var opt = { "skip_load": false, "new_open_below": false, "pin_list_multi_row": false, "close_with_MMB": true, "always_show_close": false, "allow_pin_close": false, "append_child_tab": "bottom", "append_child_tab_after_limit": "after", "append_orphan_tab": "bottom", "after_closing_active_tab": "below", "close_other_trees": false, "promote_children": true, "open_tree_on_hover": true, "max_tree_depth": -1, "never_show_close": false, "faster_scroll": false }; var opt_toolbar = { "active_toolbar_tool": "", "filter_type": "url" }; var hold = true, started = false, schedule_save = 0, tabs = {}, dt = {tabsIds: [], DropAfter: true, DropToTabId: 0, DropToIndex: 0, CameFromWindowId: 0, DroppedToWindowId: 0}, caption_clear_filter = chrome.i18n.getMessage("caption_clear_filter"), caption_loading = chrome.i18n.getMessage("caption_loading"), caption_searchbox = chrome.i18n.getMessage("caption_searchbox"); function Start(){ started = true; // open options to set defaults if (localStorage.getItem("themeDefault") === null){ chrome.tabs.create({url: "options.html" }); } // all variables needed to load data var loaded_options = {}, loaded_opt_toolbar = {}; // set loaded options if (localStorage.getItem("current_options") !== null){ loaded_options = JSON.parse(localStorage["current_options"]); } for (var parameter in opt) { if (loaded_options[parameter] != undefined && opt[parameter] != undefined){ opt[parameter] = loaded_options[parameter]; } } // toolbar shelfs options (search url-title and which shelf is active) if (localStorage.getItem("current_toolbar_options") !== null){ loaded_opt_toolbar = JSON.parse(localStorage["current_toolbar_options"]); } for (var parameter in opt_toolbar) { if (loaded_opt_toolbar[parameter] != undefined && opt_toolbar[parameter] != undefined){ opt_toolbar[parameter] = loaded_opt_toolbar[parameter]; } } LoadTabs(0); } function LoadTabs(retry){ chrome.tabs.query({windowType: "normal"}, function(qtabs){ // will loop forever if session restore tab is found if (navigator.userAgent.match("Firefox") !== null){ var halt = false; for (var t = 0; t < qtabs.length; t++){ if (qtabs[t].url.match("sessionrestore")){ halt = true; chrome.tabs.update(qtabs[t].id, { active: true }); break; } } if (halt){ setTimeout(function(){ LoadTabs(retry); }, 2000); return; } } // create current tabs object qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ HashTab(Tab); }); var reference_tabs = {}; var tabs_matched = 0; // compare saved tabs from storage to current session tabs, but can be skipped if set in options if (opt.skip_load == false){ qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ for (var t = 0; t < 9999; t++){ if (localStorage.getItem("t"+t) !== null){ var LoadedTab = JSON.parse(localStorage["t"+t]); if (LoadedTab[1] === tabs[].h && reference_tabs[LoadedTab[0]] == undefined){ reference_tabs[LoadedTab[0]] =; tabs[].p = LoadedTab[2]; tabs[].n = LoadedTab[3]; tabs[].o = LoadedTab[4]; tabs_matched++; break; } } else { break; } } }); // replace parents tabIds to new ones, for that purpose reference_tabs was made before for (var tabId in tabs){ if (reference_tabs[tabs[tabId].p] != undefined){ tabs[tabId].p = reference_tabs[tabs[tabId].p]; } } } // will try to find tabs for 10 times, roughly 30 seconds if (opt.skip_load == true || retry > 10 || localStorage.getItem("t0") === null || localStorage.getItem("t_count") === null || (tabs_matched > JSON.parse(localStorage["t_count"]))){ hold = false; StartChromeListeners(); PeriodicCheck(); AutoSaveData(); } else { setTimeout(function(){ LoadTabs(retry+1); }, 3000); } }); } // once a minute checking for missing tabs function PeriodicCheck(){ setTimeout(function(){ PeriodicCheck(); if (!hold){ chrome.tabs.query({windowType: "normal"}, function(qtabs){ qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ if (tabs[] == undefined){ HashTab(Tab); setTimeout(function(){ chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "recheck_tabs"}); },300); setTimeout(function(){ schedule_save++; },600); } }); }); } },60000); } // save every 2 seconds if there is anything to save obviously function AutoSaveData(){ setTimeout(function(){ AutoSaveData(); if (schedule_save > 0){ schedule_save = 1; } if (!hold && schedule_save > 0 && Object.keys(tabs).length > 1){ chrome.tabs.query({windowType: "normal"}, function(qtabs){ localStorage["t_count"] = qtabs.length*0.5; for (var t = 0; t < qtabs.length; t++){ if (tabs[qtabs[t].id] != undefined && tabs[qtabs[t].id].h != undefined && tabs[qtabs[t].id].p != undefined && tabs[qtabs[t].id].n != undefined && tabs[qtabs[t].id].o != undefined){ var Tab = JSON.stringify([qtabs[t].id, tabs[qtabs[t].id].h, tabs[qtabs[t].id].p, tabs[qtabs[t].id].n, tabs[qtabs[t].id].o]); if (localStorage.getItem("t"+t) == null || localStorage["t"+t] !