{ "extensionName": { "message": "Tree Tabs" }, "extDesc": { "message": "Manage your tabs in the sidebar!" }, "button_new": { "message": "Press left mouse button to open new tab. \nPress middle mouse button to clone the active tab. \nPress right mouse button to scroll the list to the active tab." }, "button_pin": { "message": "Pin / Unpin current tab" }, "button_undo": { "message": "Reopen last closed" }, "button_move": { "message": "Detach tab" }, "button_search": { "message": "Search tabs" }, "button_tools": { "message": "Tools" }, "button_groups": { "message": "Groups" }, "filter_search_go_prev": { "message": "Previous search result" }, "filter_search_go_next": { "message": "Next search result" }, "button_bookmarks": { "message": "Unsorted bookmarks" }, "button_downloads": { "message": "Downloads" }, "button_history": { "message": "History" }, "button_settings": { "message": "Settings" }, "button_options": { "message": "Tree Tabs settings" }, "button_extensions": { "message": "Extensions" }, "button_discard": { "message": "Unload tabs" }, "button_filter_type": { "message": "Search titles or urls" }, "button_groups_toolbar_hide": { "message": "Hide/Show Groups toolbar" }, "button_new_group": { "message": "New group" }, "button_remove_group": { "message": "Remove group.\nHold shift key to close tabs from this group" }, "button_edit_group": { "message": "Edit group" }, "button_import_group": { "message": "Import group" }, "button_export_group": { "message": "Export group" }, "button_backup": { "message": "Session" }, "button_import_bak": { "message": "Import session" }, "button_import_merge_bak": { "message": "Import and merge session.\nImporter will try to match current tabs with those from saved session, instead of opening a new window." }, "button_export_bak": { "message": "Export session" }, "button_load_bak1": { "message": "EMERGENCY if lost groupings: Load latest internal backup (autosave is made every 5 minutes)" }, "button_load_bak2": { "message": "EMERGENCY if lost groupings: Load previous to latest internal backup (autosave is made every 10 minutes)" }, "button_load_bak3": { "message": "EMERGENCY if lost groupings: Load oldest internal backup (autosave is made every 30 minutes)" }, "tabs_menu_expand_all": { "message": "Expand all trees" }, "tabs_menu_collapse_all": { "message": "Collapse all trees" }, "tabs_menu_new": { "message": "New tab" }, "tabs_menu_clone": { "message": "Duplicate" }, "tabs_menu_move": { "message": "Detach" }, "tabs_menu_reload": { "message": "Reload" }, "tabs_menu_pin": { "message": "Pin" }, "tabs_menu_mute": { "message": "Mute" }, "tabs_menu_unmute": { "message": "Unmute" }, "tabs_menu_mute_other": { "message": "Mute other" }, "tabs_menu_unmute_other": { "message": "Unmute other" }, "tabs_menu_unpin": { "message": "Unpin" }, "tabs_menu_close_tree": { "message": "Close tree" }, "tabs_menu_close": { "message": "Close" }, "tabs_menu_close_other": { "message": "Close other" }, "tabs_menu_undo": { "message": "Undo close" }, "tabs_menu_settings": { "message": "Settings" }, "tabs_menu_discard": { "message": "Unload" }, "options_vivaldi": { "message": " Vivaldi " }, "opt_url_for_web_panel": { "message": "Url for the Web Panel" }, "options_pinned": { "message": " Pinned tabs bar " }, "options_pin_list_multi_row": { "message": "multi row list" }, "option_allow_pin_close": { "message": "allow to close pinned tabs" }, "options_tabs": { "message": " Tabs " }, "options_syncro_tabbar_tabs_order": { "message": "synchronise TabBar tabs order with Tree Tabs (with too many tabs, after moving tabs, Tree Tabs may be unresponsive for a second)" }, "options_switch_with_scroll": { "message": "switch tabs with mouse wheel" }, "options_close_with_MMB": { "message": "close tabs with middle mouse button" }, "options_always_show_close": { "message": "show close button on all tabs" }, "options_never_show_close": { "message": "don't show close button (option above will be ignored)" }, "options_close_other_trees": { "message": "automatically collapse other trees on expand" }, "options_open_tree_on_hover": { "message": "auto expand collapsed trees when dragging and holding for a second over them" }, "options_promote_children": { "message": "promote children tabs on close, if disabled, when closing the parent of a tree structure, all tabs will be closed (be careful, because undo close tab will not recover the trees structure)" }, "options_skip_load": { "message": "discard tree structure after browser's restart, this option is for those who don't use browser's session. Basically it disables loading database at startup." }, "options_append_child_tab": { "message": "append children tabs at the" }, "options_append_child_tab_top": { "message": "top (reverse hierarchy)" }, "options_append_child_tab_bottom": { "message": "bottom" }, "options_append_orphan_tab": { "message": "append orphan tabs (new tabs, tabs opened from shortcuts or from bookmarks)" }, "options_append_orphan_tab_top": { "message": "at the top" }, "options_append_orphan_tab_after_active": { "message": "after active" }, "options_append_orphan_tab_bottom": { "message": "at the bottom" }, "options_append_orphan_tab_as_child": { "message": "treat as active's tab child" }, "options_after_closing_active_tab": { "message": "after closing active tab," }, "options_after_closing_active_tab_go_up": { "message": "activate tab above" }, "options_after_closing_active_tab_go_down": { "message": "activate tab below" }, "options_after_closing_active_tab_go_browser": { "message": "let browser handle which tab to activate" }, "options_append_child_tab_after_limit": { "message": "once reached tree depth, place tab on the same level, but" }, "options_append_child_tab_after_limit_top": { "message": "at the top" }, "options_append_child_tab_after_limit_after": { "message": "after parent" }, "options_append_child_tab_after_limit_bottom": { "message": "at the bottom" }, "options_max_tree_drag_drop": { "message": "Limit Drag&Drop to tree's maximum depth as well" }, "options_max_tree_depth": { "message": "maximum tree depth: set it to -1 for unlimited branches, 0 for flat tabs placement (no trees), any number above 0 will be