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2023-03-05 16:55:05 +01:00
use std::{fs, thread, vec};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Error}; //anyhow::Error::msg("My err");
use opencv::core::Mat;
use opencv::prelude::*;
use opencv::videoio::{VideoCapture, VideoWriter, CAP_ANY};
use crate::embedsource::EmbedSource;
use crate::settings::{Data, OutputMode, Settings};
use crate::timer::Timer;
//Get and write bytes from and to files. Start and end of app
//sounds cooler than og name (encode)
pub fn rip_bytes(path: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let byte_data = fs::read(path)?;
if byte_data.is_empty() {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Empty files cannot be embedded! File names are not retained, so it's pointless anyway"
println!("Bytes ripped succesfully");
println!("Byte length: {}", byte_data.len());
return Ok(byte_data);
pub fn rip_binary(byte_data: Vec<u8>) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<bool>> {
let mut binary_data: Vec<bool> = Vec::new();
for byte in byte_data {
//Returns binary but doesn't include all 8 bits if a number fits into less than 8.
let mut bits = format!("{:b}", byte);
let missing_0 = 8 - bits.len();
//Adding the missing 0's, could be faster
for _ in 0..missing_0 {
bits.insert(0, '0');
for bit in bits.chars() {
if bit == '1' {
} else {
println!("Binary ripped successfully");
// println!("Binary length: {}", binary_data.len());
return Ok(binary_data);
pub fn rip_binary_u32(bytes: Vec<u32>) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<bool>> {
let mut binary_data: Vec<bool> = Vec::new();
for byte in bytes {
let mut bits = format!("{:b}", byte);
let missing_0 = 32 - bits.len();
//Adding the missing 0's, could be faster
for _ in 0..missing_0 {
bits.insert(0, '0');
for bit in bits.chars() {
if bit == '1' {
} else {
return Ok(binary_data);
fn translate_u8(binary_data: Vec<bool>) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut buffer: Vec<bool> = Vec::new();
let mut byte_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
for bit in binary_data {
if buffer.len() == 8 {
//idk how this works but it does
let byte = buffer.iter().fold(0u8, |v, b| (v << 1) + (*b as u8));
return Ok(byte_data);
fn translate_u32(binary_data: Vec<bool>) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u32>> {
let mut buffer: Vec<bool> = Vec::new();
let mut byte_data: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();
for bit in binary_data {
if buffer.len() == 32 {
//idk how this works but it does
let u32_byte = buffer.iter().fold(0u32, |v, b| (v << 1) + (*b as u32));
return Ok(byte_data);
pub fn write_bytes(path: &str, data: Vec<u8>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
fs::write(path, data)?;
println!("File written successfully");
return Ok(());
//Returns average value of the pixel given size and location
fn get_pixel(frame: &EmbedSource, x: i32, y: i32) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let mut r_list: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut g_list: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut b_list: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..frame.size {
for j in 0..frame.size {
let bgr = frame
.at_2d::<opencv::core::Vec3b>(y + i, x + j)
//could reduce size of integers ?
