// Copyright (c) 2017 kroppy. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license // that can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ // ********** REFRESH GUI *************** function RefreshGUI() { let toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar"); if (toolbar.children.length > 0) { toolbar.style.height = ""; toolbar.style.width = ""; toolbar.style.display = ""; toolbar.style.border = ""; toolbar.style.padding = ""; if (document.querySelector(".on.button") != null) { toolbar.style.height = "53px"; } else { toolbar.style.height = "26px"; } } else { toolbar.style.height = "0px"; toolbar.style.width = "0px"; toolbar.style.display = "none"; toolbar.style.border = "none"; toolbar.style.padding = "0"; } let pin_list = document.getElementById("pin_list"); if (pin_list.children.length > 0) { pin_list.style.top = toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"; pin_list.style.height = ""; pin_list.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + "px";; pin_list.style.display = ""; pin_list.style.border = ""; pin_list.style.padding = ""; } else { pin_list.style.top = "0px"; pin_list.style.height = "0px"; pin_list.style.width = "0px"; pin_list.style.display = "none"; pin_list.style.border = "none"; pin_list.style.padding = "0"; } let toolbar_groups = document.getElementById("toolbar_groups"); toolbar_groups.style.top = toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().height + pin_list.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"; toolbar_groups.style.height = document.body.clientHeight - toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().height - pin_list.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"; if (opt.show_counter_groups) { document.querySelectorAll(".group").forEach(function(s){ let groupLabel = document.getElementById("_gte"+s.id); if (groupLabel) { groupLabel.textContent = (bggroups[s.id] ? 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tab.title : tab.url; let tHeader = t.childNodes[3]; let tTitle = tHeader.childNodes[1]; if (tab.status == "complete") { t.classList.remove("loading"); // change title tTitle.textContent = title; tHeader.title = title; tHeader.setAttribute("tabTitle", title); // compatibility with various Tab suspender extensions if (tab.favIconUrl != undefined && tab.favIconUrl.match("data:image/png;base64") != null) { tHeader.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + tab.favIconUrl + ")"; } else { // case for internal pages, favicons don't have access, but can be loaded from url if (tab.url.match("opera://|vivaldi://|browser://|chrome://|chrome-extension://") != null) { tHeader.style.backgroundImage = "url(chrome://favicon/" + tab.url + ")"; } else { // change favicon let img = new Image(); img.src = tab.favIconUrl; img.onload = function() { tHeader.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + tab.favIconUrl + ")"; }; img.onerror = function() { tHeader.style.backgroundImage = ((tab.url == "" || browserId == "F") ? "url(./theme/icon_empty.svg)" : ("url(chrome://favicon/" + tab.url + ")")); // "url(" + tab.url + ")" } } } } if (tab.status == "loading") { title = tab.title ? tab.title : caption_loading; t.classList.add("loading"); tHeader.style.backgroundImage = ""; tHeader.title = caption_loading; tHeader.setAttribute("tabTitle", caption_loading); tTitle.textContent = caption_loading; setTimeout(function() { if (document.getElementById(tab.id) != null) GetFaviconAndTitle(tab.id, addCounter); }, 1000); } if (addCounter && (opt.show_counter_tabs || opt.show_counter_tabs_hints)) { RefreshTabCounter(tabId); } } }); } } // refresh open closed trees states function RefreshExpandStates() { document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .folder").forEach(function(s){ if (s.childNodes[4].children.length == 0 && s.childNodes[5].children.length == 0) { s.classList.remove("o"); s.classList.remove("c"); } else { if (s.classList.contains("o") == false && s.classList.contains("c") == false) { s.classList.add("o"); } } }); document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .tab").forEach(function(s){ if (s.childNodes[4].children.length == 0) { s.classList.remove("o"); s.classList.remove("c"); } else { if (s.classList.contains("o") == false && s.classList.contains("c") == false) { s.classList.add("o"); } } }); } function RefreshCounters() { if (opt.show_counter_tabs || opt.show_counter_tabs_hints) { document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .tab").forEach(function(s){ let title = s.childNodes[3].getAttribute("tabTitle"); if (title != null) { s.childNodes[3].title = title; s.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].textContent =title; } }); document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .o.tab, #"+active_group+" .c.tab").forEach(function(s){ let title = s.childNodes[3].getAttribute("tabTitle"); if (opt.show_counter_tabs && title != null) { s.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].textContent = ("("+ document.querySelectorAll("[id='" + s.id + "'] .tab").length +") ") + title; } if (opt.show_counter_tabs_hints) { s.childNodes[3].title = ("("+ document.querySelectorAll("[id='" + s.id + "'] .tab").length +") ") + title; } }); document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .folder").forEach(function(s){ if (opt.show_counter_tabs && bgfolders[s.id]) { s.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].textContent = ("("+ document.querySelectorAll("[id='" + s.id + "'] .tab").length +") ") + bgfolders[s.id].name; } if (opt.show_counter_tabs_hints && bgfolders[s.id]) { s.childNodes[3].title = ("("+ document.querySelectorAll("[id='" + s.id + "'] .tab").length +") ") + bgfolders[s.id].name; } }); } } function RefreshTabCounter(tabId) { let t = document.getElementById(tabId); let title = t.childNodes[3].getAttribute("tabTitle"); if (t != null && title != null) { if (t.classList.contains("o") || t.classList.contains("c")) { if (opt.show_counter_tabs) { t.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].textContent = ("("+ document.querySelectorAll("[id='" + t.id + "'] .tab").length +") ") + title; } if (opt.show_counter_tabs_hints) { t.childNodes[3].title = ("("+ document.querySelectorAll("[id='" + t.id + "'] .tab").length +") ") + title; } } else { t.childNodes[3].title = title; t.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].textContent = title; } } }