// Copyright (c) 2017 kroppy. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license // that can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// START BACKGROUND SCRIPT ///////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (browserId == "F") { setTimeout(function() { StartBackgroundListeners(); QuantumStart(0); }, 500); } else { StartBackgroundListeners(); ChromiumLoadTabs(0); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// BACKGROUND FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function pushlog(log) { b.debug.push(log); if (b.debug.length > 100) { b.debug.splice(0, 1); } console.log(log); b.schedule_save++; } function ReplaceParents(oldTabId, newTabId) { for (let tabId in b.tabs) { if (b.tabs[tabId].parent == oldTabId) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = newTabId; } } } async function DiscardTab(tabId) { let DiscardTimeout = 0; let Discard = setInterval(function() { chrome.tabs.get(tabId, function(tab) { if ((tab.favIconUrl != undefined && tab.favIconUrl != "" && tab.title != undefined && tab.title != "") || tab.status == "complete" || tab.audible) { chrome.tabs.discard(tab.id); clearInterval(Discard); } if (DiscardTimeout > 300) { clearInterval(Discard); } }); DiscardTimeout++; }, 2000); } async function DiscardWindow(windowId) { let DiscardTimeout = 0; let DiscardedTabs = 0; let Discard = setInterval(function() { chrome.windows.get(windowId, {populate: true}, function(w) { for (let i = 0; i < w.tabs.length; i++) { if (w.tabs[i].discarded == false && w.tabs[i].active == false) { if ((w.tabs[i].favIconUrl != undefined && w.tabs[i].favIconUrl != "" && w.tabs[i].title != undefined && w.tabs[i].title != "") || w.tabs[i].status == "complete" || tab.audible) { chrome.tabs.discard(w.tabs[i].id); DiscardedTabs++; } } } if (DiscardedTabs == w.tabs.length) { clearInterval(Discard); } }); if (DiscardTimeout > 300) { clearInterval(Discard); } DiscardTimeout++; }, 5000); } function GetTabGroupId(tabId, windowId) { let groupId = "tab_list"; if (tabId == undefined || windowId == undefined || b.windows[windowId] == undefined || b.tabs[tabId] == undefined) { return groupId; } let parent = b.tabs[tabId].parent; while (parent) { if (isNaN(parent) == false && b.tabs[parent]) { parent = b.tabs[parent].parent; } else { if (parent.match("tab_list|g_|f_") == null && b.tabs[parent]) { parent = b.tabs[parent].parent; } else { if (parent.match("f_") != null && b.windows[windowId].folders[parent]) { parent = b.windows[windowId].folders[parent].parent; } else { if (parent.match("pin_list|tab_list|g_") != null) { groupId = parent; parent = false; } else { parent = false; } } } } } return groupId; } function GetTabParents(tabId) { let Parents = []; if (tabId == undefined) { return Parents; } if (b.tabs[tabId] == undefined) { return Parents; } while (b.tabs[tabId].parent != "" && b.tabs[b.tabs[tabId].parent] != undefined) { if (b.tabs[b.tabs[tabId].parent]) { Parents.push(b.tabs[tabId].parent); } tabId = b.tabs[tabId].parent; } return Parents; } function GetChildren(parentId) { let Children = []; for (let tId in b.tabs) { if (b.tabs[tId].parent == parentId) { Children.push(parseInt(tId)); } } for (let i = 0; i < Children.length-1; i++) { for (let j = i+1; j < Children.length; j++) { if (b.tabs[Children[i]].index > b.tabs[Children[j]].index) { let swap = Children[i]; Children[i] = Children[j]; Children[j] = swap; } } } return Children; } function AppendTabToGroupOnRegexMatch(tabId, windowId, url) { let TabGroupId = GetTabGroupId(tabId, windowId); for (let i = 0; i < opt.tab_group_regexes.length; i++) { let regexPair = opt.tab_group_regexes[i]; if (url.match(regexPair[0])) { let groupId = FindGroupIdByName(regexPair[1], b.windows[windowId].groups); let groupName = regexPair[1]; if (groupId === null) { // no group let newGroupID = ""; while (newGroupID == "") { newGroupID = "g_"+GenerateRandomID(); for (let wId in b.windows) { for (let gId in b.windows[wId].groups) { console.log("check if group id exists"); if (gId == newGroupID) { newGroupID = ""; console.log("yup, redo"); } } } } groupId = newGroupID; b.windows[windowId].groups[groupId] = {id: groupId, index: 999, active_tab: 0, prev_active_tab: 0, active_tab_ttid: "", name: groupName, font: ""}; chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "append_group", groupId: groupId, group_name: groupName, font_color: "", windowId: windowId}); } if (TabGroupId != groupId && groupId != null) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = groupId; setTimeout(function() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "append_tab_to_group", tabId: tabId, groupId: groupId, windowId: windowId}); }, 100); } break; } } return b.tabs[tabId].parent; } function FindGroupIdByName(name, groups) { for (let groupId in groups) { if (!groups.hasOwnProperty(groupId)) { continue; } if (groups[groupId].name === name) { return groupId; } } return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// QUANTUM ////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function QuantumStart(retry) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ["normal"], populate: true}, function(w) { if (w[0].tabs.length == 1 && (w[0].tabs[0].url == "about:blank" || w[0].tabs[0].url == "about:sessionrestore")) { setTimeout(function() { QuantumStart(retry+1); }, 2000); } else { QuantumLoadTabs(0); if (retry > 0) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "reload_sidebar"}); } setTimeout(function() { b.schedule_save = 0; }, 2000); } }); } function QuantumLoadTabs(retry) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ["normal"], populate: true}, function(w) { chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(storage) { // LOAD PREFERENCES GetCurrentPreferences(storage); // CACHED COUNTS AND STUFF // let b.tt_ids = {}; let tabs_matched = 0; let tabs_count = 0; for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < w.length; wIndex++) { tabs_count += w[wIndex].tabs.length; } let lastWinId = w[w.length-1].id; let lastTabId = w[w.length-1].tabs[w[w.length-1].tabs.length-1].id; let WinCount = w.length; if (opt.debug == true) { if (storage.debug_log != undefined) { b.debug = storage.debug_log; } if (retry == 0) { pushlog("TreeTabs background start"); } } for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let winIndex = wIndex; let winId = w[winIndex].id; let tabsCount = w[winIndex].tabs.length; // LOAD TTID FROM FIREFOX GET WINDOW VALUE let win = Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getWindowValue(winId, "TTdata")).then(function(WindowData) { if (opt.skip_load == false && WindowData != undefined) { b.windows[winId] = Object.assign({}, WindowData); } else { QuantumAppendWinTTId(winId); } if (b.windows[winId].activeTabId == undefined) { // legacy b.windows[winId].activeTabId = [0,0]; // legacy } // legacy for (let tIndex = 0; tIndex < tabsCount; tIndex++) { let tab = w[winIndex].tabs[tIndex]; let tabIndex = tIndex; let tabId = w[winIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; let tabPinned = w[winIndex].tabs[tabIndex].pinned; if (tab.active) { b.windows[winId].activeTabId[0] = tabId; b.windows[winId].activeTabId[1] = tabId; } // LOAD TTID FROM FIREFOX GET TAB VALUE let tt_tab = Promise.resolve(browser.sessions.getTabValue(tabId, "TTdata")).then(function(TabData) { if (opt.skip_load == false && TabData != undefined) { b.tabs[tabId] = Object.assign({}, TabData); b.tt_ids[b.tabs[tabId].ttid] = tabId; tabs_matched++; } else { QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab); } // IF ON LAST TAB AND LAST WINDOW, START MATCHING LOADED DATA if (tabId == lastTabId && winId == lastWinId) { // OK, DONE, NOW REPLACE OLD PARENTS IDS WITH THIS SESSION IDS for (let ThisSessonTabId in b.tabs) { if (b.tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent_ttid != "" && b.tt_ids[b.tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent_ttid] != undefined) { b.tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent = b.tt_ids[b.tabs[ThisSessonTabId].parent_ttid]; } } // OK, SAME THING FOR ACTIVE TABS IN GROUPS for (let ThisSessonWinId in b.windows) { for (let group in b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups) { if (b.tt_ids[b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].active_tab_ttid] != undefined) { b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].active_tab = b.tt_ids[b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].active_tab_ttid]; } if (b.tt_ids[b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].prev_active_tab_ttid] != undefined) { b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].prev_active_tab = b.tt_ids[b.windows[ThisSessonWinId].groups[group].prev_active_tab_ttid]; } } } if (opt.debug){ pushlog("QuantumLoadTabs, retry: "+retry); pushlog("Current windows count is: "+w.length); pushlog("Current tabs count is: "+tabs_count); pushlog("Matching tabs: "+tabs_matched); pushlog("Current