// Copyright (c) 2017 kroppy. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license // that can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ function OldHashTab(tab){ if (tabs[tab.id] == undefined){ tabs[tab.id] = {ttid: "", hash: 0, h: 0, parent: tab.pinned ? "pin_list" : "tab_list", index: tab.index, expand: "n"}; } var hash = 0; if (tab.url.length === 0){ return 0; } for (var i = 0; i < tab.url.length; i++){ hash = (hash << 5)-hash; hash = hash+tab.url.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; } tabs[tab.id].h = hash; } function LoadV015(retry){ var loaded_options = {}; for (var parameter in DefaultPreferences) { opt[parameter] = DefaultPreferences[parameter]; } // set loaded options if (localStorage.getItem("current_options") !== null){ loaded_options = JSON.parse(localStorage["current_options"]); } for (var parameter in opt) { if (loaded_options[parameter] != undefined && opt[parameter] != undefined){ opt[parameter] = loaded_options[parameter]; } } SavePreferences(); if (localStorage.getItem("current_options") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("current_options"); } chrome.tabs.query({windowType: "normal"}, function(qtabs){ // create current tabs object qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ OldHashTab(Tab); }); var reference_tabs = {}; var tabs_to_save = []; var tabs_matched = 0; // compare saved tabs from storage to current session tabs, but can be skipped if set in options qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ for (var t = 0; t < 9999; t++){ if (localStorage.getItem("t"+t) !== null){ var LoadedTab = JSON.parse(localStorage["t"+t]); if (LoadedTab[1] === tabs[Tab.id].h && reference_tabs[LoadedTab[0]] == undefined){ reference_tabs[LoadedTab[0]] = Tab.id; tabs[Tab.id].parent = LoadedTab[2]; tabs[Tab.id].index = LoadedTab[3]; tabs[Tab.id].expand = LoadedTab[4]; tabs_matched++; break; } } else { break; } } }); // replace parents tabIds to new ones, for that purpose reference_tabs was made before for (var tabId in tabs){ if (reference_tabs[tabs[tabId].parent] != undefined){ tabs[tabId].parent = reference_tabs[tabs[tabId].parent]; } } if (browserId == "F") { // append ids to firefox tabs qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ AppendTabTTId(Tab.id); }); qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ tabs_to_save.push({id: Tab.id, ttid: tabs[tabId].ttid, parent: tabs[Tab.id].parent, index: tabs[Tab.id].index, expand: tabs[Tab.id].expand}); }); } else { // create new hashes qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ ChromeHashURL(Tab); }); qtabs.forEach(function(Tab){ tabs_to_save.push({id: Tab.id, hash: tabs[Tab.id].hash, parent: tabs[Tab.id].parent, index: tabs[Tab.id].index, expand: tabs[Tab.id].expand}); }); } localStorage["t_count"] = JSON.stringify(qtabs.length); localStorage["tabs"] = JSON.stringify(tabs_to_save); for (var t = 0; t < 9999; t++){ if (localStorage.getItem("t"+t) !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("t"+t); } } window.location.reload(); }); } function FirefoxLoadV100(retry) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ["normal"], populate: true}, function(w) { var refTabs = {}; var tabs_matched = 0; var tabs_count = 0; for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < w.length; wIndex++) { tabs_count += w[wIndex].tabs.length; } // load tabs and windows from hdd var LoadedWindows = LoadData("windows", []); var LoadedTabs = LoadData("tabs", []); // if loaded tabs mismatch by 50%, then try to load back if (LoadedTabs.length < tabs_count*0.5 || retry > 0) { LoadedTabs = LoadData("tabs_BAK"+retry, []); } // if loaded windows mismatch, then try to load back if (LoadedWindows.length < w.length || retry > 0) { LoadedWindows = LoadData("windows_BAK"+retry, []); } // CACHED COUNTS AND STUFF var lastWinId = w[w.length-1].id; var lastTabId = w[w.length-1].tabs[w[w.length-1].tabs.length-1].id; var LoadedWinCount = LoadedWindows.length; var LoadedTabsCount = LoadedTabs.length; var WinCount = w.length; for (var wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let winIndex = wIndex; let winId = w[winIndex].id; let tabsCount = w[winIndex].tabs.length; let win = Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getWindowValue(winId, "TTId")).then(function(TTId) { // LOAD