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1. shortcut to open TreeTabs Sidebar is now F1
2. log does not preserve any personal data (urls) for GDPR law
1. you can now drag&drop entire group to another window
2. tree structure is tracked in background (excluded closing tabs)
3. added alt+w shortcut to close a tree of tabs
4. creating folder will now prompt for a new name
5. search for *audible, *muted, *unloaded, *loaded tabs! Just write *audible in search box!
1. import window was not showing up
2. export group and export session had file extension in name
3. pin tree had bug in setting class
opt.promote_children_in_first_child true, to work from background! also for message.command == "tab_detached"
manager: add save/import/export window
discard on import group and import session
Shift + mouse scroll to switch between groups
unread tabs
line for children hierarchy (like at the beggining)
"undo close" as a possible action with middle click on empty space
return to the first tab with mousewheel when we are at the bottom list (loop) - "mousewheel scroll on the last tab allow to return to the first one"
mute icon config option (disable animation)
undo close to restore trees (will work ONLY in firefox)
Close tab on Middle mouse click and not On Middle mouse down
Split Pin size in theme
unread state?
Unread Tabs Color/Style
automatic different color for each tree
add groups scrolling arrows
add textbox for ungrouped name in options
option for scrollbar on the left
menu: copy urls of the selected tabs
menu: bookmark selected tabs/tree
menu: select all
menu: invert selection
menu: close above/close below
menu: Customising the context menu
menu: move to group
menu: Unload other
sort tabs/tree
maybe filter tabs on search
font size
double click on tab actions selection like double click to be able to expand child tab.
I want you to be able to display the tab number count on the right end
customizable menu
import session to unload tabs immediately
bind groups to FF containers
Give back group color (like it was before)
- When a pinned tab refreshes, it constantly blinks red. Suggest changing that to match Firefox's solid little blue indicator. It's less eye-catching (annoying) and more consistent.
folders collapsed by default or make this optional
when actived tab located in folder, all tabs operation related with creating new tab (such as clone of tab in folder, new tab) must work only in current folder.
separate option for close folder (close or promote children)
menu: unload tabs in folders
menu: unload tabs must close real FF tabs, but your tabs must markeds like unloads and stay in list.
Also all your tabs you can save in special folder of FF bookmarks and working from this place, where subdirs first level = groups for tab in left... Option for set base bookmark dir for addon can add to addon config.
Whilst themes are apparently available, i couldn't just grab one via a drop-down which would make it easier.
Accept BCH (BitcoinCash) donations as the FEES make it FAR more palatable to donate (a few cents vs a few dollars). I bet you're missing out on plenty of micro donations because Bitcoin fees are so high it's no longer micro, and ETH is too high too (though not as bad).
- I also support the suggestion of integrating Tree Tabs with Firefox sync. I definitely would have a great use for this possibility.
- Like many other commenters suggested, it would be wonderful to see some indication of the container a tab was opened in, if any. Getting an option to directly be able to chose to open a new tab in a container would also be very useful.
- add possibility open all tabs in folder in new left tab group with deleting this folder;
- for economy memory your tabs must to makings (html code) during activating left tab group or during unfold folders/trees;
- real FF tabs must creating and linking only after activate your tabs;