// Copyright (c) 2017 kroppy. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license // that can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ if (localStorage.getItem("t0") !== null){ LoadV015(0); } else { LoadPreferences(); ChromeLoadTabs(0); ChromeMessageListeners(); } function ChromeLoadTabs(retry) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(w) { var refTabs = {}; var tabs_matched = 0; // load tabs and windows from hdd var w_count = LoadData("w_count", 0); var t_count = LoadData("t_count", 0); var LoadedWindows = LoadData("windows", []); var LoadedTabs = LoadData("tabs", []); // if loaded tabs mismatch by 50%, then try to load back if (LoadedTabs.length < t_count*0.5 || retry > 0) { LoadedTabs = LoadData("tabs_BAK"+retry, []); } // if loaded windows mismatch, then try to load back if (LoadedWindows.length < w_count || retry > 0) { LoadedWindows = LoadData("windows_BAK"+retry, []); } // CACHED COUNTS var WinCount = w.length; var LoadedWinCount = LoadedWindows.length; var LoadedTabsCount = LoadedTabs.length; for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { if (w[wIndex].tabs[0].url != "chrome://videopopout/") { // this is for opera for their extra video popup, which is weirdly queried as a "normal" window let winId = w[wIndex].id; let url1 = w[wIndex].tabs[0].url; let url2 = w[wIndex].tabs[w[wIndex].tabs.length-1].url; windows[winId] = {group_bar: true, active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: {tab_list: {id: "tab_list", index: 0, activetab: 0, name: caption_ungrouped_group, font: ""}}, folders: {}}; for (var LwIndex = 0; LwIndex < LoadedWinCount; LwIndex++) { if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url1 == url1 || LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url2 == url2) { windows[winId].group_bar = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].group_bar; windows[winId].active_shelf = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_shelf; windows[winId].active_group = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_group; if (Object.keys(LoadedWindows[LwIndex].groups).length > 0) { windows[winId].groups = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindows[LwIndex].groups); } if (Object.keys(LoadedWindows[LwIndex].folders).length > 0) { windows[winId].folders = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindows[LwIndex].folders); } LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url1 = ""; LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url2 = ""; break; } } } } for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { var TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (var tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { ChromeHashURL(w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex]); } } // compare saved tabs from storage to current session tabs, but can be skipped if set in options if (opt.skip_load == false && LoadedTabs.length > 0) { // match loaded tabs for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { var TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (var tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { for (var LtabIndex = 0; LtabIndex < LoadedTabsCount; LtabIndex++) { let tabId = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].hash == tabs[tabId].hash && refTabs[LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].id] == undefined) { refTabs[LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].id] = tabId; tabs[tabId].parent = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].parent; tabs[tabId].index = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].index; tabs[tabId].expand = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].expand; LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].hash = undefined; tabs_matched++; break; } } } } // replace parents tabIds for new ones, for that purpose refTabs was made before for (var tabId in tabs) { if (refTabs[tabs[tabId].parent] != undefined) { tabs[tabId].parent = refTabs[tabs[tabId].parent]; } } } // replace active tab ids for each group using refTabs for (var windowId in windows) { for (var group in windows[windowId].groups) { if (refTabs[windows[windowId].groups[group].activetab]) { windows[windowId].groups[group].activetab = refTabs[windows[windowId].groups[group].activetab]; } } } // will try to find tabs for 3 times if (opt.skip_load == true || retry > 2 || (tabs_matched > t_count*0.5)) { schedule_save++; hold = false; ChromeAutoSaveData("", 1000); ChromeAutoSaveData("_BAK1", 300000); ChromeAutoSaveData("_BAK2", 600000); ChromeAutoSaveData("_BAK3", 1800000); ChromeListeners(); } else { setTimeout(function() {ChromeLoadTabs(retry+1);}, 2000); } }); } // You maybe are asking yourself why I save tabs in array? It's because, instead of, keeping 2 index numbers (one for browser tabs on top and one for my index in tree), it's easier to just arrange them in order and save it in localstorage. // Another reason is that Object does not preserve order in chrome, I've been told that in Firefox it is. But I can't trust that. async function ChromeAutoSaveData(BackupName, LoopTimer) { setTimeout(function() { ChromeAutoSaveData(BackupName, LoopTimer); if (schedule_save > 1 || BackupName != "") {schedule_save = 1;} if (!hold && schedule_save > 0 && Object.keys(tabs).length > 1) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(w) { var WinCount = w.length; var t_count = 0; var counter = 0; var Windows = []; var Tabs = []; for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { t_count += w[wIndex].tabs.length; } for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let winId = w[wIndex].id; if (windows[winId] != undefined && windows[winId].group_bar != undefined && windows[winId].active_shelf != undefined && windows[winId].active_group != undefined && windows[winId].groups != undefined && windows[winId].folders != undefined) { Windows.push({url1: w[wIndex].tabs[0].url, url2: w[wIndex].tabs[w[wIndex].tabs.length-1].url, group_bar: windows[winId].group_bar, active_shelf: