/** * Module dependencies */ import $ from 'cafy'; import Reaction from '../../../models/post-reaction'; import Post, { pack as packPost } from '../../../models/post'; import { pack as packUser } from '../../../models/user'; import Watching from '../../../models/post-watching'; import notify from '../../../common/notify'; import watch from '../../../common/watch-post'; import { publishPostStream, pushSw } from '../../../event'; /** * React to a post * * @param {any} params * @param {any} user * @return {Promise} */ module.exports = (params, user) => new Promise(async (res, rej) => { // Get 'post_id' parameter const [postId, postIdErr] = $(params.post_id).id().$; if (postIdErr) return rej('invalid post_id param'); // Get 'reaction' parameter const [reaction, reactionErr] = $(params.reaction).string().or([ 'like', 'love', 'laugh', 'hmm', 'surprise', 'congrats', 'angry', 'confused', 'pudding' ]).$; if (reactionErr) return rej('invalid reaction param'); // Fetch reactee const post = await Post.findOne({ _id: postId }); if (post === null) { return rej('post not found'); } // Myself if (post.user_id.equals(user._id)) { return rej('cannot react to my post'); } // if already reacted const exist = await Reaction.findOne({ post_id: post._id, user_id: user._id, deleted_at: { $exists: false } }); if (exist !== null) { return rej('already reacted'); } // Create reaction await Reaction.insert({ created_at: new Date(), post_id: post._id, user_id: user._id, reaction: reaction }); // Send response res(); const inc = {}; inc[`reaction_counts.${reaction}`] = 1; // Increment reactions count await Post.update({ _id: post._id }, { $inc: inc }); publishPostStream(post._id, 'reacted'); // Notify notify(post.user_id, user._id, 'reaction', { post_id: post._id, reaction: reaction }); pushSw(post.user_id, 'reaction', { user: await packUser(user, post.user_id), post: await packPost(post, post.user_id), reaction: reaction }); // Fetch watchers Watching .find({ post_id: post._id, user_id: { $ne: user._id }, // 削除されたドキュメントは除く deleted_at: { $exists: false } }, { fields: { user_id: true } }) .then(watchers => { watchers.forEach(watcher => { notify(watcher.user_id, user._id, 'reaction', { post_id: post._id, reaction: reaction }); }); }); // この投稿をWatchする if (user.account.settings.auto_watch !== false) { watch(user._id, post); } });