# Running a Calckey instance with Docker It is simple to run an instance of calckey with docker and docker-compose - you can be running your own *fedi* server in no time. ## Pre-built docker container [thatonecalculator/calckey](https://hub.docker.com/r/thatonecalculator/calckey) ## docker-compose You can find a `docker-compose.yml` file in the same folder as this `README`, along with a folder called `config` containing two **example** files needed to get the instance running: - config/docker.env (**db config settings**) - config/default.yml (**calckey instance settings**) ## configuring calckey Rename the files: `mv config/default_example.yml default.yml` `mv config/docker_example.env docker.env` then edit them according to your environment. You can configure `docker.env` with anything you like, but you will have to pay attention to the `default.yml` file: - `url` should be set to the URL you will be hosting the web interface for the instance at. - `host`, `db`, `user`, `pass` will have to be configured in the PostgreSQL configuration section - `host` is the name of the postgres container (eg: *calckey_db_1*), and the others should match your `docker.env`. - `host`will need to be configured in the *Redis configuration* section - it is the name of the redis container (eg: *calckey_redis_1*) Everything else can be left as-is; unless you are setting up elasticsearch. More on this below. ## Running docker-compose This will take some time. The [prebuilt container for calckey](https://hub.docker.com/r/thatonecalculator/calckey) is fairly large, and may take a few minutes to download and extract using docker. Copy `docker-compose.yml` and the `config/` to the directory from which you intend to run your instance, and then from that directory run the **docker-compose** command: `docker-compose up -d`. This will take some time to come fully online, even after download and extracting the container images, and it may emit some error messages before completing successfully. Specifically, the `db` container needs to initialize and so isn't available to the `web` container right away. Only once the `db` container comes online does the `web` container start building and initializing the calckey tables. Once the instance is up you can use a web browser to access the web interface at `http://serverip:3000` (where `serverip` is the IP of the server you are running the calckey instance on). ## Securing your instance with a reverse proxy On its own *calckey* serves itself with HTTP, and does not support SSL. In order to support encrypted connections via HTTPS - an absolute necessity if you intend to host an instance accessible from the public internet - you need to add a reverse proxy to your setup. ### Adding reverse proxy container Only [swag](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/swag) has been tested, but a similar setup should be possible with [caddy](https://hub.docker.com/_/caddy), or [traefik](https://hub.docker.com/_/traefik) or a bare metal `nginx` install. - Follow the instructions at [https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag) to set up a separate `swag` container. - Add a second shared external docker network for the `calckey` and `swag` containers to talk to each other, ensure both are connected to it via their respective `docker-compose.yml` files. - configure `/config/nginx/proxy-confs/calckey.subdomain.conf` with the following: ``` server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name yourdomain.whatever; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; include /config/nginx/resolver.conf; set $upstream_app calckey_web_1; set $upstream_port 3000; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } } ``` Note: Make sure you set `server_name` in the above to your domain, and `$upstream_app` to the name for your calckey container. Once you bring up both the `swag` reverse proxy container with the above configuration, and the `calckey` containers, you should be serving your instance and be able to browse to it at `https://yourdomain.whatever`. ## Enabling elasticsearch If you decide to enable `elasticsearch`, you can uncomment the configuration lines for it in the `docker-compose.yml`, but you will also need to configure the `Elasticsearch configuration` section of the `config/default.yml`. This is disabled by default, as it uses a great deal of server memory and can increase the load for your instance significantly. It is unlikely that you will need to enable this for a small server, and if you are running a giant server then you probably do not need this `README` to begin with. ## Enjoy being a fediverse server admin