windows[winId].active_shelf, active_group: windows[winId].active_group, groups: windows[winId].groups, folders: windows[winId].folders}); } let TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (var tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { let tabId = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; if (tabs[tabId] != undefined && tabs[tabId].hash != undefined && tabs[tabId].parent != undefined && tabs[tabId].index != undefined && tabs[tabId].expand != undefined) { Tabs.push({id: tabId, hash: tabs[tabId].hash, parent: tabs[tabId].parent, index: tabs[tabId].index, expand: tabs[tabId].expand}); counter++; } } if (counter == t_count) { localStorage["t_count"] = JSON.stringify(t_count); localStorage["w_count"] = JSON.stringify(WinCount); localStorage["windows"+BackupName] = JSON.stringify(Windows); localStorage["tabs"+BackupName] = JSON.stringify(Tabs); } } schedule_save--; }); } }, LoopTimer); } function ChromeHashURL(tab){ if (tabs[tab.id] == undefined) { tabs[tab.id] = {hash: 0, parent: tab.pinned ? "pin_list" : "tab_list", index: tab.index, expand: "n"}; } var hash = 0; for (var charIndex = 0; charIndex < tab.url.length; charIndex++){ hash += tab.url.charCodeAt(charIndex); } tabs[tab.id].hash = hash; } function ReplaceParents(oldTabId, newTabId) { for (var tabId in tabs) { if (tabs[tabId].parent == oldTabId) { tabs[tabId].parent = newTabId; } } // TO DO FOLDERS } // start all listeners function ChromeListeners() { chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function(tab) { ChromeHashURL(tab); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_created", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: tab.id}); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(function(tabId, removeInfo) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_removed", windowId: removeInfo.windowId, tabId: tabId}); delete tabs[tabId]; schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener(function(tabId, attachInfo) { chrome.tabs.get(tabId, function(tab) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_attached", windowId: attachInfo.newWindowId, tab: tab, tabId: tabId, ParentId: tabs[tabId].parent}); }); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onDetached.addListener(function(tabId, detachInfo) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_detached", windowId: detachInfo.oldWindowId, tabId: tabId}); schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { if (tabs[tabId] == undefined || changeInfo.url != undefined) { ChromeHashURL(tab); } if (changeInfo.pinned != undefined) { schedule_save++; } if (changeInfo.pinned == true) { tabs[tabId].parent = "pin_list"; } if (changeInfo.title != undefined && !tab.active) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_attention", windowId: tab.windowId, tabId: tabId}); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_updated", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: tabId, changeInfo: changeInfo}); }); chrome.tabs.onMoved.addListener(function(tabId, moveInfo) { schedule_save++; }); chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(function(addedTabId, removedTabId) { chrome.tabs.get(addedTabId, function(tab) { if (addedTabId == removedTabId) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_updated", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: tab.id, changeInfo: {status: tab.status, url: tab.url, title: tab.title, audible: tab.audible, mutedInfo: tab.mutedInfo}}); } else { ReplaceParents(tabId, tab.id); if (tabs[removedTabId]) { tabs[addedTabId] = tabs[removedTabId]; } else { ChromeHashURL(tab); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_removed", windowId: tab.windowId, tabId: removedTabId}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_attached", windowId: tab.windowId, tab: tab, tabId: addedTabId}); delete tabs[removedTabId]; } schedule_save++; }); }); chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function(activeInfo) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "tab_activated", windowId: activeInfo.windowId, tabId: activeInfo.tabId}); }); chrome.windows.onCreated.addListener(function(window) { windows[window.id] = {group_bar: true, active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: {tab_list: {id: "tab_list", index: 0, activetab: 0, name: caption_ungrouped_group, font: ""}}, folders: {}}; schedule_save++; }); chrome.windows.onRemoved.addListener(function(windowId) { delete windows[windowId]; schedule_save++; }); chrome.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(function() { hold = true; }); } function ChromeMessageListeners() { chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) { switch(message.command) { case "reload": window.location.reload(); break; case "get_windows": sendResponse(windows); break; case "get_groups": if (windows[message.windowId]) { sendResponse(windows[message.windowId].groups); } break; case "save_groups": windows[message.windowId].groups = Object.assign({}, message.groups); schedule_save++; break; case "set_active_group": windows[message.windowId].active_group = message.active_group; schedule_save++; break; case "get_active_group": if (windows[message.windowId]) { sendResponse(windows[message.windowId].active_group); } break; case "set_active_shelf": windows[message.windowId].active_shelf = message.active_shelf; schedule_save++; break; case "get_active_shelf": if (windows[message.windowId]) { sendResponse(windows[message.windowId].active_shelf); } break; case "set_group_bar": windows[message.windowId].group_bar = message.group_bar; schedule_save++; break; case "get_group_bar": if (windows[message.windowId]) { sendResponse(windows[message.windowId].group_bar); } break; case "console_log": console.log(message.m); break; case "get_browser_tabs": sendResponse(tabs); break; case "is_bg_busy": sendResponse(hold); break; case "update_tab": if (tabs[message.tabId]) { for (var parameter in message.tab) { tabs[message.tabId][parameter] = message.tab[parameter]; } schedule_save++; } break; } }); }