// QUANTUM function QuantumStart() { chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(storage) { chrome.windows.getAll({ windowTypes: ["normal"], populate: true }, function(w) { let windows_data = {}; let tabs_data = {}; for (let win of w) { Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getWindowValue(win.id, "TTdata")).then(function(WindowData) { windows_data[win.id] = WindowData; for (let tab of win.tabs) { Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getTabValue(tab.id, "TTdata")).then(function(TData) { if (TData != undefined) b.tt_ids[TData.ttid] = tab.id; tabs_data[tab.id] = TData; }); } }); } setTimeout(function() { // LOAD PREFERENCES Preferences_GetCurrentPreferences(storage); // CACHED COUNTS AND STUFF let tabs_matched = 0; let tabs_count = 0; for (let win of w) { tabs_count += win.tabs.length; } let lastWinId = w[w.length - 1].id; let lastTabId = w[w.length - 1].tabs[w[w.length - 1].tabs.length - 1].id; if (opt.debug == true) { if (storage.debug_log != undefined) b.debug = storage.debug_log; // if (retry == 0) pushlog("TreeTabs background start"); } for (let win of w) { // LOAD TTID FROM FIREFOX GET WINDOW VALUE if (opt.skip_load == false && windows_data[win.id] != undefined) { b.windows[win.id] = Object.assign({}, windows_data[win.id]); } else { QuantumAppendWinTTId(win.id); } for (let tab of win.tabs) { // LOAD TTID FROM FIREFOX GET TAB VALUE if (opt.skip_load == false && tabs_data[tab.id] != undefined) { b.tabs[tab.id] = Object.assign({}, tabs_data[tab.id]); tabs_matched++; if (tabs_data[tab.id].parent_ttid != undefined && tabs_data[tab.id].parent_ttid != "") { // legacy b.tabs[tab.id].parent = tabs_data[tab.id].parent_ttid; // legacy delete b.tabs[tab.id].parent_ttid; // legacy } // legacy } else { QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab); } if (tab.active) b.windows[win.id].activeTabId = tab.id; } } // OK, DONE, NOW REPLACE OLD PARENTS IDS WITH THIS SESSION IDS for (let tabId in b.tabs) { if (b.tt_ids[b.tabs[tabId].parent] != undefined) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = b.tt_ids[b.tabs[tabId].parent]; // is tab } else { b.tabs[tabId].parent = b.tabs[tabId].parent; // is not tab } } // OK, SAME THING FOR ACTIVE TABS IN GROUPS for (let winId in b.windows) { for (let group in b.windows[winId].groups) { if (b.tt_ids[b.windows[winId].groups[group].active_tab] != undefined) b.windows[winId].groups[group].active_tab = b.tt_ids[b.windows[winId].groups[group].active_tab]; if (b.tt_ids[b.windows[winId].groups[group].prev_active_tab] != undefined) b.windows[winId].groups[group].prev_active_tab = b.tt_ids[b.windows[winId].groups[group].prev_active_tab]; } } if (opt.skip_load == false && tabs_matched < tabs_count*0.5) { b.safe_mode = true; SafeModeCheck(); // SAFE MODE IS DISABLED AFTER 10 MINUTES setTimeout(function() { b.safe_mode = false; }, 600000); if (opt.debug) pushlog("started in safe mode"); } b.bg_running = true; QuantumAutoSaveData(); QuantumStartListeners(); delete DefaultToolbar; delete DefaultTheme; delete DefaultPreferences; delete DefaultMenu; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "bg_started" }); if (opt.debug) pushlog("QuantumStart, Current windows count is: " + w.length + "Current tabs count is: " + tabs_count + "Matching tabs: " + tabs_matched); }, 1000); }); }); } // save every second if there is anything to save obviously async function QuantumAutoSaveData() { setInterval(function() { if (b.schedule_save > 1) b.schedule_save = 1; if (b.safe_mode == false && b.bg_running && b.schedule_save > 0 && Object.keys(b.tabs).length > 1) { chrome.windows.getAll({ windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true }, function(w) { for (let win of w) { if (b.windows[win.id] != undefined) { if (b.windows[win.id].ttid != undefined && b.windows[win.id].group_bar != undefined && b.windows[win.id].search_filter != undefined && b.windows[win.id].active_shelf != undefined && b.windows[win.id].active_group != undefined && b.windows[win.id].groups != undefined && b.windows[win.id].folders != undefined) { let windowData = Object.assign({}, b.windows[win.id]); for (let groupId in b.windows[win.id].groups) { if (b.tabs[b.windows[win.id].groups[groupId].active_tab]) windowData.groups[groupId].active_tab = b.tabs[b.windows[win.id].groups[groupId].active_tab].ttid; if (b.tabs[b.windows[win.id].groups[groupId].prev_active_tab]) windowData.groups[groupId].prev_active_tab = b.tabs[b.windows[win.id].groups[groupId].prev_active_tab].ttid; } browser.sessions.setWindowValue(win.id, "TTdata", windowData); } } else { QuantumAppendWinTTId(win.id); } for (let tab of win.tabs) { if (b.tabs[tab.id] != undefined) { if (b.tabs[tab.id].ttid != undefined && b.tabs[tab.id].parent != undefined && b.tabs[tab.id].index != undefined && b.tabs[tab.id].expand != undefined) { browser.sessions.setTabValue(tab.id, "TTdata", { ttid: b.tabs[tab.id].ttid, parent: (b.tabs[b.tabs[tab.id].parent] ? b.tabs[b.tabs[tab.id].parent].ttid : b.tabs[tab.id].parent), index: b.tabs[tab.id].index, expand: b.tabs[tab.id].expand }); } else { QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab); } } } } b.schedule_save--; }); } if (opt.debug == true) chrome.storage.local.set({ debug_log: b.debug }); }, 1000); } function QuantumGenerateNewWindowID() { let newID = ""; while (newID == "") { newID = "w_" + GenerateRandomID(); for (let wId in b.windows) { if (wId == newID) newID = ""; } } return newID; } function QuantumGenerateNewTabID() { let newID = ""; while (newID == "") { newID = "t_" + GenerateRandomID(); for (let tId in b.tabs) { if (tId == newID) newID = ""; } } return newID; } function QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab) { let NewTTTabId = QuantumGenerateNewTabID(); if (b.tabs[tab.id] != undefined) { b.tabs[tab.id].ttid = NewTTTabId; } else { b.tabs[tab.id] = { ttid: NewTTTabId, parent: (b.windows[tab.windowId] ? b.windows[tab.windowId].active_group : "tab_list"), index: tab.index, expand: "" }; } b.tt_ids[NewTTTabId] = tab.id; return NewTTTabId; } function QuantumAppendWinTTId(windowId) { let NewTTWindowId = QuantumGenerateNewWindowID(); if (b.windows[windowId] != undefined) { b.windows[windowId].ttid = NewTTWindowId; } else { b.windows[windowId] = { activeTabId: 0, ttid: NewTTWindowId, group_bar: opt.groups_toolbar_default, search_filter: "url", active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: { tab_list: { id: "tab_list", index: 0, active_tab: 0, prev_active_tab: 0, name: labels.ungrouped_group, font: "" } }, folders: {} }; } } function QuantumStartListeners() { browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() { browser.sidebarAction.setPanel({ panel: (browser.extension.getURL("/sidebar.html")) }); browser.sidebarAction.open(); }); chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function(tab) { if (b.windows[tab.windowId] == undefined) { QuantumAppendWinTTId(tab.windowId); } let prevActiveTabId = b.windows[tab.windowId].activeTabId; let t = Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getTabValue(tab.id, "TTdata")).then(function(TabData) { if (TabData != undefined) { b.tabs[tab.id] = Object.assign({}, TabData); let originalParent = b.tt_ids[TabData.parent] ? b.tt_ids[TabData.parent] : TabData.parent; let AfterId = undefined; let append = undefined; if (originalParent) { let originalParentChildren = GetChildren(b.tabs, originalParent); if (TabData.index > 0 && TabData.index < originalParentChildren.length) { for (let i = TabData.index + 1; i < originalParentChildren.length; i++) { // shift next siblings indexes b.tabs[originalParentChildren[i]].index += 1; } AfterId = originalParentChildren[TabData.index]; } if (TabData.index == 0) { append = false; } if (TabData.index > originalParentChildren.length) { append = true; } } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_created", windowId: tab.windowId, tabId: tab.id, tab: tab, ParentId: originalParent, InsertAfterId: AfterId, Append: append }); } else { QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab); chrome.tabs.get(tab.id, function(NewTab) { // get tab again as reported tab's url is empty! Also for some reason firefox sends tab with "active == false" even if tab is active (THIS IS POSSIBLY A NEW BUG IN FF 60!) if (NewTab) { OnMessageTabCreated(NewTab, prevActiveTabId); } }); } }); }); chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener(function(tabId, attachInfo) { let