//A hacked on solution, do better
let r_sum: usize = r_list.iter().map(|&x| x as usize).sum();
let r_average = r_sum / r_list.len();
let g_sum: usize = g_list.iter().map(|&x| x as usize).sum();
let g_average = g_sum / g_list.len();
let b_sum: usize = b_list.iter().map(|&x| x as usize).sum();
let b_average = b_sum / b_list.len();
//Potentially unnecessary conversion
let rgb_average = vec![r_average as u8, g_average as u8, b_average as u8];
// dbg!(&rgb_average);
return Some(rgb_average);
//Draws the pixels, exists so you can draw bigger blocks
fn etch_pixel(frame: &mut EmbedSource, rgb: Vec<u8>, x: i32, y: i32) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for i in 0..frame.size {
for j in 0..frame.size {
// dbg!(x, y);
let bgr = frame.image.at_2d_mut::<opencv::core::Vec3b>(y + i, x + j)?;
//Opencv devs are reptilians who believe in bgr
bgr[2] = rgb[0];
bgr[1] = rgb[1];
bgr[0] = rgb[2];
return Ok(());
fn etch_bw(
source: &mut EmbedSource,
data: &Vec<bool>,
global_index: &mut usize,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let _timer = Timer::new("Etching frame");
let width = source.actual_size.width;
let height = source.actual_size.height;
let size = source.size as usize;
for y in (0..height).step_by(size) {
for x in (0..width).step_by(size) {
let local_index = global_index.clone();
let brightness = if data[local_index] == true {
255 // 1
} else {
0 // 0
let rgb = vec![brightness, brightness, brightness];
//Actually embeds the data
etch_pixel(source, rgb, x, y).unwrap();
//Increment index so we move along the data
*global_index += 1;
if *global_index >= data.len() {
return Err(Error::msg("Index beyond data"));
return Ok(());
fn etch_color(
source: &mut EmbedSource,
data: &Vec<u8>,
global_index: &mut usize,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let _timer = Timer::new("Etching frame");
let width = source.actual_size.width;
let height = source.actual_size.height;
let size = source.size as usize;
for y in (0..height).step_by(size) {
for x in (0..width).step_by(size) {
let local_index = global_index.clone();
let rgb = vec![
data[local_index], //Red
data[local_index + 1], //Green
data[local_index + 2], //Blue
etch_pixel(source, rgb, x, y).unwrap();
//Increment index so we move along the data
*global_index += 3;
if *global_index + 2 >= data.len() {
return Err(Error::msg("Index beyond data"));
return Ok(());
fn read_bw(
source: &EmbedSource,
current_frame: i32,
final_frame: i32,
final_bit: i32,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<bool>> {
// let _timer = Timer::new("Dislodging frame");
let width = source.actual_size.width;
let height = source.actual_size.height;
let size = source.size as usize;
let mut binary_data: Vec<bool> = Vec::new();
for y in (0..height).step_by(size) {
for x in (0..width).step_by(size) {
let rgb = get_pixel(&source, x, y);
if rgb == None {
} else {
let rgb = rgb.unwrap();
if rgb[0] >= 127 {
} else {
//Cut off nasty bits at the end
if current_frame == final_frame {
let slice = binary_data[0..final_bit as usize].to_vec();
return Ok(slice);
// dbg!(binary_data.len());
return Ok(binary_data);
fn read_color(
source: &EmbedSource,
current_frame: i32,
final_frame: i32,
final_byte: i32,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
// let _timer = Timer::new("Dislodging frame");
let width = source.actual_size.width;
let height = source.actual_size.height;
let size = source.size as usize;
let mut byte_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
for y in (0..height).step_by(size) {
for x in (0..width).step_by(size) {
let rgb = get_pixel(&source, x, y);
if rgb == None {
} else {
let rgb = rgb.unwrap();
//Cut off nasty bits at the end
if current_frame == final_frame {
let slice = byte_data[0..final_byte as usize].to_vec();
return Ok(slice);
return Ok(byte_data);
Etched on first frame, always be wrtten in binary despite output mode
Output mode is the first byte
Size is constant 5
11111111 = Color (255), 00000000 = Binary(0),
Second byte will be the size of the pixels
FPS doesn't matter, but can add it anyways
Potentially add ending pointer so it doesn't make useless bytes
^^Currently implemented(?), unused
