These improvements apply to reading the list of URLs from the file supplied via the `--batch-file` (`-a`) command line option.
1. Skip blank and empty lines in the file. Currently, lines with leading whitespace are only skipped when that whitespace is followed by a comment character (`#`, `;`, or `]`). This means that empty lines and lines consisting only of whitespace are returned as (trimmed) empty strings in the list of URLs to process.
2. [bug fix] Detect and remove the Unicode BOM when the file descriptor is already decoding Unicode.
With Python 3, the `batch_fd` enumerator returns the lines of the file as Unicode. For UTF-8, this means that the raw BOM bytes from the file `\xef \xbb \xbf` show up converted into a single `\ufeff` character prefixed to the first enumerated text line.
This fix solves several buggy interactions between the presence of BOM, the skipping of comments and/or blank lines, and ensuring the list of URLs is consistently trimmed. For example, if the first line of the file is blank, the BOM is incorrectly returned as a URL standing alone. If the first line contains a URL, it will be prefixed with this unwanted single character--but note that its being there will have inhibited the proper trimming of any leading whitespace. Currently, the `UnicodeBOMIE` helper attempts to recover from some of these error cases, but this fix prevents the error from happening in the first place (at least on Python3). In any case, the `UnicodeBOMIE` approach is flawed, because it is clearly illogical for a BOM to appear in the (non-batch) URL(s) specified directly on the command line (and for that matter, on URLs *after the first line* of a batch list, also)
3. Having fixed `read_batch_urls` so that it more consistently enumerates only properly trimmed URLs, it can also do a quick on-the-fly elimination of exact duplicates (of course doing so without disturbing the order in which they are listed).
The end of the byte range is the first byte that is NOT part of the to
be downloaded range. So don't include it into the requested HTTP
download range, as this additional byte leads to a broken TS packet and
subsequently to e.g. visible video corruption.