windows:"); pushlog(w); } // will try to find tabs for 3 times if (opt.skip_load == true || retry > 2 || (tabs_matched > tabs_count*0.5)) { b.running = true; QuantumAutoSaveData(); QuantumStartListeners(); delete DefaultToolbar; delete DefaultTheme; delete DefaultPreferences; } else { if (opt.debug){ pushlog("Attempt "+retry+" failed, matched tabs was below 50%"); } setTimeout(function() { QuantumLoadTabs(retry+1); }, 2000); } } }); } }); } }); }); } // save every second if there is anything to save obviously async function QuantumAutoSaveData() { setInterval(function() { if (b.schedule_save > 1) { b.schedule_save = 1; } if (b.running && b.schedule_save > 0 && Object.keys(b.tabs).length > 1) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(w) { let WinCount = w.length; for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let winId = w[wIndex].id; if (b.windows[winId] != undefined && b.windows[winId].ttid != undefined && b.windows[winId].group_bar != undefined && b.windows[winId].search_filter != undefined && b.windows[winId].active_shelf != undefined && b.windows[winId].active_group != undefined && b.windows[winId].groups != undefined && b.windows[winId].folders != undefined) { browser.sessions.setWindowValue(winId, "TTdata", b.windows[winId] ); } let TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (let tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { let tabId = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; if (b.tabs[tabId] != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].ttid != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].parent != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].index != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].expand != undefined) { browser.sessions.setTabValue( tabId, "TTdata", b.tabs[tabId] ); } } } b.schedule_save--; }); } if (opt.debug == true) { chrome.storage.local.set({debug_log: b.debug}); } }, 1000); } function QuantumGenerateNewWindowID() { let newID = ""; while (newID == "") { newID = "w_"+GenerateRandomID(); for (let wId in b.windows) { if (wId == newID) { newID = ""; } } } return newID; } function QuantumGenerateNewTabID() { let newID = ""; while (newID == "") { newID = "t_"+GenerateRandomID(); for (let tId in b.tabs) { if (tId == newID) { newID = ""; } } } return newID; } function QuantumAppendTabTTId(tab) { let NewTTTabId = QuantumGenerateNewTabID(); if (b.tabs[tab.id] != undefined) { b.tabs[tab.id].ttid = NewTTTabId; } else { b.tabs[tab.id] = {ttid: NewTTTabId, parent: (b.windows[tab.windowId] ? b.windows[tab.windowId].active_group : "tab_list"), parent_ttid: "", index: tab.index, expand: ""}; } b.tt_ids[NewTTTabId] = tab.id; return NewTTTabId; // if (b.schedule_save > 0) browser.sessions.setTabValue( tab.id, "TTdata", b.tabs[tab.id] ); } function QuantumAppendWinTTId(windowId) { let NewTTWindowId = QuantumGenerateNewWindowID(); if (b.windows[windowId] != undefined) { b.windows[windowId].ttid = NewTTWindowId; } else { b.windows[windowId] = {activeTabId: [0,0], ttid: NewTTWindowId, group_bar: opt.groups_toolbar_default, search_filter: "url", active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: {tab_list: {id: "tab_list", index: 0, active_tab: 0, active_tab_ttid: "", prev_active_tab: 0, prev_active_tab_ttid: "", name: labels.ungrouped_group, font: ""}}, folders: {}}; } // if (b.schedule_save > 0) browser.sessions.setWindowValue( windowId, "TTdata", b.windows[windowId] ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// CHROMIUM ///////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ChromiumLoadTabs(retry) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(w) { chrome.storage.local.get(null, function(storage) { // LOAD PREFERENCES GetCurrentPreferences(storage); // load tabs and windows from storage let refTabs = {}; let tabs_matched = 0; let w_count = storage.w_count ? storage.w_count : 0; let t_count = storage.t_count ? storage.t_count : 0; let LoadedWindows = storage.windows ? storage.windows : []; let LoadedTabs = storage.tabs ? storage.tabs : []; let CurrentTabsCount = 0; for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < w.length; wIndex++) { CurrentTabsCount += w[wIndex].tabs.length; } let bak = (1 + retry) <= 3 ? (1 + retry) : 3; if (opt.skip_load == false) { // if loaded tabs mismatch by 50%, then try to load back if (LoadedTabs.length < t_count*0.5) { LoadedTabs = storage["tabs_BAK"+bak] ? storage["tabs_BAK"+bak] : []; } // if