab.expand};
if (AttemptNr < 0 || (tb != null && tbp != null)) clearInterval(Attempt);
}, 500);
let SortAttemptNr = 20;
var SortAttempt = setInterval(function() {
if (SortAttemptNr < 0 || Object.keys(ttTabs).length == tabs.length || tabs.length == 0) {
Tabs_RearrangeTree(ttTabs, folders, true);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
}, 500);
function Manager_ShowStatusBar(p) { // show, spinner, message
let status_bar = document.getElementById("status_bar");
let busy_spinner = document.getElementById("busy_spinner");
@ -748,4 +369,446 @@ function Manager_ShowStatusBar(p) { // show, spinner, message
status_bar.style.display = "none";
}, p.hideTimeout);
function Manager_ImportMergeTabs(LoadedWindows) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Manager_ImportMergeTabs");
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_loaded_tree_structure")});
chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(CurrentWindows) {
let TotalTabsCount = 0;
let tabsMade = 0;
let New = {};
for (let CurrentWindow of CurrentWindows) { // Current Windows
for (let LoadedWindow of LoadedWindows) { // Loaded Windows
if (New[LoadedWindow.id] == undefined) { // No window added yet
let tabsMatch = 0;
let LoadedTabs = {};
for (let CurrentTab of CurrentWindow.tabs) { // Current Window.tabs
for (let LoadedTab of LoadedWindow.tabs) { // Loaded Window.tabs
if (LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id] == undefined && CurrentTab.url == LoadedTab.url) {
LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id] = Object.assign({}, LoadedTab);
LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id].oldId = LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id].id; // store previous id for parents
LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id].id = CurrentTab.id; // replace to a new id
if (tabsMatch > CurrentWindow.tabs.length * 0.6) { // matched more than half of tabs
for (let CurrentTab of CurrentWindow.tabs) { // Current Window.tabs
for (let LoadedTab of LoadedWindow.tabs) { // Loaded Window.tabs
if (LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id] == undefined) { // add rest of missing tabs without new id as oldId, so they can be recognized as missing
LoadedTabs[LoadedTab.id] = Object.assign({}, LoadedTab);
New[LoadedWindow.id] = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindow);
New[LoadedWindow.id].oldId = New[LoadedWindow.id].id;
New[LoadedWindow.id].id = CurrentWindow.id;
New[LoadedWindow.id].tabs = Object.assign({}, LoadedTabs);
for (let LoadedWindow of LoadedWindows) { // CONVERT ARRAY TABS TO OBJECTS, FOR MISSING WINDOWS
TotalTabsCount += LoadedWindow.tabs.length;
if (New[LoadedWindow.id] == undefined) {
New[LoadedWindow.id] = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindow);
let NewTabs = {};
for (let Tab of LoadedWindow.tabs) {
NewTabs[Tab.id] = Object.assign({}, Tab);
New[LoadedWindow.id].tabs = Object.assign({}, NewTabs);
for (let windowId in New) { // Loaded Windows
if (New[windowId].oldId == undefined) { // missing window, lets make one
let FirstTabId = Object.keys(New[windowId].tabs)[0];
let tabsMade = 0;
let window_params;
if (browserId == "F") {
if ((New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].url).startsWith("about")) {
window_params = {};
} else {
window_params = {url: New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].url};
} else {
window_params = {url: New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].url};
chrome.windows.create(window_params, function(new_window) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_groups", windowId: new_window.id, groups: New[windowId].groups});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_folders", windowId: new_window.id, folders: New[windowId].folders});
New[windowId].oldId = New[windowId].id;
New[windowId].id = new_window.id;
if (new_window.tabs[0]) {
New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].oldId = New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].id;
New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].id = new_window.tabs[0].id;
if (New[windowId].tabs[FirstTabId].parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(new_window.tabs[0].id, {pinned: true});
for (let Tab in New[windowId].tabs) {
