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namespace Madeorsk\Forwarded;
use Madeorsk\Forwarded\Exceptions\EmptyNodeNameException;
use Madeorsk\Forwarded\Exceptions\NotIpAddressException;
* The class of an interface that emitted or received the request (by / for).
* It is defined in section 6 of RFC 7239.
* @see
class ForwardNode
* The raw node name.
* @var string
protected string $nodeName;
* The type of the node.
* @var ForwardNodeType
protected ForwardNodeType $nodeType;
* Create a new forward interface class from a raw node name.
* @param string $nodeName - The raw node name.
* @throws EmptyNodeNameException
public function __construct(string $nodeName)
* Set the node name.
* @param string $nodeName - The new node name.
* @return void
* @throws EmptyNodeNameException
public function setNodeName(string $nodeName): void
$this->nodeName = $nodeName;
// After setting the node name, we should update the current node type.
* Guess the node type based on the current node name.
* @return ForwardNodeType - The updated node type.
* @throws EmptyNodeNameException
protected function guessType(): ForwardNodeType
if (empty($this->nodeName)) throw new EmptyNodeNameException();
if ($this->nodeName[0] == "_")
// If the node name starts with '_', it is an obfuscated identifier:
$this->nodeType = ForwardNodeType::IDENTIFIER;
elseif ($this->nodeName == "unknown")
// If the node name is "unknown", it is a special node from an unknown interface:
$this->nodeType = ForwardNodeType::UNKNOWN;
elseif ($this->nodeName[0] == "[")
// If the node starts with '[', it is an IPV6:
$this->nodeType = ForwardNodeType::IPV6;
// If nothing was true, it can only be an IPV4.
$this->nodeType = ForwardNodeType::IPV4;
return $this->nodeType; // Returning the updated node type.
* Determine if the current node interface is an IP address.
* @return bool - True if it is an IP address, false otherwise.
public function isIP(): bool
return in_array($this->nodeType, [ForwardNodeType::IPV4, ForwardNodeType::IPV6]);
* Determine if the current node interface is an IPV4 address.
* @return bool - True if it is an IPV4 address, false otherwise.
public function isV4(): bool
return $this->nodeType == ForwardNodeType::IPV4;
* Determine if the current node interface is an IPV6 address.
* @return bool - True if it is an IPV6 address, false otherwise.
public function isV6(): bool
return $this->nodeType == ForwardNodeType::IPV6;
* Get the IP address from the node name.
* @return string - The IP address.
* @throws NotIpAddressException
public function getIp(): string
if ($this->isV4())
return $this->getIpv4();
if ($this->isV6())
return $this->getIpv6();
throw new NotIpAddressException($this->nodeName);
* Get the IPV4 address from the node name.
* @return string - The IPV4 address.
public function getIpv4(): string
// We try to find the port separator character.
$portSeparator = strrpos($this->nodeName, ":");
return $portSeparator !== false
// If there is a port separator character, we cut the string to keep only the IP address.
? substr($this->nodeName, 0, $portSeparator)
// If there is no port separator character, we can return the whole node name that should contain only the IP address.
: $this->nodeName;
* Get the IPV6 address from the node name.
* @return string - The IPV6 address.
public function getIpv6(): string
return substr($this->nodeName, 1,
// Finding the end of the IPV6 address. It is always enclosed in square brackets, according RFC 7239:
strrpos($this->nodeName, "]") - 1);
* Get the used port from the node name.
* @return int|null - The used port, if there is one specified.
public function getPort(): ?int
// We try to find the port separator character.
$portSeparator = strrpos($this->nodeName, ":",
// In an IPV6 address, the port separator can only be found after the end of the IP address (always enclosed in square brackets, according RFC 7239:
($ipv6EndPos = strrpos($this->nodeName, "]")) !== false ? $ipv6EndPos : 0);
// If we found a port separator, there is one and we can return it.
return $portSeparator !== false ? intval(substr($this->nodeName, $portSeparator + 1)) : null;
* Determine if the current node interface is unknown.
* @return bool - True if it is unknown, false otherwise.
public function isUnknown(): bool
return $this->nodeType == ForwardNodeType::UNKNOWN;
* Determine if the current node interface is an obfuscated identifier.
* @return bool - True if it is an obfuscated identifier, false otherwise.
public function isIdentifier(): bool
return $this->nodeType == ForwardNodeType::IDENTIFIER;
* Get the current obfuscated identifier without the leading '_'.
* @return string - The identifier, without the leading '_'.
public function getIdentifier(): string
return substr($this->nodeName, 1);