TTID FROM FIREFOX GET WINDOW VALUE if (TTId != undefined) { windows[winId] = {ttid: TTId, group_bar: opt.groups_toolbar_default, search_filter: "url", active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: {tab_list: {id: "tab_list", index: 0, activetab: 0, activetab_ttid: "", name: caption_ungrouped_group, font: ""}}, folders: {}}; } else { windows[winId] = {ttid: "", group_bar: opt.groups_toolbar_default, search_filter: "url", active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: {tab_list: {id: "tab_list", index: 0, activetab: 0, activetab_ttid: "", name: caption_ungrouped_group, font: ""}}, folders: {}}; } for (var tIndex = 0; tIndex < tabsCount; tIndex++) { let tabIndex = tIndex; let tabId = w[winIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; let tabPinned = w[winIndex].tabs[tabIndex].pinned; let tab = Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getTabValue(tabId, "TTId")).then(function(TTId) { // LOAD TTID FROM FIREFOX GET TAB VALUE if (TTId != undefined) { tabs[tabId] = {ttid: TTId, parent_ttid: "", parent: tabPinned ? "pin_list" : "tab_list", index: tabIndex, expand: "n"}; } else { tabs[tabId] = {ttid: "", parent_ttid: "", parent: tabPinned ? "pin_list" : "tab_list", index: tabIndex, expand: "n"}; } // IF ON LAST TAB AND LAST WINDOW, START MATCHING LOADED DATA if (tabId == lastTabId && winId == lastWinId) { for (var ThisSessonWinId in windows) { if (windows[ThisSessonWinId].ttid != ""){ for (var LwIndex = 0; LwIndex < LoadedWinCount; LwIndex++) { if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].ttid == windows[ThisSessonWinId].ttid) { if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].group_bar) { windows[ThisSessonWinId].group_bar = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].group_bar; } if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].search_filter) { windows[ThisSessonWinId].search_filter = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].search_filter; } if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_shelf) { windows[winId].active_shelf = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_shelf; } if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_group) { windows[ThisSessonWinId].active_group = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_group; } if (Object.keys(LoadedWindows[LwIndex].groups).length > 0) { windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindows[LwIndex].groups); } if (Object.keys(LoadedWindows[LwIndex].folders).length > 0) { windows[ThisSessonWinId].folders = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindows[LwIndex].folders); } LoadedWindows[LwIndex].ttid = ""; break; } } } else { AppendWinTTId(parseInt(ThisSessonWinId)); } } // OK, DONE WITH WINDOWS, START TABS LOOP for (var ThisSessonTabId in tabs) { if (tabs[ThisSessonTabId].ttid != ""){ for (var LtabIndex = 0; LtabIndex < LoadedTabsCount; LtabIndex++) { if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].ttid == tabs[ThisSessonTabId].ttid) { refTabs[LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].id] = ThisSessonTabId; if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].parent) { tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].parent; } if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].index) { tabs[ThisSessonTabId].index = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].index; } if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].expand) { tabs[ThisSessonTabId].expand = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].expand; } LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].ttid = ""; tabs_matched++; break; } } } else { AppendTabTTId(parseInt(ThisSessonTabId)); } } // OK, DONE, NOW REPLACE OLD PARENTS IDS WITH THIS SESSION IDS for (var ThisSessonTabId in tabs) { if (refTabs[tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent] != undefined) { tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent = refTabs[tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent]; } } // OK, SAME THING FOR ACTIVE TABS IN GROUPS for (var ThisSessonWinId in windows) { for (var group in windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups) { if (refTabs[windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].activetab]) { windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].activetab = refTabs[windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].activetab]; } } } if (localStorage.getItem("t_count") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("t_count"); } if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_BAK1") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("tabs_BAK1"); } if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_BAK2") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("tabs_BAK2"); } if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_BAK3") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("tabs_BAK3"); } if (localStorage.getItem("tabs") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem("tabs"); } if (localStorage.getItem("windows") !== null){ localStorage.removeItem(windows); } // will try to find tabs for 3 times if (opt.skip_load == true || retry > 2 || (tabs_matched > tabs_count*0.5)) { running = true; FirefoxAutoSaveData(); FirefoxListeners(); } else { setTimeout(function() {FirefoxLoadTabs(retry+1);}, 2000); } } }); } }); } }); } function ConvertLegacyStorage() { if (localStorage.getItem("current_theme") != null || localStorage.getItem("preferences") != null || localStorage.getItem("tabs") != null || localStorage.getItem("windows") != null) { let current_theme = ""; if (localStorage.getItem("current_theme") != null) { current_theme = localStorage["current_theme"]; } let LSthemes = []; if (localStorage.getItem("themes") != null) { LSthemes = LoadData("themes", []); } SLThemes = {}; LSthemes.forEach(function(themeName) { let them = LoadData("theme"+themeName, {"TabsSizeSetNumber": 2, "ToolbarShow": true, "toolbar": DefaultToolbar}); SLThemes[themeName] = them; }); let LSpreferences = Object.assign({}, DefaultPreferences); if (localStorage.getItem("preferences") != null) { LSpreferences = LoadData("preferences", {}); } if (browserId != "F") { let LStabs = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("tabs") != null) { LStabs = LoadData("tabs", {}); } let LSwindows = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("windows") != null) { LSwindows = LoadData("windows", {}); } let LStabs_BAK1 = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_BAK1") != null) { LStabs_BAK1 = LoadData("tabs_BAK1", {}); } let LStabs_BAK2 = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_BAK2") != null) { LStabs_BAK2 = LoadData("tabs_BAK2", {}); } let LStabs_BAK3 = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("tabs_BAK3") != null) { LStabs_BAK3 = LoadData("tabs_BAK3", {}); } let LSwindows_BAK1 = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("windows_BAK1") != null) { LSwindows_BAK1 = LoadData("windows_BAK1", {}); } let LSwindows_BAK2 = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("windows_BAK2") != null) { LSwindows_BAK2 = LoadData("windows_BAK2", {}); } let LSwindows_BAK3 = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("windows_BAK3") != null) { LSwindows_BAK3 = LoadData("windows_BAK3", {}); } let LSt_count = 0; if (localStorage.getItem("t_count") != null) { LSt_count = LoadData("t_count", {}); } let LSw_count = 0; if (localStorage.getItem("w_count") != null) { LSw_count = LoadData("w_count", {}); } chrome.storage.local.set({tabs: LStabs}); chrome.storage.local.set({windows: LSwindows}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs_BAK1: LStabs_BAK1}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs_BAK2: LStabs_BAK2}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs_BAK3: LStabs_BAK3}); chrome.storage.local.set({windows_BAK1: LSwindows_BAK1}); chrome.storage.local.set({windows_BAK2: LSwindows_BAK2}); chrome.storage.local.set({windows_BAK3: LSwindows_BAK3}); chrome.storage.local.set({t_count: LSt_count}); chrome.storage.local.set({w_count: LSw_count}); } chrome.storage.local.set({preferences: LSpreferences}); chrome.storage.local.set({current_theme: current_theme}); chrome.storage.local.set({themes: SLThemes}); localStorage.clear(); window.location.reload(); } } function LoadData(KeyName, ExpectReturnDefaultType) { var data = ExpectReturnDefaultType; try { data = JSON.parse(localStorage[KeyName]); return data; } catch(e) { return ExpectReturnDefaultType; } }