import { URL } from "node:url"; import promiseLimit from "promise-limit"; import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { registerOrFetchInstanceDoc } from "@/services/register-or-fetch-instance-doc.js"; import type { Note } from "@/models/entities/note.js"; import { updateUsertags } from "@/services/update-hashtag.js"; import { Users, Instances, DriveFiles, Followings, UserProfiles, UserPublickeys, } from "@/models/index.js"; import type { IRemoteUser, CacheableUser } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import { User } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import type { Emoji } from "@/models/entities/emoji.js"; import { UserNotePining } from "@/models/entities/user-note-pining.js"; import { genId } from "@/misc/gen-id.js"; import { instanceChart, usersChart } from "@/services/chart/index.js"; import { UserPublickey } from "@/models/entities/user-publickey.js"; import { isDuplicateKeyValueError } from "@/misc/is-duplicate-key-value-error.js"; import { toPuny } from "@/misc/convert-host.js"; import { UserProfile } from "@/models/entities/user-profile.js"; import { toArray } from "@/prelude/array.js"; import { fetchInstanceMetadata } from "@/services/fetch-instance-metadata.js"; import { normalizeForSearch } from "@/misc/normalize-for-search.js"; import { truncate } from "@/misc/truncate.js"; import { StatusError } from "@/misc/fetch.js"; import { uriPersonCache } from "@/services/user-cache.js"; import { publishInternalEvent } from "@/services/stream.js"; import { db } from "@/db/postgre.js"; import { apLogger } from "../logger.js"; import { htmlToMfm } from "../misc/html-to-mfm.js"; import { fromHtml } from "../../../mfm/from-html.js"; import type { IActor, IObject, IApPropertyValue } from "../type.js"; import { isCollectionOrOrderedCollection, isCollection, getApId, getOneApHrefNullable, isPropertyValue, getApType, isActor, } from "../type.js"; import Resolver from "../resolver.js"; import { extractApHashtags } from "./tag.js"; import { resolveNote, extractEmojis } from "./note.js"; import { resolveImage } from "./image.js"; const logger = apLogger; const nameLength = 128; const summaryLength = 2048; /** * Validate and convert to actor object * @param x Fetched object * @param uri Fetch target URI */ function validateActor(x: IObject, uri: string): IActor { const expectHost = toPuny(new URL(uri).hostname); if (x == null) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: object is null"); } if (!isActor(x)) { throw new Error(`invalid Actor type '${x.type}'`); } if (!(typeof === "string" && > 0)) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: wrong id"); } if (!(typeof x.inbox === "string" && x.inbox.length > 0)) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: wrong inbox"); } if ( !( typeof x.preferredUsername === "string" && x.preferredUsername.length > 0 && x.preferredUsername.length <= 128 && /^\w([\w-.]*\w)?$/.test(x.preferredUsername) ) ) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: wrong username"); } // These fields are only informational, and some AP software allows these // fields to be very long. If they are too long, we cut them off. This way // we can at least see these users and their activities. if ( { if (!(typeof === "string" && > 0)) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: wrong name"); } = truncate(, nameLength); } if (x.summary) { if (!(typeof x.summary === "string" && x.summary.length > 0)) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: wrong summary"); } x.summary = truncate(x.summary, summaryLength); } const idHost = toPuny(new URL(!).hostname); if (idHost !== expectHost) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: id has different host"); } if (x.publicKey) { if (typeof !== "string") { throw new Error("invalid Actor: is not a string"); } const publicKeyIdHost = toPuny(new URL(; if (publicKeyIdHost !== expectHost) { throw new Error("invalid Actor: has different host"); } } return x; } /** * Fetch a Person. * * If the target Person is registered in Firefish, it will be returned. */ export async function fetchPerson( uri: string, resolver?: Resolver, ): Promise { if (typeof uri !