// Copyright (c) 2017 kroppy. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license // that can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ // ********** TOOLBAR *************** // RESTORE LAST USED SEARCH TYPE (URL OR TITLE) IN TOOLBAR SEARCH function RestoreToolbarSearchFilter() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_search_filter", windowId: CurrentWindowId}, function(response) { let ButtonFilter = document.getElementById("button_filter_type"); if (response == "url") { ButtonFilter.classList.add("url"); ButtonFilter.classList.remove("title"); } else { ButtonFilter.classList.add("title"); ButtonFilter.classList.remove("url"); } }); } // RESTORE LAST ACTIVE SHELF (SEARCH, TOOLS, GROUPS, SESSION OR FOLDER) IN TOOLBAR function RestoreToolbarShelf() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "get_active_shelf", windowId: CurrentWindowId}, function(response) { let filterBox = document.getElementById("filter_box"); filterBox.setAttribute("placeholder", caption_searchbox); filterBox.style.opacity = "1"; document.querySelectorAll(".on").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.remove("on"); }); document.querySelectorAll(".toolbar_shelf").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.add("hidden"); }); if (response == "search" && document.getElementById("button_search") != null) { document.getElementById("toolbar_search").classList.remove("hidden"); document.getElementById("button_search").classList.add("on"); } if (response == "tools" && document.getElementById("button_tools") != null) { document.getElementById("toolbar_shelf_tools").classList.remove("hidden"); document.getElementById("button_tools").classList.add("on"); } if (response == "groups" && document.getElementById("button_groups") != null) { document.getElementById("toolbar_shelf_groups").classList.remove("hidden"); document.getElementById("button_groups").classList.add("on"); } if (response == "backup" && document.getElementById("button_backup") != null) { document.getElementById("toolbar_shelf_backup").classList.remove("hidden"); document.getElementById("button_backup").classList.add("on"); } if (response == "folders" && document.getElementById("button_folders") != null) { document.getElementById("toolbar_shelf_folders").classList.remove("hidden"); document.getElementById("button_folders").classList.add("on"); } if (browserId != "F") { chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(storage) { let bak1 = storage["windows_BAK1"] ? storage["windows_BAK1"] : []; let bak2 = storage["windows_BAK2"] ? storage["windows_BAK2"] : []; let bak3 = storage["windows_BAK3"] ? storage["windows_BAK3"] : []; if (bak1.length && document.getElementById("#button_load_bak1") != null) { document.getElementById("button_load_bak1").classList.remove("disabled"); } else { document.getElementById("button_load_bak1").classList.add("disabled"); } if (bak2.length && document.getElementById("#button_load_bak2") != null) { document.getElementById("button_load_bak2").classList.remove("disabled"); } else { document.getElementById("button_load_bak2").classList.add("disabled"); } if (bak3.length && document.getElementById("#button_load_bak3") != null) { document.getElementById("button_load_bak3").classList.remove("disabled"); } else { document.getElementById("button_load_bak3").classList.add("disabled"); } }); } RefreshGUI(); }); } // FUNCTION TO TOGGLE SHELFS AND SAVE IT function ShelfToggle(mousebutton, button, toolbarId, SendMessage) { if (mousebutton == 1) { if (button.classList.contains("on")) { document.querySelectorAll(".on").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.remove("on"); }); document.querySelectorAll(".toolbar_shelf").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.add("hidden"); }); } else { document.querySelectorAll(".toolbar_shelf:not(#"+toolbarId+")").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.add("hidden"); }); document.getElementById(toolbarId).classList.remove("hidden"); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "set_active_shelf", active_shelf: SendMessage, windowId: CurrentWindowId}); document.querySelectorAll(".on:not(#"+button.id+")").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.remove("on"); }); button.classList.add("on"); } RefreshGUI(); } } // ASSIGN MOUSE EVENTS FOR TOOLBAR BUTTONS, Buttons AND ToolbarShelfToggle, PARAMETERS DECIDE IF BUTTONS ARE CLICKABLE // IN OPTIONS PAGE - TOOLBAR BUTTONS SAMPLES, MUST NOT CALL FUNCTIONS ON CLICKS, BUT STILL SHELFS BUTTONS MUST TOGGLE AND MOREOVER ON CLICK AND NOT ON MOUSEDOWN THIS IS WHERE ToolbarShelfToggleClickType="Click" IS NECESSARY function SetToolbarEvents(CleanPreviousBindings, Buttons, ToolbarShelfToggle, ToolbarShelfToggleClickType) { let ClearSearch = document.getElementById("button_filter_clear"); let FilterBox = document.getElementById("filter_box"); if (ClearSearch != null && FilterBox != null) { if (CleanPreviousBindings) { FilterBox.removeEventListener("oninput", function(){}); ClearSearch.removeEventListener("onmousedown", function(){}); } if (Buttons) { // FILTER ON INPUT FilterBox.oninput = function(event) { FindTab(this.value); } // CLEAR FILTER BUTTON ClearSearch.