if (Tab != FirstTabId) { // skip first tab that was made with window
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
if ((New[windowId].tabs[Tab].url).startsWith("about")) {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].url, discarded: true, title: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
if (new_tab) {
New[windowId].tabs[Tab].oldId = New[windowId].tabs[Tab].id;
New[windowId].tabs[Tab].id = new_tab.id;
if (New[windowId].tabs[Tab].parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(new_tab.id, {pinned: true});
if (browserId == "F" && New[windowId].tabs[Tab].favicon > 0) browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", New[windowId].favicons[New[windowId].tabs[Tab].favicon]);
} else {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_folders", windowId: New[windowId].id}, function(f) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_groups", windowId: New[windowId].id}, function(g) {
if (Object.keys(g).length > 0) {
for (var group in g) {
if (group != "" && group != "undefined" && New[windowId].groups[g[group].id] == undefined) New[windowId].groups[g[group].id] = Object.assign({}, g[group]);
if (Object.keys(f).length > 0) {
for (var folder in f) {
if (folder != "" && folder != "undefined" && New[windowId].folders[f[folder].id] == undefined) New[windowId].folders[f[folder].id] = Object.assign({}, f[folder]);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_groups", windowId: New[windowId].id, groups: New[windowId].groups});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_folders", windowId: New[windowId].id, folders: New[windowId].folders});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "remote_update", groups: New[windowId].groups, folders: New[windowId].folders, tabs: {}, windowId: New[windowId].id});
for (let Tab in New[windowId].tabs) {
if (New[windowId].tabs[Tab].oldId == undefined) {
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
if ((New[windowId].tabs[Tab].url).startsWith("about")) {
params = {active: false, windowId: New[windowId].id};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: New[windowId].id, url: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].url, discarded: true, title: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: New[windowId].id, url: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
if (new_tab) {
New[windowId].tabs[Tab].oldId = New[windowId].tabs[Tab].id;
New[windowId].tabs[Tab].id = new_tab.id;
if (New[windowId].tabs[Tab].parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(new_tab.id, {pinned: true});
if (browserId == "F" && New[windowId].tabs[Tab].favicon > 0) browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", New[windowId].favicons[New[windowId].tabs[Tab].favicon]);
} else {
let STOP = 0;
let WaitForFinish = setInterval(function() {
if (STOP > 10) clearInterval(WaitForFinish); STOP++;
if (tabsMade == TotalTabsCount) {
setTimeout(function() {
for (let windowId in New) {
for (let Tab in New[windowId].tabs) {
if (New[windowId].tabs[New[windowId].tabs[Tab].parent]) {
New[windowId].tabs[Tab].parent = New[windowId].tabs[New[windowId].tabs[Tab].parent].id;
for (let Tab in New[windowId].tabs) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "update_tab", tabId: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].id, tab: {index: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].index, expand: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].expand, parent: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].parent}});
if (browserId != "O" && browserId != "F") chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "discard_tab", tabId: New[windowId].tabs[Tab].id});
if (New[windowId].id == tt.CurrentWindowId) {
Manager_RecreateTreeStructure(New[windowId].groups, New[windowId].folders, New[windowId].tabs);
} else {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "remote_update", groups: New[windowId].groups, folders: New[windowId].folders, tabs: New[windowId].tabs, windowId: New[windowId].id});
}, 3000);
STOP = 11;
}, 3000);
function Manager_RecreateSession(LoadedWindows) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Manager_RecreateSession");
for (let LoadedWindow of LoadedWindows) {
let NewTabs = {};
let window_params;