== "string") throw new Error("uri is not string"); const cached = uriPersonCache.get(uri); if (cached) return cached; // Fetch from the database if the URI points to this server if (uri.startsWith(`${config.url}/`)) { const id = uri.split("/").pop(); const u = await Users.findOneBy({ id }); if (u) uriPersonCache.set(uri, u); return u; } //#region Returns if already registered with this server const exist = await Users.findOneBy({ uri }); if (exist) { uriPersonCache.set(uri, exist); return exist; } //#endregion return null; } /** * Create Person. */ export async function createPerson( uri: string, resolver?: Resolver, ): Promise { if (typeof uri !== "string") throw new Error("uri is not string"); if (uri.startsWith(config.url)) { throw new StatusError( "cannot resolve local user", 400, "cannot resolve local user", ); } if (resolver == null) resolver = new Resolver(); const object = (await resolver.resolve(uri)) as any; const person = validateActor(object, uri);`Creating the Person: ${}`); const host = toPuny(new URL(; const { fields } = analyzeAttachments(person.attachment || []); const tags = extractApHashtags(person.tag) .map((tag) => normalizeForSearch(tag)) .splice(0, 32); const isBot = getApType(object) !== "Person"; const bday = person["vcard:bday"]?.match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/); const url = getOneApHrefNullable(person.url); if (url && !url.startsWith("https://")) { throw new Error(`unexpected schema of person url: ${url}`); } let followersCount: number | undefined; if (typeof person.followers === "string") { try { let data = await fetch(person.followers, { headers: { Accept: "application/json" }, }); let json_data = JSON.parse(await data.text()); followersCount = json_data.totalItems; } catch { followersCount = undefined; } } let followingCount: number | undefined; if (typeof person.following === "string") { try { let data = await fetch(person.following, { headers: { Accept: "application/json" }, }); let json_data = JSON.parse(await data.text()); followingCount = json_data.totalItems; } catch (e) { followingCount = undefined; } } // Create user let user: IRemoteUser; try { // Start transaction await db.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => { user = (await new User({ id: genId(), avatarId: null, bannerId: null, createdAt: new Date(), lastFetchedAt: new Date(), name: truncate(, nameLength), isLocked: !!person.manuallyApprovesFollowers, movedToUri: person.movedTo, alsoKnownAs: person.alsoKnownAs, isExplorable: !!person.discoverable, username: person.preferredUsername, usernameLower: person.preferredUsername!.toLowerCase(), host, inbox: person.inbox, sharedInbox: person.sharedInbox || (person.endpoints ? person.endpoints.sharedInbox : undefined), followersUri: person.followers ? getApId(person.followers) : undefined, followersCount: followersCount !== undefined ? followersCount : person.followers && typeof person.followers !== "string" && isCollectionOrOrderedCollection(person.followers) ? person.followers.totalItems : undefined, followingCount: followingCount !== undefined ? followingCount : person.following && typeof person.following !== "string" && isCollectionOrOrderedCollection(person.following) ? person.following.totalItems : undefined, featured: person.featured ? getApId(person.featured) : undefined, uri:, tags, isBot, isCat: (person as any).isCat === true, }), )) as IRemoteUser; await new UserProfile({ userId:, description: person.summary ? htmlToMfm(truncate(person.summary, summaryLength), person.tag) : null, url: url, fields, birthday: bday ? bday[0] : null, location: person["vcard:Address"] || null, userHost: host, }), ); if (person.publicKey) { await new UserPublickey({ userId:, keyId:, keyPem: person.publicKey.publicKeyPem, }), ); } }); } catch (e) { // duplicate key error if (isDuplicateKeyValueError(e)) { // /users/@a => /users/:id Corresponds to an error that may occur when the input is an alias like const u = await Users.findOneBy({ uri:, }); if (u) { user = u as IRemoteUser; } else { throw new Error("already registered"); } } else { logger.error(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(e as string)); throw e; } } // Register host registerOrFetchInstanceDoc(host).then((i) => { Instances.increment({ id: }, "usersCount", 1); instanceChart.newUser(; fetchInstanceMetadata(i); }); usersChart.update(user!, true); // Hashtag update updateUsertags(user!, tags); //#region Fetch avatar and header image const [avatar, banner] = await Promise.all( [person.icon, person.image].map((img) => img == null ? Promise.resolve(null) : resolveImage(user!, img).catch(() => null), ), ); const avatarId = avatar ? : null; const bannerId = banner ? : null; await Users.update(user!.id, { avatarId, bannerId, }); user!.avatarId = avatarId; user!.bannerId = bannerId; //#endregion //#region Get custom emoji const emojis = await extractEmojis(person.tag || [], host).catch((e) => {`extractEmojis: ${e}`); return [] as Emoji[]; }); const emojiNames = =>; await Users.update(user!.id, { emojis: emojiNames, }); //#endregion await updateFeatured(user!.id, resolver).catch((err) => logger.error(err)); return user!; } /** * Update Person data from remote. * If the target Person is not registered in Firefish, it is ignored. * @param uri URI of Person * @param resolver Resolver * @param hint Hint of Person object (If this value is a valid Person, it is used for updating without Remote resolve) */ export async function updatePerson( uri: string, resolver?: Resolver | null, hint?: IObject, ): Promise { if (typeof uri !== "string") throw new Error("uri is not string"); // Skip if the URI points to this server if (uri.startsWith(`${config.url}/`)) { return; } //#region Already registered on this server? const exist = (await Users.findOneBy({ uri })) as IRemoteUser; if (exist == null) { return; } //#endregion if (resolver == null) resolver = new Resolver(); const object = hint || (await resolver.resolve(uri)); const person = validateActor(object, uri);`Updating the Person: ${}`); // Fetch avatar and header image const [avatar, banner] = await Promise.all( [person.icon, person.image].map((img) => img == null ? Promise.resolve(null) : resolveImage(exist, img).catch(() => null), ), ); // Custom pictogram acquisition const emojis = await extractEmojis(person.tag || [], (e) => {`extractEmojis: ${e}`); return [] as Emoji[]; }, ); const emojiNames = =>; const { fields } = analyzeAttachments(person.attachment || []); const tags = extractApHashtags(person.tag) .map((tag) => normalizeForSearch(tag)) .splice(0, 32); const bday = person["vcard:bday"]?.match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/); const url = getOneApHrefNullable(person.url); if (url && !url.startsWith("https://")) { throw new Error(`unexpected schema of person url: ${url}`); } let followersCount: number | undefined; if (typeof person.followers === "string") { try { let data = await fetch(person.followers, { headers: { Accept: "application/json" }, }); let json_data = JSON.parse(await data.text()); followersCount = json_data.totalItems; } catch { followersCount = undefined; } } let followingCount: number | undefined; if (typeof person.following === "string") { try { let data = await fetch(person.following, { headers: { Accept: "application/json" }, }); let json_data = JSON.parse(await data.text()); followingCount = json_data.totalItems; } catch { followingCount = undefined; } } const updates = { lastFetchedAt: new Date(), inbox: person.inbox, sharedInbox: person.sharedInbox || (person.endpoints ? person.endpoints.sharedInbox : undefined), followersUri: person.followers ? getApId(person.followers) : undefined, followersCount: followersCount !== undefined ? followersCount : person.followers && typeof person.followers !== "string" && isCollectionOrOrderedCollection(person.followers) ? person.followers.totalItems : undefined, followingCount: followingCount !== undefined ? followingCount : person.following && typeof person.following !== "string" && isCollectionOrOrderedCollection(person.following) ? person.following.totalItems : undefined, featured: person.featured, emojis: emojiNames, name: truncate(, nameLength), tags, isBot: getApType(object) !