import * as ev from 'events'; import * as readline from 'readline'; import * as chalk from 'chalk'; /** * Progress bar */ class ProgressBar extends ev.EventEmitter { public max: number; public value: number; public text: string; private indicator: number; constructor(max: number, text: string = null) { super(); this.max = max; this.value = 0; this.text = text; this.indicator = 0; this.draw(); const iclock = setInterval(() => { this.indicator = (this.indicator + 1) % 4; this.draw(); }, 200); this.on('complete', () => { clearInterval(iclock); }); } public increment(): void { this.value++; this.draw(); // Check if it is fulfilled if (this.value === this.max) { this.indicator = null; cll(); process.stdout.write(`${this.render()} -> ${chalk.bold('Complete')}\n`); this.emit('complete'); } } public draw(): void { const str = this.render(); cll(); process.stdout.write(str); } private render(): string { const width = 30; const t = this.text ? this.text + ' ' : ''; const v = Math.floor((this.value / this.max) * width); const vs = new Array(v + 1).join('*'); const p = width - v; const ps = new Array(p + 1).join(' '); const percentage = Math.floor((this.value / this.max) * 100); const percentages = chalk.gray(`(${percentage}%)`); let i: string; switch (this.indicator) { case 0: i = '-'; break; case 1: i = '\\'; break; case 2: i = '|'; break; case 3: i = '/'; break; case null: i = '+'; break; } return `${i} ${t}[${vs}${ps}] ${this.value}/${this.max} ${percentages}`; } } export default ProgressBar; /** * Clear current line */ function cll(): void { readline.clearLine(process.stdout, 0); // Clear current text readline.cursorTo(process.stdout, 0, null); // Move cursor to the head of line }