fn etch_instructions(settings: &Settings, data: &Data) -> anyhow::Result<EmbedSource> {
let instruction_size = 5;
let mut u32_instructions: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();
//calculating at what frame and pixel the file ends
let frame_size = (settings.height * settings.width) as usize;
//Adds the output mode to instructions
//Instead of putting entire size of file, add at which frame and pixel file ends
//Saves space on instruction frame
match data.out_mode {
OutputMode::Color => {
let frame_data_size = frame_size / settings.size.pow(2) as usize;
let final_byte = data.bytes.len() % frame_data_size;
let mut final_frame = data.bytes.len() / frame_data_size;
//In case of edge case where frame is right on the money
if data.bytes.len() % frame_size != 0 {
final_frame += 1;
u32_instructions.push(final_frame as u32);
u32_instructions.push(final_byte as u32);
OutputMode::Binary => {
let frame_data_size = frame_size / settings.size.pow(2) as usize;
let final_byte = data.binary.len() % frame_data_size;
let mut final_frame = data.binary.len() / frame_data_size;
//In case of edge case where frame is right on the money
if data.binary.len() % frame_size != 0 {
final_frame += 1;
u32_instructions.push(final_frame as u32);
u32_instructions.push(final_byte as u32);
u32_instructions.push(settings.size as u32);
u32_instructions.push(u32::MAX); //For some reason size not readable without this
let instruction_data = rip_binary_u32(u32_instructions)?;
let mut source = EmbedSource::new(instruction_size, settings.width, settings.height);
let mut index = 0;
match etch_bw(&mut source, &instruction_data, &mut index) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(_) => {
println!("Instructions written")
// highgui::named_window("window", WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)?;
// highgui::imshow("window", &source.image)?;
// highgui::wait_key(10000000)?;
// imwrite("src/out/test1.png", &source.image, &Vector::new())?;
return Ok(source);
fn read_instructions(
source: &EmbedSource,
threads: usize,
) -> anyhow::Result<(OutputMode, i32, i32, Settings)> {
let binary_data = read_bw(source, 0, 1, 0)?;
let u32_data = translate_u32(binary_data)?;
// dbg!(&u32_data);
let out_mode = u32_data[0];
let out_mode = match out_mode {
u32::MAX => OutputMode::Color,
_ => OutputMode::Binary,
let final_frame = u32_data[1] as i32;
let final_byte = u32_data[2] as i32;
let size = u32_data[3] as i32;
let height = source.frame_size.height;
let width = source.frame_size.width;
let settings = Settings::new(size, threads, 1337, width, height);
return Ok((out_mode, final_frame, final_byte, settings));
pub fn etch(path: &str, data: Data, settings: Settings) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let _timer = Timer::new("Etching video");
let mut spool = Vec::new();
match data.out_mode {
OutputMode::Color => {
let length = data.bytes.len();
//Required so that data is continuous between each thread
let frame_size = (settings.width * settings.height) as usize;
let frame_data_size = frame_size / settings.size.pow(2) as usize * 3;
let frame_length = length / frame_data_size;
let chunk_frame_size = (frame_length / settings.threads) + 1;
let chunk_data_size = chunk_frame_size * frame_data_size;
let chunks = data.bytes.chunks(chunk_data_size);
for chunk in chunks {
//source of perf loss ?
let chunk_copy = chunk.to_vec();
let thread = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut frames = Vec::new();
let mut index: usize = 0;
loop {
let mut source =
EmbedSource::new(settings.size, settings.width, settings.height);
match etch_color(&mut source, &chunk_copy, &mut index) {
Ok(_) => frames.push(source),
Err(_v) => {
println!("Embedding thread complete!");
return frames;
OutputMode::Binary => {
let length = data.binary.len();
//Required so that data is continuous between each thread
let frame_size = (settings.width * settings.height) as usize;
let frame_data_size = frame_size / settings.size.pow(2) as usize;
let frame_length = length / frame_data_size;
let chunk_frame_size = (frame_length / settings.threads) + 1;
let chunk_data_size = chunk_frame_size * frame_data_size;
let chunks = data.binary.chunks(chunk_data_size);
for chunk in chunks {
//source of perf loss ?