== "Person", isCat: (person as any).isCat === true, isLocked: !!person.manuallyApprovesFollowers, movedToUri: person.movedTo || null, alsoKnownAs: person.alsoKnownAs || null, isExplorable: !!person.discoverable, } as Partial; if (avatar) { updates.avatarId =; } if (banner) { updates.bannerId =; } // Update user await Users.update(, updates); if (person.publicKey) { await UserPublickeys.update( { userId: }, { keyId:, keyPem: person.publicKey.publicKeyPem, }, ); } await UserProfiles.update( { userId: }, { url: url, fields, description: person.summary ? htmlToMfm(truncate(person.summary, summaryLength), person.tag) : null, birthday: bday ? bday[0] : null, location: person["vcard:Address"] || null, }, ); publishInternalEvent("remoteUserUpdated", { id: }); // Hashtag Update updateUsertags(exist, tags); // If the user in question is a follower, followers will also be updated. await Followings.update( { followerId:, }, { followerSharedInbox: person.sharedInbox || (person.endpoints ? person.endpoints.sharedInbox : undefined), }, ); await updateFeatured(, resolver).catch((err) => logger.error(err)); } /** * Resolve Person. * * If the target person is registered in Firefish, it returns it; * otherwise, it fetches it from the remote server, registers it in Firefish, and returns it. */ export async function resolvePerson( uri: string, resolver?: Resolver, ): Promise { if (typeof uri !== "string") throw new Error("uri is not string"); //#region If already registered on this server, return it. const exist = await fetchPerson(uri); if (exist) { return exist; } //#endregion // Fetched from remote server and registered if (resolver == null) resolver = new Resolver(); return await createPerson(uri, resolver); } const services: { [x: string]: (id: string, username: string) => any; } = { "misskey:authentication:twitter": (userId, screenName) => ({ userId, screenName, }), "misskey:authentication:github": (id, login) => ({ id, login }), "misskey:authentication:discord": (id, name) => $discord(id, name), }; const $discord = (id: string, name: string) => { if (typeof name !== "string") { name = "unknown#0000"; } const [username, discriminator] = name.split("#"); return { id, username, discriminator }; }; function addService(target: { [x: string]: any }, source: IApPropertyValue) { const service = services[]; if (typeof source.value !== "string") { source.value = "unknown"; } const [id, username] = source.value.split("@"); if (service) { target[":")[2]] = service(id, username); } } export function analyzeAttachments( attachments: IObject | IObject[] | undefined, ) { const fields: { name: string; value: string; }[] = []; const services: { [x: string]: any } = {}; if (Array.isArray(attachments)) { for (const attachment of attachments.filter(isPropertyValue)) { if (isPropertyValue(attachment.identifier)) { addService(services, attachment.identifier); } else { fields.push({ name:, value: fromHtml(attachment.value), }); } } } return { fields, services }; } export async function updateFeatured(userId: User["id"], resolver?: Resolver) { const user = await Users.findOneByOrFail({ id: userId }); if (!Users.isRemoteUser(user)) return; if (!user.featured) return;`Updating the featured: ${user.uri}`); if (resolver == null) resolver = new Resolver(); // Resolve to (Ordered)Collection Object const collection = await resolver.resolveCollection(user.featured); if (!isCollectionOrOrderedCollection(collection)) throw new Error("Object is not Collection or OrderedCollection"); // Resolve to Object(may be Note) arrays const unresolvedItems = isCollection(collection) ? collection.items : collection.orderedItems; const items = await Promise.all( toArray(unresolvedItems).map((x) => resolver.resolve(x)), ); // Resolve and regist Notes const limit = promiseLimit(2); const featuredNotes = await Promise.all( items .filter((item) => getApType(item) === "Note") // TODO: Maybe it doesn't have to be a Note. .slice(0, 5) .map((item) => limit(() => resolveNote(item, resolver))), ); await db.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => { await transactionalEntityManager.delete(UserNotePining, { userId:, }); // For now, generate the id at a different time and maintain the order. let td = 0; for (const note of featuredNotes.filter((note) => note != null)) { td -= 1000; transactionalEntityManager.insert(UserNotePining, { id: genId(new Date( + td)), createdAt: new Date(), userId:, noteId: note!.id, }); } }); }