import megalodon, { MegalodonInterface } from "megalodon"; import Router from "@koa/router"; import { koaBody } from "koa-body"; import { getClient } from "../ApiMastodonCompatibleService.js"; import bodyParser from "koa-bodyparser"; const readScope = [ "read:account", "read:drive", "read:blocks", "read:favorites", "read:following", "read:messaging", "read:mutes", "read:notifications", "read:reactions", "read:pages", "read:page-likes", "read:user-groups", "read:channels", "read:gallery", "read:gallery-likes", ]; const writeScope = [ "write:account", "write:drive", "write:blocks", "write:favorites", "write:following", "write:messaging", "write:mutes", "write:notes", "write:notifications", "write:reactions", "write:votes", "write:pages", "write:page-likes", "write:user-groups", "write:channels", "write:gallery", "write:gallery-likes", ]; export function apiAuthMastodon(router: Router): void {"/v1/apps", async (ctx) => { const BASE_URL = `${ctx.request.protocol}://${ctx.request.hostname}`; const client = getClient(BASE_URL, ""); const body: any = ctx.request.body || ctx.request.query; try { let scope = body.scopes; if (typeof scope === "string") scope = scope.split(" "); const pushScope = new Set(); for (const s of scope) { if (s.match(/^read/)) for (const r of readScope) pushScope.add(r); if (s.match(/^write/)) for (const r of writeScope) pushScope.add(r); } const scopeArr = Array.from(pushScope); const red = body.redirect_uris; const appData = await client.registerApp(body.client_name, { scopes: scopeArr, redirect_uris: red, website:, }); const returns = { id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100).toString(), name:, website:, redirect_uri: red, client_id: Buffer.from(appData.url || "").toString("base64"), client_secret: appData.clientSecret, }; console.log(returns); ctx.body = returns; } catch (e: any) { console.error(e); ctx.status = 401; ctx.body =; } }); }