let chunk_copy = chunk.to_vec();
let thread = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut frames = Vec::new();
let mut index: usize = 0;
loop {
let mut source =
EmbedSource::new(settings.size, settings.width, settings.height);
match etch_bw(&mut source, &chunk_copy, &mut index) {
Ok(_) => frames.push(source),
Err(_v) => {
println!("Embedding thread complete!");
return frames;
let mut complete_frames = Vec::new();
let instructional_frame = etch_instructions(&settings, &data)?;
for thread in spool {
let frame_chunk = thread.join().unwrap();
//Mess around with lossless codecs, png seems fine
//Fourcc is a code for video codecs, trying to use a lossless one
let fourcc = VideoWriter::fourcc('p', 'n', 'g', ' ')?;
// let fourcc = VideoWriter::fourcc('j', 'p', 'e', 'g')?;
//Check if frame_size is flipped
let frame_size = complete_frames[1].frame_size;
let video = VideoWriter::new(path, fourcc, settings.fps, frame_size, true);
//Use different codec if png failed
let mut video = match video {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => {
let fourcc = VideoWriter::fourcc('a', 'v', 'c', '1')?;
VideoWriter::new(path, fourcc, settings.fps, frame_size, true)
.expect("Both png and avc1 codecs failed, please raise an issue on github")
//Putting them in vector might be slower
for frame in complete_frames {
let image = frame.image;
println!("Video embedded successfully at {}", path);
return Ok(());
pub fn read(path: &str, threads: usize) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let _timer = Timer::new("Dislodging frame");
let instruction_size = 5;
let mut video = VideoCapture::from_file(&path, CAP_ANY).expect("Could not open video path");
let mut frame = Mat::default();
//Could probably avoid cloning frame)?;
let instruction_source =
EmbedSource::from(frame.clone(), instruction_size, true).expect("Couldn't create instructions");
let (out_mode, final_frame, final_byte, settings) =
read_instructions(&instruction_source, threads)?;
let mut byte_data = Vec::new();
let mut current_frame = 1;
loop {
// let _timer = Timer::new("Reading frame (clone included)"); frame)?;
//If it reads an empty image, the video stopped
if frame.cols() == 0 {
if current_frame % 20 == 0 {
println!("On frame: {}", current_frame);
let source = EmbedSource::from(frame.clone(), settings.size, false).expect("Reading frame failed");
let frame_data = match out_mode {
OutputMode::Color => read_color(&source, current_frame, 99999999, final_byte).unwrap(),
OutputMode::Binary => {
let binary_data = read_bw(&source, current_frame, final_frame, final_byte).unwrap();
current_frame += 1;
println!("Video read successfully");
return Ok(byte_data);
//Uses literally all the RAM
// pub fn read(path: &str, threads: usize) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
// let _timer = Timer::new("Dislodging frame");
// let instruction_size = 5;
// let mut video = VideoCapture::from_file(&path, CAP_ANY)
// .expect("Could not open video path");
// let mut frame = Mat::default();
// //Could probably avoid cloning
// frame)?;
// let instruction_source = EmbedSource::from(frame.clone(), instruction_size);
// let (out_mode, final_frame, final_byte, settings) = read_instructions(&instruction_source, threads)?;
// let mut frames: Vec<Mat> = Vec::new();
// loop {
// // let _timer = Timer::new("Reading frame (clone included)");
// frame)?;
// //If it reads an empty image, the video stopped
// if frame.cols() == 0 {
// break;
// }
// frames.push(frame.clone());
// }
// //Required so that data is continuous between each thread
// let chunk_size = (frames.len() / settings.threads) + 1;
// let mut spool = Vec::new();
// let chunks = frames.chunks(chunk_size);
// //Can get rid of final_frame because of this
// for chunk in chunks {
// let chunk_copy = chunk.to_vec();
// //Checks if this is final thread
// let final_frame = if spool.len() == settings.threads - 1 {
// chunk_copy.len() as i32
// } else {
// -1
// };
// let thread = thread::spawn(move || {
// let mut byte_data = Vec::new();
// let mut current_frame = 1;
// for frame in chunk_copy {
// let source = EmbedSource::from(frame, settings.size);
// let frame_data = match out_mode {
// OutputMode::Color => {
// read_color(&source, current_frame, final_frame, final_byte).unwrap()
// },
// OutputMode::Binary => {
// let binary_data = read_bw(&source, current_frame, final_frame, final_byte).unwrap();
// translate_u8(binary_data).unwrap()
// }
// };
// current_frame += 1;
// byte_data.extend(frame_data);
// }
// println!("Dislodging thread complete!");
// return byte_data;
// });
// spool.push(thread);
// }
// let mut complete_data = Vec::new();
// for thread in spool {
// let byte_chunk = thread.join().unwrap();
// complete_data.extend(byte_chunk);
// }
// println!("Video read succesfully");
// return Ok(complete_data);
// }