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { this.style.opacity = "0"; this.style.opacity = "0"; this.setAttribute("title", ""); FindTab(""); } } } } document.querySelectorAll(".button").forEach(function(s){ if (CleanPreviousBindings) { s.removeEventListener("onmousedown", function(){}); s.removeEventListener("onclick", function(){}); s.removeEventListener("click", function(){}); } if (ToolbarShelfToggle) { if (s.id == "button_search") { s.addEventListener(ToolbarShelfToggleClickType, function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ShelfToggle(event.which, this, "toolbar_search", "search"); } }); } if (s.id == "button_tools") { s.addEventListener(ToolbarShelfToggleClickType, function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ShelfToggle(event.which, this, "toolbar_shelf_tools", "tools"); } }); } if (s.id == "button_groups") { s.addEventListener(ToolbarShelfToggleClickType, function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ShelfToggle(event.which, this, "toolbar_shelf_groups", "groups"); } }); } if (s.id == "button_backup") { s.addEventListener(ToolbarShelfToggleClickType, function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ShelfToggle(event.which, this, "toolbar_shelf_backup", "backup"); } }); } if (s.id == "button_folders") { s.addEventListener(ToolbarShelfToggleClickType, function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ShelfToggle(event.which, this, "toolbar_shelf_folders", "folders"); } }); } } if (Buttons) { // NEW TAB if (s.id == "button_new") { s.onclick = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { OpenNewTab(); } } s.onmousedown = function(event) { // DUPLICATE TAB if (event.which == 2) { event.preventDefault(); let activeTab = document.querySelector("#"+active_group+" .active_tab") != null ? document.querySelector("#"+active_group+" .active_tab") : document.querySelector(".pin.active_tab") != null ? document.querySelector(".pin.active_tab") : null; if (activeTab != null) { chrome.tabs.duplicate(parseInt(activeTab.id), function(tab) { setTimeout(function() { if (activeTab.nextSibling != null) { activeTab.parentNode.insertBefore(document.getElementById(tab.id), activeTab.nextSibling); } else { activeTab.parentNode.appendChild(document.getElementById(tab.id)); } RefreshExpandStates(); schedule_update_data++; RefreshCounters(); }, 300); }); } } // SCROLL TO TAB if (event.which == 3) { let activeTab = document.querySelector("#"+active_group+" .active_tab") != null ? document.querySelector("#"+active_group+" .active_tab") : document.querySelector(".pin.active_tab") != null ? document.querySelector(".pin.active_tab") : null; if (activeTab != null) { ScrollToTab(activeTab.id); } } } } // PIN TAB if (s.id == "button_pin") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { let Tabs = document.querySelectorAll(".pin.active_tab, .pin.selected_tab, #"+active_group+" .active_tab, #"+active_group+" .selected_tab"); Tabs.forEach(function(s){ chrome.tabs.update(parseInt(s.id), { pinned: Tabs[0].classList.contains("tab") }); }) } } } // VERTICAL TABS OPTIONS if (s.id == "button_options") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.tabs.create({url: "options.html"}); } } } // UNDO CLOSE if (s.id == "button_undo") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.sessions.getRecentlyClosed( null, function(sessions) { if (sessions.length > 0) { chrome.sessions.restore(null, function(restored) {}); } }); } } } // MOVE TAB TO NEW WINDOW (DETACH) if (s.id == "button_detach" || s.id == "button_move") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .selected_folder").length > 0){ let detach = GetSelectedFolders(); Detach(detach.TabsIds, detach.Folders); } else { let tabsArr = []; document.querySelectorAll(".pin.selected_tab, .pin.active_tab, #"+active_group+" .selected_tab, #"+active_group+" .active_tab").forEach(function(s){ tabsArr.push(parseInt(s.id)); if (s.childNodes[4].childNodes.length > 0) { document.querySelectorAll("#"+s.childNodes[4].id+" .tab").forEach(function(t){ tabsArr.push(parseInt(t.id)); }); } }); Detach(tabsArr); } } } } // SHOW/HIDE GROUPS TOOLBAR if (s.id == "button_groups_toolbar_hide") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { GroupsToolbarToggle(); } } } // GO TO PREVIOUS SEARCH RESULT if (s.id == "filter_search_go_prev") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { let filtered = document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .tab.filtered"); if (filtered.length > 0) { document.querySelectorAll(".highlighted_search").