oldId = tabId; chrome.tabs.get(oldId, function(tab) { ReplaceParents(oldId, tab.id); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_attached", windowId: attachInfo.newWindowId, tab: tab, tabId: tab.id, ParentId: b.tabs[tab.id].parent }); b.schedule_save++; }); }); chrome.tabs.onDetached.addListener(function(tabId, detachInfo) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_detached", windowId: detachInfo.oldWindowId, tabId: tabId }); }); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(function(tabId, removeInfo) { // if (b.windows[removeInfo.windowId].activeTabId == tabId) { // chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "switch_active_tab", windowId: removeInfo.windowId, tabId: tabId}); // } let SiblingTabs = GetChildren(b.tabs, b.tabs[tabId].parent); let SiblingFolders = GetChildren(b.windows[removeInfo.windowId].folders, b.tabs[tabId].parent); UnshiftChildrenIndexes(SiblingTabs, b.tabs[tabId].index, SiblingFolders, removeInfo.windowId); if (b.EmptyTabs.indexOf(tabId) != -1) { b.EmptyTabs.splice(b.EmptyTabs.indexOf(tabId), 1); } setTimeout(function() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_removed", windowId: removeInfo.windowId, tabId: tabId }); }, 5); delete b.tabs[tabId]; b.schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { if (changeInfo.pinned == true) { if (b.tabs[tabId]) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = "pin_list"; b.schedule_save++; } } if (changeInfo.pinned == false) { if (b.tabs[tabId]) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = "tab_list"; b.schedule_save++; } } if (changeInfo.url != undefined) { // if set to append when url changes and matches pre-set group if (tab.pinned == false) { if (opt.move_tabs_on_url_change == "always" || ((opt.move_tabs_on_url_change == "from_empty" || opt.move_tabs_on_url_change == "from_empty_b") && b.EmptyTabs.indexOf(tabId) != -1)) { AppendTabToGroupOnRegexMatch(tabId, tab.windowId, changeInfo.url); } } if (changeInfo.url != b.newTabUrl && b.EmptyTabs.indexOf(tabId) != -1) { b.EmptyTabs.splice(b.EmptyTabs.indexOf(tabId), 1); } } if (changeInfo.title != undefined && !tab.active) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_attention", windowId: tab.windowId, tabId: tabId }); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_updated", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: tabId, changeInfo: changeInfo }); }); chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(function(addedTabId, removedTabId) { chrome.tabs.get(addedTabId, function(tab) { if (addedTabId == removedTabId) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_updated", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: tab.id, changeInfo: { status: tab.status, url: tab.url, title: tab.title, audible: tab.audible, mutedInfo: tab.mutedInfo } }); } else { if (b.tabs[removedTabId]) { b.tabs[addedTabId] = b.tabs[removedTabId]; } ReplaceParents(tabId, tab.id); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_removed", windowId: tab.windowId, tabId: removedTabId }); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_attached", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: addedTabId, ParentId: b.tabs[addedTabId].parent }); // delete ttid[b.tabs[removedTabId].ttid]; // delete b.tabs[removedTabId]; } setTimeout(function() { QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab); b.schedule_save++; }, 100); }); }); chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function(activeInfo) { if (b.windows[activeInfo.windowId]) { b.windows[activeInfo.windowId].activeTabId = activeInfo.tabId; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: "tab_activated", windowId: activeInfo.windowId, tabId: activeInfo.tabId }); b.schedule_save++; }); chrome.windows.onCreated.addListener(function(window) { let win = Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getWindowValue(window.id, "TTdata")).then(function(WindowData) { if (WindowData != undefined) { b.windows[window.id] = Object.assign({}, WindowData); } else { QuantumAppendWinTTId(window.id); } b.schedule_save++; }); }); chrome.windows.onRemoved.addListener(function(windowId) { delete b.windows[windowId]; b.schedule_save++; }); }