if (browserId == "F") {
if ((LoadedWindow.tabs[0].url).startsWith("about")) {
window_params = {};
} else {
window_params = {url: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].url};
} else {
window_params = {url: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].url};
chrome.windows.create(window_params, function(new_window) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_groups", windowId: new_window.id, groups: LoadedWindow.groups});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "save_folders", windowId: new_window.id, folders: LoadedWindow.folders});
NewTabs[LoadedWindow.tabs[0].id] = {id: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].id, newId: new_window.tabs[0].id, expand: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].expand, favicon: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].favicon, index: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].index, parent: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].parent, title: LoadedWindow.tabs[0].title};
if (browserId == "F" && LoadedWindow.tabs[0].favicon > 0) browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_window.tabs[0].id, "CachedFaviconUrl", LoadedWindow.favicons[LoadedWindow.tabs[0].favicon]);
for (let Tab of LoadedWindow.tabs) {
if (Tab.id != LoadedWindow.tabs[0].id) { // skip first tab
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
if ((Tab.url).startsWith("about")) {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId, url: Tab.url, discarded: true, title: Tab.title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: new_window.id, url: Tab.url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
NewTabs[Tab.id] = {id: Tab.id, newId: 0, favicon: Tab.favicon, index: Tab.index, parent: Tab.parent, title: Tab.title, expand: Tab.expand};
if (new_tab) {
NewTabs[Tab.id].newId = new_tab.id;
if (browserId == "F" && Tab.favicon > 0) browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", LoadedWindow.favicons[Tab.favicon]);
let STOP = 0;
let WaitForFinish = setInterval(function() {
if (STOP > 10) clearInterval(WaitForFinish); STOP++;
if (Object.keys(NewTabs).length == LoadedWindow.tabs.length) {
for (let tabId in NewTabs) {
if (NewTabs[NewTabs[tabId].parent] != undefined) NewTabs[tabId].parent = NewTabs[NewTabs[tabId].parent].newId;
if (NewTabs[tabId].parent == "pin_list") chrome.tabs.update(parseInt(NewTabs[tabId].newId), {pinned: true});
if (browserId != "O" && browserId != "F") chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "discard_tab", tabId: parseInt(NewTabs[tabId].newId)});
for (let tabId in NewTabs) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "update_tab", tabId: parseInt(NewTabs[tabId].newId), tab: {index: NewTabs[tabId].index, expand: NewTabs[tabId].expand, parent: NewTabs[tabId].parent}});
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "sidebar_started", windowId: new_window.id}, function(response) {
if (response) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "remote_update", groups: LoadedWindow.groups, folders: LoadedWindow.folders, tabs: NewTabs, windowId: new_window.id});
STOP = 11;
STOP = 7;
}, 5000);
function Manager_RecreateGroup(LoadedGroup) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Manager_RecreateGroup");
let NewGroupId = Groups_AddNewGroup(LoadedGroup.group.name, LoadedGroup.group.font);
let NewFolders = {};
let RefTabs = {};
let NewTabs = {};
let LastTabId = "NO_TAB_YET";
if (Object.keys(LoadedGroup.folders).length > 0) {
for (var folder in LoadedGroup.folders) {
let newId = Folders_AddNewFolder({ParentId: NewGroupId, Name: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].name, ExpandState: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].expand});
LoadedGroup.folders[folder].newId = newId;
NewFolders[newId] = {id: newId, parent: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].parent, index: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].index, name: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].name, expand: LoadedGroup.folders[folder].expand};
for (var new_folder in NewFolders) {
if ((NewFolders[new_folder].parent).startsWith("f_") && LoadedGroup.folders[NewFolders[new_folder].parent]) {
NewFolders[new_folder].parent = LoadedGroup.folders[NewFolders[new_folder].parent].newId;
