import {Identifier, Model, Property, SNumeric, SString} from "@sharkitek/core"; import {WithRepository, SModelFromRepository} from "../src"; class A extends WithRepository("A")(Model) { @Property(SNumeric) @Identifier id: number = undefined; @Property(SString) foo: string = undefined; } class B extends Model { @Property(SNumeric) @Identifier id: number = undefined; @Property(SModelFromRepository(A)) a: A = undefined; } it("get the same object after two deserializations", () => { // First deserialization, that should store the A instance. const firstB = (new B()).deserialize({ id: 5, a: { id: 3, foo: "first", } }); // To check that the first instance of "A" is used, we change the value of "foo". If == "first", then the first object has been used. const secondB = (new B()).deserialize({ id: 7, a: { id: 3, foo: "second", } }); // `a` of `secondB` should be `a` of `firstB`. expect(secondB.a).toBe(firstB.a); // If something changes in A instance of firstB, // A instance of secondB should have the same modification (as it should be the same instance). = "test"; expect("test"); });