--- date: 2018-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 title: Coveralls author: lizheming tags: [ coverage, test, reporting, coveralls ] repo: lizheming/drone-coveralls logo: coveralls.svg image: lizheming/drone-coveralls --- This plugin can upload coverage reports to [Coveralls](https://coveralls.iio). The below pipeline configuration demonstrates simple usage: ```yaml steps: - name: test image: node:alpine commands: - npm install - npm run test -- --reporter=text-lcov > ./lcov.info - name: coveralls image: lizheming/drone-coveralls environment: COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN: from_secret: coveralls_token settings: files: - ./lcov.info ``` # Parameter Reference files : list of target files to upload. Required. corpid token : if you have not set environment `COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN`, you should set the private repository token. debug : debug mode, defaults to false.