} else {
if ((LoadedGroup.folders[folder].parent).startsWith("g_") || LoadedGroup.folders[folder].parent == "tab_list") {
NewFolders[new_folder].parent = NewGroupId;
if (LoadedGroup.tabs.length > 0) {
for (let Tab of LoadedGroup.tabs) {
let params;
if (browserId == "F") {
if ((Tab.url).startsWith("about")) {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId, url: Tab.url, discarded: true, title: Tab.title};
} else {
params = {active: false, windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId, url: Tab.url};
chrome.tabs.create(params, function(new_tab) {
if (new_tab) {
if (browserId == "F" && Tab.favicon > 0) browser.sessions.setTabValue(new_tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl", LoadedGroup.favicons[Tab.favicon]);
NewTabs[new_tab.id] = {id: new_tab.id, favicon: Tab.favicon, index: Tab.index, parent: Tab.parent, title: Tab.title, expand: Tab.expand};
RefTabs[Tab.id] = new_tab.id;
if (browserId != "O" && browserId != "F") chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "discard_tab", tabId: new_tab.id});
LastTabId = new_tab.id;
} else {
RefTabs[Tab.id] = "failed: "+Tab.id;
let STOP = 0;
let WaitForFinish = setInterval(function() {
if (STOP > 600) clearInterval(WaitForFinish); STOP++;// just stop after 10 minutes
if (document.getElementById("°" + NewGroupId) != null) {
if (Object.keys(LoadedGroup.folders).length > 0 && LoadedGroup.tabs.length == 0) {
Manager_RecreateTreeStructure({}, NewFolders, {});
STOP = 601;
if (LoadedGroup.tabs.length > 0 && Object.keys(RefTabs).length == LoadedGroup.tabs.length && document.getElementById(LastTabId) != null) {
for (let tabId in NewTabs) {
if (RefTabs[NewTabs[tabId].parent] != undefined) {
NewTabs[tabId].parent = RefTabs[NewTabs[tabId].parent];
} else {
if ((NewTabs[tabId].parent).startsWith("f_") && LoadedGroup.folders[NewTabs[tabId].parent]) {
NewTabs[tabId].parent = LoadedGroup.folders[NewTabs[tabId].parent].newId;
} else {
if ((NewTabs[tabId].parent).startsWith("g_") || NewTabs[tabId].parent == "tab_list") {
NewTabs[tabId].parent = NewGroupId;
Manager_RecreateTreeStructure({}, NewFolders, NewTabs);
STOP = 601;
}, 1000);
function Manager_RecreateTreeStructure(groups, folders, tabs) { // groups, folders and tabs, just like tt.groups, tt.folders and tt.tabs
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Manager_RecreateTreeStructure");
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_quick_check_recreate_structure"), hideTimeout: 3000});
if (groups && Object.keys(groups).length > 0) {
for (var group in groups) {
tt.groups[groups[group].id] = {id: groups[group].id, index: groups[group].index, active_tab: groups[group].active_tab, prev_active_tab: groups[group].prev_active_tab, name: groups[group].name};
if (folders && Object.keys(folders).length > 0) {
for (var folder in folders) {
tt.folders[folders[folder].id] = {id: folders[folder].id, parent: folders[folder].parent, index: folders[folder].index, name: folders[folder].name, expand: folders[folder].expand};
if (tabs && Object.keys(tabs).length > 0) {
for (let tab in tabs) {
if (tabs[tab].parent == "pin_list") {
chrome.tabs.update(tabs[tab].id, {pinned: true});
} else {
if (tabs[tab].parent != "") {
let tb = document.getElementById(tabs[tab].id);
let tbp = document.getElementById("°" + tabs[tab].parent);
if (tb != null && tbp != null && tb != undefined && tbp != undefined) {
if (tabs[tab].expand != "") tb.classList.add(tabs[tab].expand);
if (tb.classList.contains("pin")) chrome.tabs.update(tabs[tab].id, {pinned: false});
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
Tabs_RearrangeTree(tabs, folders, true);
}, 1000);
}, 3000);
function Manager_ExportGroup(groupId, filename, save_to_manager) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Manager_ExportGroup");
let GroupToSave = {group: tt.groups[groupId], folders: {}, tabs: [], favicons: []};
let query = document.querySelectorAll("#" + groupId + " .folder");
for (let s of query) {
if (tt.folders[s.id]) GroupToSave.folders[s.id] = tt.folders[s.id];
let Tabs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + groupId + " .tab");
if (Tabs.length > 0) {
for (let s of Tabs) {
chrome.tabs.get(parseInt(s.id), async function(tab) { // must be async for await!