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.remove("highlighted_search"); }); if (SearchIndex == 0) { SearchIndex = filtered.length-1; } else { SearchIndex--; } filtered[SearchIndex].classList.add("highlighted_search"); ScrollToTab(filtered[SearchIndex].id); } } } } // GO TO NEXT SEARCH RESULT if (s.id == "filter_search_go_next") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { let filtered = document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .tab.filtered"); if (filtered.length > 0) { document.querySelectorAll(".highlighted_search").forEach(function(s){ s.classList.remove("highlighted_search"); }); if (SearchIndex == filtered.length-1) { SearchIndex = 0; } else { SearchIndex++; } filtered[SearchIndex].classList.add("highlighted_search"); ScrollToTab(filtered[SearchIndex].id); } } } } // NEW GROUP if (s.id == "button_new_group") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { AddNewGroup(); } } } // REMOVE GROUP if (s.id == "button_remove_group") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (active_group != "tab_list") { GroupRemove(active_group, event.shiftKey); } } } } // EDIT GROUP if (s.id == "button_edit_group") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (active_group != "tab_list") { ShowGroupEditWindow(active_group); } } } } // EXPORT GROUP if (s.id == "button_export_group") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ExportGroup(bggroups[active_group].name+".tt_group"); } } } // IMPORT GROUP if (s.id == "button_import_group") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { let inputFile = ShowOpenFileDialog("file_import_group", ".tt_group"); inputFile.onchange = function(event) { ImportGroup(); // this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } } } } // NEW FOLDER if (s.id == "button_new_folder") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { AddNewFolder(); } } } // RENAME FOLDER if (s.id == "button_edit_folder") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .selected_folder").length > 0) { ShowRenameFolderDialog(document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .selected_folder")[0].id); } } } } // REMOVE FOLDERS if (s.id == "button_remove_folder") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { document.querySelectorAll("#"+active_group+" .selected_folder").forEach(function(s){ RemoveFolder(s.id); }); } } } // DISCARD TABS if (s.id == "button_unload" || s.id == "button_discard") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (document.querySelectorAll(".pin.selected_tab:not(.active_tab), #"+active_group+" .selected_tab:not(.active_tab)").length > 0) { DiscardTabs( Array.prototype.map.call(document.querySelectorAll(".pin:not(.active_tab), #"+active_group+" .selected_tab:not(.active_tab)"), function(s){ return parseInt(s.id); }) ); } else { DiscardTabs( Array.prototype.map.call(document.querySelectorAll(".pin:not(.active_tab), .tab:not(.active_tab)"), function(s){ return parseInt(s.id); }) ); } } } } // IMPORT BACKUP if (s.id == "button_import_bak") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { let inputFile = ShowOpenFileDialog("file_import_backup", ".tt_session"); inputFile.onchange = function(event) { ImportSession(); // this.remove(); } } } } // EXPORT BACKUP if (s.id == "button_export_bak") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { ExportSession("Session.tt_session"); } } } // MERGE BACKUP if (s.id == "button_import_merge_bak") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { let inputFile = ShowOpenFileDialog("file_import_merge_backup", ".tt_session"); inputFile.onchange = function(event) { ImportMergeTabs(); // this.remove(); } } } } // CHANGE FILTERING TYPE if (s.id == "button_filter_type") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { if (this.classList.contains("url")) { this.classList.remove("url"); this.classList.add("title"); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "set_search_filter", search_filter: "title", windowId: CurrentWindowId}); } else { this.classList.remove("title"); this.classList.add("url"); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "set_search_filter", search_filter: "url", windowId: CurrentWindowId}); } FindTab(document.getElementById("filter_box").value); } } } // SORT TABS // if (s.id == "button_sort") { // s.onmousedown = function(event) { // if (event.which == 1) { // SortTabs(); // } // } // } // REPEAT SEARCH // if (s.id == "repeat_search") { // s.onmousedown = function(event) { // if (event.which == 1) { // FindTab(document.getElementById("filter_box").value); // } // } // } if (browserId != "F") { // BOOKMARKS if (s.id == "button_bookmarks") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://bookmarks/"}); } } } // DOWNLOADS if (s.id == "button_downloads") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://downloads/"}); } } } // HISTORY if (s.id == "button_history") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://history/"}); } } } // EXTENSIONS if (s.id == "button_extensions") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://extensions"}); } } } // SETTINGS if (s.id == "button_settings") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1) { chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://settings/"}); } } } // LOAD BACKUPS if (s.id == "button_load_bak1" || s.id == "button_load_bak2" || s.id == "button_load_bak3") { s.onmousedown = function(event) { if (event.which == 1 && this.classList.contains("disabled") == false) { let BakN = (this.id).substr(15); chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(items) { if (Object.keys(items["windows_BAK"+BakN]).length > 0) { chrome.storage.local.set({"windows": items["windows_BAK"+BakN]}); } if (Object.keys(items["tabs_BAK"+BakN]).length > 0) { chrome.storage.local.set({"tabs": items["tabs_BAK"+BakN]}); alert("Loaded backup"); } chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "reload"}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "reload_sidebar"}); location.reload(); }); } } } } } }); }