#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e start_time=$(date +%s.%N) files="${FILES:-$PLUGIN_FILES}" echo "-- Pushing coverage to Coveralls.io..." # check coveralls token exist. if [[ -n $PLUGIN_TOKEN ]]; then COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=$PLUGIN_TOKEN fi if [[ -z $COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN ]]; then echo "-- Error: missing coveralls token" exit 1 fi vfiles="" for file in $(echo $files | tr -d '[[:space:]]' | tr "," "\n"); do if [[ -f $PWD/$file ]]; then vfiles="$vfiles -f $PWD/$file" echo "-- Sending $file to Coveralls.io --" eval 'cat $PWD/$file | coveralls' fi done token="-t $COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN" branch="" commit="" pr="" buildnum="" tag="" if [[ -n $DRONE_BRANCH ]]; then branch="-B $DRONE_BRANCH" fi if [[ -n $DRONE_COMMIT ]]; then commit="-C $DRONE_COMMIT" fi if [[ -n $DRONE_PULL_REQUEST ]]; then pr="-P $DRONE_PULL_REQUEST" fi if [[ -n $DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER ]]; then buildnum="-b $DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER" fi if [[ -n $DRONE_TAG ]]; then tag="-T $DRONE_TAG" fi if [[ $PLUGIN_DEBUG = "true" ]]; then echo "-- DEBUG: running following command..." echo "-- DEBUG: coveralls $token $vfiles $branch $commit $pr $buildnum $tag" fi end_time=$(date +%s.%N) echo "duration: $(echo "$end_time $start_titme" | awk '{printf "%f", $1 - $2}')s" if [[ $exitcode -eq 0 ]]; then echo "-- Coverage successfully pushed to Coveralls!" else echo "-- Coverage failed to push to Coveralls!" fi