let favicon = (browserId == "F" ? await browser.sessions.getTabValue(tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl") : tab.favIconUrl);
let favicon_index = GroupToSave.favicons.indexOf(favicon);
if (favicon_index == -1) {
favicon_index = GroupToSave.favicons.length;
(GroupToSave.tabs).push({id: tab.id, parent: s.parentNode.parentNode.id, index: Array.from(s.parentNode.children).indexOf(s), expand: (s.classList.contains("c") ? "c" : (s.classList.contains("o") ? "o" : "")), url: tab.url, title: tab.title, favicon: favicon_index});
if (GroupToSave.tabs.length == Tabs.length) {
if (filename) File_SaveFile(filename, "tt_group", GroupToSave);
if (save_to_manager) Manager_AddGroupToStorage(GroupToSave, true);
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ExportGroup, filename: " + filename + ", groupId: " + groupId + ", save_to_manager: " + save_to_manager);
} else {
if (filename) File_SaveFile(filename, "tt_group", GroupToSave);
if (save_to_manager) Manager_AddGroupToStorage(GroupToSave, true);
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: ExportGroup, filename: " + filename + ", groupId: " + groupId + ", save_to_manager: " + save_to_manager);
function Manager_ExportSession(name, save_to_file, save_to_manager, save_to_autosave_manager) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Manager_ExportSession");
chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(AllWindows) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_browser_tabs"}, function(t) {
let tabs = Object.assign({}, t);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_windows"}, function(w) {
let windows = Object.assign({}, w);
let ExportWindows = [];
for (let window of AllWindows) {
if (window.tabs.length > 0) {
windows[window.id]["id"] = window.id;
windows[window.id]["tabs"] = [];
windows[window.id]["favicons"] = [];
window.tabs.forEach(async function(tab) { // must be async for await!
let favicon = (browserId == "F" ? await browser.sessions.getTabValue(tab.id, "CachedFaviconUrl") : tab.favIconUrl);
let favicon_index = windows[window.id].favicons.indexOf(favicon);
if (favicon_index == -1) {
favicon_index = windows[window.id].favicons.length;
windows[window.id]["tabs"].push({id: tab.id, url: tab.url, parent: tabs[tab.id].parent, index: tabs[tab.id].index, expand: tabs[tab.id].expand, title: tab.title, favicon: favicon_index});
if (windows[window.id].tabs.length == window.tabs.length) {
if (ExportWindows.length == AllWindows.length) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (save_to_file) File_SaveFile(name, "tt_session", ExportWindows);
if (save_to_manager) Manager_AddSessionToStorage(ExportWindows, name, true);
if (save_to_autosave_manager) Manager_AddAutosaveSessionToStorage(ExportWindows, name);
}, 500);

View File

@ -470,6 +470,7 @@ async function Tabs_LoadFavicon(tabId, Img, TryUrls, TabHeaderNode, i) {
async function Tabs_SaveTabs() {
setInterval(function() {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Tabs_SaveTabs");
if (tt.schedule_update_data > 1) tt.schedule_update_data = 1;
if (tt.schedule_update_data > 0) {
let pins_data = [];
@ -490,6 +491,7 @@ async function Tabs_SaveTabs() {
async function Tabs_RearrangeBrowserTabs() {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Tabs_RearrangeBrowserTabs");
setInterval(function() {
if (tt.schedule_rearrange_tabs > 0) {
@ -514,6 +516,7 @@ async function Tabs_RearrangeBrowserTabsLoop(ttTabIds, tabIds, tabIndex) {
function Tabs_RearrangeTree(TTtabs, TTfolders, show_finish_in_status) {
if (opt.debug) Utils_log("f: Tabs_RearrangeTree");
Manager_ShowStatusBar({show: true, spinner: true, message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("status_bar_rearranging_tabs")});
let Nodes = document.querySelectorAll(".pin, .tab, .folder");
for (let Node of Nodes) {

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function StartSidebarListeners() {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
if (message.command == "bg_started") {
if (message.command == "backup_available") {
@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ function StartSidebarListeners() {
if (message.windowId == tt.CurrentWindowId) {
if (message.command == "sidebar_started") {
if (message.command == "tab_created") {
if (message.InsertAfterId && document.querySelectorAll("#" + tt.active_group + " .tab").length == 0) {
message.InsertAfterId = undefined;