loaded windows mismatch, then try to load back if (LoadedWindows.length < w_count) { LoadedWindows = storage["windows_BAK"+bak] ? storage["windows_BAK"+bak] : []; } } else { tabs_matched = CurrentTabsCount; } if (opt.debug == true) { if (storage.debug_log != undefined) { b.debug = storage.debug_log; } if (retry == 0) { pushlog("TreeTabs background start"); } } // CACHED COUNTS let WinCount = w.length; let LoadedWinCount = LoadedWindows.length; let LoadedTabsCount = LoadedTabs.length; for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { if (w[wIndex].tabs[0].url != "chrome://videopopout/") { // this is for opera for their extra video popup, which is weirdly queried as a "normal" window let winId = w[wIndex].id; let url1 = w[wIndex].tabs[0].url; let url2 = w[wIndex].tabs[w[wIndex].tabs.length-1].url; ChromiumAddWindowData(winId); if (opt.skip_load == false) { for (let LwIndex = 0; LwIndex < LoadedWinCount; LwIndex++) { if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url1 == url1 || LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url2 == url2) { if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].group_bar) { b.windows[winId].group_bar = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].group_bar; } if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].search_filter) { b.windows[winId].search_filter = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].search_filter; } if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_shelf) { b.windows[winId].active_shelf = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_shelf; } if (LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_group) { b.windows[winId].active_group = LoadedWindows[LwIndex].active_group; } if (Object.keys(LoadedWindows[LwIndex].groups).length > 0) { b.windows[winId].groups = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindows[LwIndex].groups); } if (Object.keys(LoadedWindows[LwIndex].folders).length > 0) { b.windows[winId].folders = Object.assign({}, LoadedWindows[LwIndex].folders); } LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url1 = ""; LoadedWindows[LwIndex].url2 = ""; break; } } } } } // add new hashes for current tabs for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (let tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { ChromiumHashURL(w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex]); if (w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].active) { b.windows[w[wIndex].id].activeTabId[0] = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; b.windows[w[wIndex].id].activeTabId[1] = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; } } } // compare saved tabs from storage to current session tabs, but can be skipped if set in options if (opt.skip_load == false && LoadedTabs.length > 0) { for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (let tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { for (let LtabIndex = 0; LtabIndex < LoadedTabsCount; LtabIndex++) { let tabId = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].hash == b.tabs[tabId].hash && refTabs[LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].id] == undefined) { refTabs[LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].id] = tabId; if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].parent) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].parent; } if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].index) { b.tabs[tabId].index = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].index; } if (LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].expand) { b.tabs[tabId].expand = LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].expand; } LoadedTabs[LtabIndex].hash = undefined; tabs_matched++; break; } } } } // replace parents tabIds for new ones, for that purpose refTabs was made before for (let tabId in b.tabs) { if (refTabs[b.tabs[tabId].parent] != undefined) { b.tabs[tabId].parent = refTabs[b.tabs[tabId].parent]; } } // replace active tab ids for each group using refTabs for (let windowId in b.windows) { for (let group in b.windows[windowId].groups) { if (refTabs[b.windows[windowId].groups[group].active_tab]) { b.windows[windowId].groups[group].active_tab = refTabs[b.windows[windowId].groups[group].active_tab]; } if (refTabs[b.windows[windowId].groups[group].prev_active_tab]) { b.windows[windowId].groups[group].prev_active_tab = refTabs[b.windows[windowId].groups[group].prev_active_tab]; } } } } if (opt.debug){ pushlog("ChromiumLoadTabs, retry: "+retry); pushlog("Current windows count is: "+w.length); pushlog("Saved windows count is: "+LoadedWindows.length); pushlog("Current tabs count is: "+CurrentTabsCount); pushlog("Loaded tabs count is: "+LoadedTabsCount); pushlog("Matching tabs: "+tabs_matched); pushlog("Current windows:"); pushlog(w); } // will loop trying to find tabs if (opt.skip_load || retry >= 5 || (tabs_matched > t_count*0.5)) { b.running = true; ChromiumAutoSaveData(0, 1000); ChromiumAutoSaveData(1, 300000); ChromiumAutoSaveData(2, 600000); ChromiumAutoSaveData(3, 1800000); ChromiumStartListeners(); delete DefaultToolbar; delete DefaultTheme; delete DefaultPreferences; b.schedule_save = -1; // 2 operations must be made to start saving data } else { if (opt.debug){ pushlog("Attempt "+retry+" failed, matched tabs was below 50%"); } setTimeout(function() { ChromiumLoadTabs(retry+1); }, 5000); } }); }); } async function ChromiumAutoSaveData(BAK, LoopTimer) { setInterval(function() { if (b.schedule_save > 1 || BAK > 0) { b.schedule_save = 1; } if (b.running && b.schedule_save > 0 && Object.keys(b.tabs).length > 1) { chrome.windows.getAll({windowTypes: ['normal'], populate: true}, function(w) { let WinCount = w.length; let t_count = 0; let counter = 0; let Windows = []; let Tabs = []; for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { t_count += w[wIndex].tabs.length; } for (let wIndex = 0; wIndex < WinCount; wIndex++) { let winId = w[wIndex].id; if (b.windows[winId] != undefined && b.windows[winId].group_bar != undefined && b.windows[winId].search_filter != undefined && b.windows[winId].active_shelf != undefined && b.windows[winId].active_group != undefined && b.windows[winId].groups != undefined && b.windows[winId].folders != undefined) { Windows.push({ url1: w[wIndex].tabs[0].url, url2: w[wIndex].tabs[w[wIndex].tabs.length-1].url, group_bar: b.windows[winId].group_bar, search_filter: b.windows[winId].search_filter, active_shelf: b.windows[winId].active_shelf, active_group: b.windows[winId].active_group, groups: b.windows[winId].groups, folders: b.windows[winId].folders }); } let TabsCount = w[wIndex].tabs.length; for (let tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < TabsCount; tabIndex++) { let tabId = w[wIndex].tabs[tabIndex].id; if (b.tabs[tabId] != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].hash != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].parent != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].index != undefined && b.tabs[tabId].expand != undefined) { Tabs.push({ id: tabId, hash: b.tabs[tabId].hash, parent: b.tabs[tabId].parent, index: b.tabs[tabId].index, expand: b.tabs[tabId].expand }); counter++; } } if (counter == t_count) { chrome.storage.local.set({t_count: t_count}); chrome.storage.local.set({w_count: WinCount}); if (BAK == 0) { chrome.storage.local.set({windows: Windows}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs: Tabs}); } if (BAK == 1) { chrome.storage.local.set({windows_BAK1: Windows}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs_BAK1: Tabs}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "backup_available", bak: 1}); } if (BAK == 2) { chrome.storage.local.set({windows_BAK2: Windows}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs_BAK2: Tabs}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "backup_available", bak: 2}); } if (BAK == 3) { chrome.storage.local.set({windows_BAK3: Windows}); chrome.storage.local.set({tabs_BAK3: Tabs}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "backup_available", bak: 3}); } } } b.schedule_save--; }); } if (opt.debug == true) { chrome.storage.local.set({debug_log: b.debug}); } }, LoopTimer); } function ChromiumAddWindowData(winId) { b.windows[winId] = {activeTabId: [0,0], group_bar: opt.groups_toolbar_default, search_filter: "url", active_shelf: "", active_group: "tab_list", groups: {tab_list: {id: "tab_list", index: 0, active_tab: 0, prev_active_tab: 0, name: labels.ungrouped_group, font: ""}}, folders: {}}; } function ChromiumHashURL(tab) { if (b.tabs[tab.id] == undefined) { b.tabs[tab.id] = {hash: 0, parent: tab.pinned ? "pin_list" : (b.windows[tab.windowId] ? b.windows[tab.windowId].active_group : "tab_list"), index: (Object.keys(b.tabs).length + 1), expand: "n"}; } let hash = 0; for (let charIndex = 0; charIndex < tab.url.length; charIndex++) { hash += tab.url.charCodeAt(charIndex); } b.tabs[tab.id].hash = hash; }