== Tab){ localStorage["t"+t] = Tab; } } } schedule_save--; }); } }, 1000); } function SaveOptions(){ localStorage["current_options"] = JSON.stringify(opt); } function SaveToolbarOptions(){ localStorage["current_toolbar_options"] = JSON.stringify(opt_toolbar); } function HashTab(tab){ if (tabs[] == undefined){ tabs[] = {h: 0, p: tab.pinned ? "pin_list" : "tab_list", n: tab.index, o: "n"}; } var hash = 0; if (tab.url.length === 0){ return 0; } for (var i = 0; i < tab.url.length; i++){ hash = (hash << 5)-hash; hash = hash+tab.url.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; } tabs[].h = hash; } // start all listeners function StartChromeListeners(){ chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function(tab){ HashTab(tab); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_created", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId:}); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener(function(tabId, attachInfo){ chrome.tabs.get(tabId, function(tab){ if (tabs[tabId] == undefined){ HashTab(tab); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_attached", windowId: attachInfo.newWindowId, tab: tab, tabId: tabId}); }); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(function(tabId, removeInfo){ chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_removed", windowId: removeInfo.windowId, tabId: tabId}); delete tabs[tabId]; schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onDetached.addListener(function(tabId, detachInfo){ if (tabs[tabId] == undefined){ HashTab(tab); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_removed", windowId: detachInfo.oldWindowId, tabId: tabId}); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab){ if (tabs[tabId] == undefined || changeInfo.url != undefined){ HashTab(tab); } if (changeInfo.pinned == true){ tabs[tabId].p = "pin_list"; } if (changeInfo.pinned == false){ tabs[tabId].p = "tab_list"; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_updated", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: tabId, changeInfo: changeInfo}); if (changeInfo.url != undefined || changeInfo.pinned != undefined){schedule_save++;} }); chrome.tabs.onMoved.addListener(function(tabId, moveInfo){ if (tabs[tabId] == undefined){ HashTab(tab); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_moved", windowId: moveInfo.windowId, tabId: tabId, moveInfo: moveInfo}); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(function(addedTabId, removedTabId){ chrome.tabs.get(addedTabId, function(tab){ if (addedTabId == removedTabId){ chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_updated", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId:, changeInfo: {status: tab.status, url: tab.url, title: tab.title, audible:, mutedInfo: tab.mutedInfo}}); } else { if (tabs[removedTabId]){ tabs[addedTabId] = {h: GetHash(tab.url), p: tabs[removedTabId].p, n: tabs[removedTabId].n, o: tabs[removedTabId].o}; } else { HashTab(tab); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_removed", windowId: tab.windowId, tabId: removedTabId}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_attached", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: addedTabId}); delete tabs[removedTabId]; } schedule_save++; }); }); chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function(activeInfo){ chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_activated", windowId: activeInfo.windowId, tabId: activeInfo.tabId}); }); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse){ switch(message.command){ case "background_start": if (!started){ Start(); } break; case "reload": window.location.reload(); break; case "options_save": SaveOptions(); break; case "toolbar_options_save": SaveToolbarOptions(); break; } }); function log(m){ console.log(m); } chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(function(){ Start(); }); if (navigator.userAgent.match("Firefox") === null){ chrome.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(function(){ hold = true; }); }