// Copyright (c) 2017 kroppy. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license // that can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ function StartSidebarListeners() { if (browserId == "F") { browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) { if (tab.windowId == tt.CurrentWindowId) { browser.sidebarAction.close(); } }); } chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(function(command) { chrome.windows.getCurrent({populate: false}, function(window) { if (window.id == tt.CurrentWindowId && window.focused) { chrome.tabs.query({windowId: tt.CurrentWindowId, active: true}, function(tabs) { let tabsArr = []; document.querySelectorAll("[id='"+tabs[0].id+"'] .tab, [id='"+tabs[0].id+"']").forEach(function(s){ tabsArr.push(parseInt(s.id)); if (s.childNodes[1].childNodes.length > 0) { document.querySelectorAll("#"+s.childNodes[1].id+" .tab").forEach(function(t){ tabsArr.push(parseInt(t.id)); }); } }); CloseTabs(tabsArr); }); } }); }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) { if (message.command == "backup_available") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } let BAKbutton = document.getElementById("button_load_bak"+message.bak); if (BAKbutton != null) { BAKbutton.classList.remove("disabled"); } return; } if (message.command == "drag_drop") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } CleanUpDragClasses(); tt.DragNodeClass = message.DragNodeClass; tt.DragTreeDepth = message.DragTreeDepth; return; } if (message.command == "dragend") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } CleanUpDragClasses(); EmptyDragAndDrop(); return; } if (message.command == "remove_folder") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command+" folderId: "+message.folderId); } RemoveFolder(message.folderId); return; } if (message.command == "remove_group") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command+" groupId: "+message.groupId); } setTimeout(function() { GroupRemove(message.groupId, false); }, 2000); return; } if (message.command == "reload_sidebar") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } window.location.reload(); return; } if (message.command == "reload_options") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } opt = Object.assign({}, message.opt); setTimeout(function() { RestorePinListRowSettings(); }, 100); return; } if (message.command == "reload_toolbar") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } opt = Object.assign({}, message.opt); if (opt.show_toolbar) { RemoveToolbar(); RecreateToolbar(message.toolbar); SetToolbarEvents(false, true, true, "mousedown"); RestoreToolbarShelf(); RestoreToolbarSearchFilter(); } else { RemoveToolbar(); } RefreshGUI(); return; } if (message.command == "reload_theme") { if (opt.debug) { log("message to sidebar "+tt.CurrentWindowId+": message: "+message.command); } RestorePinListRowSettings(); ApplyTheme(message.theme); return; } if (message.windowId == tt.CurrentWindowId) { if (message.command == "append_group") { if (tt.groups[message.groupId] == undefined) { tt.groups[message.groupId] = {id: message.groupId, index: Object.keys(tt.groups).length, active_tab: 0, prev_active_tab: 0, active_tab_ttid: "", name: message.group_name, font: message.font_color}; AppendGroupToList(message.groupId, message.group_name, message.font_color, true); } return; } if (message.command == "append_tab_to_group") { let Group = document.getElementById("ct"+message.groupId); let Tab = document.getElementById(message.tabId); if (Group && Tab) { Group.appendChild(Tab); SetActiveGroup(message.groupId, false, true); } return; } if (message.command == "tab_created") { AppendTab({tab: message.tab, ParentId: message.ParentId, InsertAfterId: message.InsertAfterId, Append: message.Append, Scroll: true}); RefreshExpandStates(); setTimeout(function() { RefreshCounters(); RefreshGUI(); },50); if (opt.syncro_tabbar_tabs_order) { let tabIds = Array.prototype.map.call(document.querySelectorAll(".pin, .tab"), function(s){ return parseInt(s.id); }); chrome.tabs.move(message.tab.id, {index: tabIds.indexOf(message.tab.id)}); } setTimeout(function() { tt.schedule_update_data++; }, 1000); return; } if (message.command == "tab_attached") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+", tabId: "+message.tabId+", tab is pinned: "+message.tab.pinned+", ParentId: "+message.ParentId); } AppendTab({tab: message.tab, ParentId: message.ParentId, Append: true, SkipSetActive: true, SkipMediaIcon: true}); RefreshGUI(); return; } if (message.command == "tab_detached") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+ ", tabId: " + message.tabId); } let Tab = document.getElementById(message.tabId); if (Tab != null) { let ctDetachedParent = Tab.childNodes[1]; if (opt.promote_children_in_first_child == true && ctDetachedParent.childNodes.length > 1) { let ctNewParent = document.getElementById(ctDetachedParent.firstChild.id).childNodes[1]; ctDetachedParent.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(ctDetachedParent.firstChild, ctDetachedParent.parentNode); while (ctDetachedParent.firstChild) { ctNewParent.appendChild(ctDetachedParent.firstChild); } } else { while (ctDetachedParent.firstChild) { ctDetachedParent.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(ctDetachedParent.firstChild, ctDetachedParent.parentNode); } } } RemoveTabFromList(message.tabId); setTimeout(function() { tt.schedule_update_data++; }, 300); RefreshGUI(); return; } if (message.command == "tab_removed") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+ ", tabId: " + message.tabId); } let mTab = document.getElementById(message.tabId); if (mTab != null) { let ctParent = mTab.childNodes[1]; if (opt.debug) { log("tab_removed, promote children: " +opt.promote_children); } if (opt.promote_children == true) { if (opt.promote_children_in_first_child == true && ctParent.childNodes.length > 1) { let ctNewParent = document.getElementById(ctParent.firstChild.id).childNodes[1]; ctParent.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(ctParent.firstChild, ctParent.parentNode); while (ctParent.firstChild) { ctNewParent.appendChild(ctParent.firstChild); } } else { while (ctParent.firstChild) { ctParent.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(ctParent.firstChild, ctParent.parentNode); } } } else { document.querySelectorAll("[id='"+message.tabId+"'] .tab").forEach(function(s) { chrome.tabs.remove(parseInt(s.id)); }); } RemoveTabFromList(message.tabId); RefreshExpandStates(); setTimeout(function() { tt.schedule_update_data++; }, 300); RefreshGUI(); RefreshCounters(); } return; } if (message.command == "tab_activated") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+ ", tabId: " + message.tabId); } SetActiveTab(message.tabId, true); return; } if (message.command == "tab_attention") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+ ", tabId: " + message.tabId); } SetAttentionIcon(message.tabId); return; } if (message.command == "tab_updated") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+ ", tabId: " + message.tabId); // + ", changeInfo: "+JSON.stringify(message.changeInfo)); // log(message.changeInfo); } if (message.changeInfo.favIconUrl != undefined || message.changeInfo.url != undefined) { setTimeout(function() { GetFaviconAndTitle(message.tabId, true); }, 100); } if (message.changeInfo.title != undefined) { setTimeout(function() { GetFaviconAndTitle(message.tabId, true); }, 1000); } if (message.changeInfo.audible != undefined || message.changeInfo.mutedInfo != undefined) { RefreshMediaIcon(message.tabId); } if (message.changeInfo.discarded != undefined) { RefreshDiscarded(message.tabId); // RefreshMediaIcon(message.tabId); } if (message.changeInfo.pinned != undefined) { let updateTab = document.getElementById(message.tabId); if (updateTab != null) { if (message.tab.pinned && updateTab.classList.contains("pin") == false) { SetTabClass(message.tabId, true); tt.schedule_update_data++; } if (!message.tab.pinned && updateTab.classList.contains("tab") == false) { SetTabClass(message.tabId, false); tt.schedule_update_data++; } } RefreshExpandStates(); } return; } // if (message.command == "set_active_group") { // SetActiveGroup(message.groupId, false, false); // return; // } if (message.command == "remote_update") { if (opt.debug) { log("chrome event: "+message.command+ ", tabId: " + message.tabId); log(message); } RcreateTreeStructure(message.groups, message.folders, message.tabs); sendResponse(true); tt.schedule_update_data++; return; } } }); }