its maximum" }, "options_theme": { "message": "Theme" }, "options_rename_theme_button": { "message": "Rename" }, "options_add_theme_button": { "message": "Add new" }, "options_remove_theme_button": { "message": "Remove" }, "options_import_theme_button": { "message": "Import" }, "options_export_theme_button": { "message": "Export" }, "options_toolbar": { "message": " Toolbar " }, "options_available_buttons": { "message": "Drag and drop buttons to arrange them, drop to the green box, buttons you don't want to use" }, "options_reset_toolbar_button": { "message": "Reset toolbar" }, "options_theme_tabs": { "message": " Tabs look " }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_normal": { "message": "Normal" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_normal_hover": { "message": "Normal, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_normal_selected": { "message": "Normal selected" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_normal_selected_hover": { "message": "Normal selected, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_active": { "message": "Active" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_active_hover": { "message": "Active, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_active_selected": { "message": "Active and selected" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_active_selected_hover": { "message": "Active and selected, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_discarded": { "message": "Unloaded (discarded)" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_discarded_hover": { "message": "Unloaded, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_discarded_selected": { "message": "Unloaded and selected" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_discarded_selected_hover": { "message": "Unloaded and selected, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result": { "message": "Search result" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_hover": { "message": "Search result, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_active": { "message": "Search result active" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_active_hover": { "message": "Search result active, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_selected": { "message": "Search result selected" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_selected_hover": { "message": "Search result selected, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_selected_active": { "message": "Search result selected, active" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_selected_active_hover": { "message": "Search result selected, active, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted": { "message": "Search result highlighted" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_hover": { "message": "Search result highlighted, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_active": { "message": "Search result highlighted, active" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_active_hover": { "message": "Search result highlighted, active, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_selected": { "message": "Search result highlighted, selected" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_selected_hover": { "message": "Search result highlighted, selected, mouse hover over" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_selected_active": { "message": "Search result highlighted, selected, active" }, "options_theme_tabs_sample_text_search_result_highlighted_selected_active_hover": { "message": "Search result highlighted, selected, active, mouse hover over" }, "options_color_pick_filter_clear_icon": { "message": "Clear search result x button color" }, "options_color_pick_hover": { "message": "On hover" }, "options_color_pick_border": { "message": "Border color" }, "options_color_pick_background": { "message": "Fill color" }, "options_color_pick_font": { "message": "Font color" }, "options_tabs_indentation_down": { "message": "Decrease tabs indentation" }, "options_tabs_indentation_up": { "message": "Increase tabs indentation" }, "options_tabs_roundness_down": { "message": "Make tabs corners more square" }, "options_tabs_roundness_up": { "message": "Make tabs rounder" }, "options_tabs_size_down": { "message": "Decrease tabs size" }, "options_tabs_size_up": { "message": "Increase tabs size" }, "options_tab_list_scrollbar_width_down": { "message": "Decrease scrollbars width" }, "options_tab_list_scrollbar_width_up": { "message": "Increase scrollbars width" }, "options_tab_list_scrollbar_height_down": { "message": "Decrease scrollbars height" }, "options_tab_list_scrollbar_height_up": { "message": "Increase scrollbars height" }, "options_there_is_a_theme_with_this_name": { "message": "Theme with this name already exists, try a new name" }, "options_theme_name_cannot_be_empty": { "message": "Theme name cannot be empty, enter some name" }, "options_no_theme_to_export": { "message": "No theme to export, maybe add a new one :)" }, "options_loaded_theme_older_version": { "message": "Looks like loaded theme was saved in older version of the extension, some colors or options might be missing" }, "options_loaded_theme_newer_version": { "message": "Looks like loaded theme was saved in a newer version of the extension, can't load!" }, "options_example_menu_item": { "message": "menu item" }, "options_menu": { "message": " Menu " }, "options_vivaldi_copied_url": { "message": "Web Panel Url has been copied to clipboard, add a new Web Panel and paste url." }, "options_copied_wallet_address": { "message": "Wallet address has been copied to clipboard" }, "options_clear_data": { "message": "Sidebar is not loading? Clear everything! ATTENTION! Tabs arrangement will be lost as well!" }, "group_edit_button_cancel": { "message": "Cancel" }, "group_edit_button_confirm": { "message": "Ok" }, "caption_ungrouped_group": { "message": "Ungrouped tabs" }, "caption_noname_group": { "message": "untitled" }, "caption_clear_filter": { "message": "Clear search results" }, "caption_loading": { "message": "Loading..." }, "caption_searchbox": { "message": " Search tabs..." } }